#WeAreEmoryEPI: Dr. Alvaro Alonso

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Dr. Alvaro Alonso

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Happy Monday, everyone! This week, we heard from Dr. Alvaro Alonso, a faculty member in the EPI department. Read more about his background and work below!

Tell us a little about your academic history/where you went to school.
I obtained my medical degree and doctorate in epidemiology at the University of Navarra, in Spain. Afterwards I was in Boston for a few years doing postdoctoral research and then became faculty at the University of Minnesota, before coming to Emory in 2016.
What are your primary research interests?
I am a cardiovascular epidemiologist. My main area of interest is the epidemiology of atrial fibrillation, a common cardiac arrhythmia. I also conduct research on the connections between cardiovascular health and neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
How did you fall into the research that you are currently conducting?
I started working specifically on atrial fibrillation at the suggestion of one of my faculty mentors at the University of Minnesota, which helped me identify this topic as an area that needed more epidemiologic research.
Are there any exciting projects or manuscripts that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us? 
For a few years now, I have been working with collaborators in Spain on a project aiming to evaluate the effect of lifestyle changes and weight loss on changes in the heart than can help us prevent atrial fibrillation and other cardiovascular diseases.
What is your favorite part of being at Emory?
The people, particularly my colleagues in the department faculty.
Tell us about any classes that you’re teaching/have taught in the past. 
I teach EPI 537 Epidemiology of Chronic Disease every fall semester. This course discusses multiple non-communicable chronic diseases, with the main goal of learning how to apply epidemiologic concepts and methods to these conditions.
What advice do you have for students?
Take advantage of the multiple opportunities at Rollins to learn from the faculty and frequent guest speakers at the seminars offered across the school.
What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?
1. When I lived in Pamplona, I participated in the running of the bulls during the San Fermin festival.
2. I have a 2,244 day streak in Duolingo (and counting).
3. Whenever I am in Madrid (my hometown) for New Year’s, I like to run the San Silvestre Vallecana, a 10K race that takes place on New Year’s Eve and that has more than 40,000 participants.
How have you been spending your free time? 
I spend a fair amount of my free time with my two sons, which means running around to soccer practice and games, music classes, and Pokemon tournaments.
What is one place in Atlanta that you would recommend people to visit?
I am a big soccer fan and I strongly recommend going to an Atlanta United game at the Mercedes Benz Stadium if you haven’t done it.

Thank you, Dr. Alonso! Your experience is quite impressive (as are your fun facts!). First years, consider adding EPI 537 to your roster next semester. Stay tuned to see who we talk to next on #WeAreEmoryEPI! 

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