Category Archives: Student Opportunities

EPI 747 TA

Calling all Epi PhD students interested in working as a TA in the fall! The Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health has a TA opening that we would like to fill with an Epi PhD student. Please see below with more information regarding the course and application process.

Course Title  EHS/EPI 747: Advanced Environmental Epidemiology

Time – Wednesdays, 1:00 – 2:50pm

Hour and Pay – ~10 hours a week | 1st & 2nd Years – $15/hr; 3rd Year and Beyond – $18/hr

Course Description – Students will gain experience reading, evaluating, and interpreting epidemiologic studies on the health impact of workplace and environmental exposures. The course aims to strengthen each student’s ability to understand and interpret the epidemiological literature. These skills will be developed through class lectures, assigned readings, and case studies. Although most case studies require data analysis, the focus of the class is on conceptual issues common in environmental epidemiology rather than on applied statistics.

Interested applicants should email Dr. Kyle Steenland with a copy of their CV/Resume and a brief statement of interest.

Intramural Research Training Award Student Fellowships, Center for Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias

On behalf of the newly formed Center for Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias (CARD) ( at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), it is our pleasure to inform you about a unique training and career development opportunity. Under a new collaborative fellowship program developed by CARD, qualified candidates will receive a remunerated full-time position to work at CARD while completing coursework to earn a paid MPS degree through partnership between the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences at NIH (FAES) and UMBC.   CARD is seeking to recruit a diverse and inclusive candidate pool for several open Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Student fellowships across three cohorts. The program aims to increase representation and inclusivity in biomedical data science and train healthcare researchers to grow their data science skills, cultivating the next generation of data science and bioinformatics professionals at CARD. While working at CARD, fellowship awardees will gain foundational knowledge in data analysis and data management through the FAES-UMBC MPS program. The selected candidates will receive collaborative instruction and research performed at CARD with experts in the field. Fellows will have the opportunity to use and refine new skills working with real data curated at CARD. CARD is a collaborative effort and puts a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research. If you have undergraduates or recent graduates who may be interested in pursuing a MPS in data science while working at NIH, please share this opportunity with them. We invite you to publicize and post about this paid fellowship and share it with related organizations that may be interested in a unique career pathway in biomedical data science. Learn more at Cohort I Application Deadline: midnight May 2, 2022 (EDT) for the August 2022 semester start. For more information on the program, please review the recording of the Virtual Information Session (found herePlease direct questions to CARD staff via email to NIAcardcontact [at] nih [dot] gov 

Research Interns, American Cancer Society

Position Title: Research Interns

Department: Surveillance and Health Equity Science, Intramural Research


This research internship can fulfill the practicum and/or thesis requirement. The intern will participate in projects related to cancer health services research, learning skills for scientific research by conducting data analyses, presenting analytical results to both internal and external collaborators, drafting research proposals and manuscripts and performing other scientific activities under the supervision of senior researchers.


· Prepare and analyze data to evaluate cancer care, such as screening, treatment, and survivorship, monitor outcomes such as incidence, mortality and survival, and cancer risk factors; write, test, and submit computer programs in SAS, Stata, or R.

· Conduct literature reviews, assist in developing research proposals and IRB packages, as well as scientific writing.

· Prepare tables and figures for scientific presentations using Excel and/or PowerPoint.

· Potential to lead or co-lead a research project in cancer disparities for thesis work.


· REQUIRED: Data analysis experience. SAS, Stata, or R programming skills in a public health research environment. Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. Excellent organizational, interpersonal, and oral and written communication skills.

· PREFERRED: Familiarity with SAS-callable SUDAAN and SEER*Stat; experience in cancer epidemiological research.


· Remotely and/or American Cancer Society Office (TBD)


· ~15 hours/week Summer 2022; extendable to the following academia year.


· Please send your resume and cover letter to Breanna McKinnon at breanna [dot] mckinnon [at] cancer [dot] org

GRA Positions, Intervention Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Shared Resource at the Winship Cancer Institute

Job Title: Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) – Intervention Development, Dissemination, and Implementation

Hours per week: 12 – 15 hours/week

Schedule requirements/preferences:  Availability to work a consistent schedule during the week. 

Position Type: Part Time

Organization: Intervention Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Shared Resource

Operating Unit: Winship Shared Resources

Department: Winship Cancer Institute

Position Description: The Intervention Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Shared Resource seeks 1 part-time Graduate Research Assistants (12 – 15 hours/week). IDDI provides services to cancer researchers who are looking for support with behavioral science research methods. The GRA in this position will have the opportunity to work on a variety of cancer-related research projects across the cancer spectrum from primary prevention to survivorship. GRA will be involved in qualitative data analysis, conducting structured literature reviews, data collection and data entry, developing data collection instruments (e.g., surveys, focus group guides) or other project materials, preparing summaries and reports, and other duties to support research projects.

Background: IDDI’s mission is to provide Winship members with access to expertise in behavioral science research methods, and to support them in developing, testing, or disseminating behavioral, educational, and systems interventions to prevent cancer, detect cancer early, and/or improve survivorship among Georgia residents. The IDDI team builds on expertise within the Emory Prevention Research Center (EPRC) and the Department of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences, Rollins School of Public Health. Click here for more information about the IDDI core.

Minimum Qualifications: Highly motivated, efficient, organized, detail-oriented and interest or experience working on research, evaluation, or cancer prevention and control. Prior experience with qualitative data analysis (e.g., coding).

Preferred Qualifications: Prior work experience preferred. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Experience with Microsoft Office products. Experience with Excel, Access, online survey software, or SPSS a plus.

Compensation:  $15/hour

Start Date:  as early as May 9, 2022

Application Deadline: till position is filled

(Applications will be screened as they arrive; positions may be filled prior to this deadline.)

Contact Information: Send resume and cover letter by email to: 

Shaheen Rana, IDDI

shaheen [dot] rana [at] emory [dot] edu

Orientation Group Leaders

The Student Engagement Team and the RSPH Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team are recruiting Orientation Group Leaders, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Ambassadors, and Rollins-Teer Site Leaders. We invite all first-year students to volunteer for 1-2 of these roles. Additional information and the recruitment survey are below.

As we approach the Summer, the Rollins School of Public Health is already excited to welcome the Class of 2024. New Student Orientation 2022 will take place on Monday, August 15 – Friday, August 19,  and we need your help! The RSPH Student Engagement Team and the RSPH Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team invite you to volunteer for 1-2 of the following roles for New Student Orientation: 

  • Orientation Group Leader (up to 30 OGLs needed) 
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Ambassadors (up to 16 DEI Ambassadors needed) 
  • Rollins-Teer Site Leader (up to 140 Site Leaders needed) 

A complete list of roles, responsibilities, and time commitments may be found here, in the volunteer survey. If you are interested in volunteering for any of these roles, please complete this survey by Friday, April 22, 2022 at 11:59PM EST. Afterwards, the RSPH Student Engagement Team will be in touch with an update regarding your role(s).

APHA Statistics Section Student Competition

The American Public Health Statistics Section is accepting abstract submissions for student research poster and oral presentation sessions. Students wishing to be considered for these sessions should submit an abstract online through APHA abstract submission system by the abstract submission deadline (currently 4/30/2022), and fill out the competition form ( with a two-page summary or prospectus of research along with a letter from a faculty member attesting to the author’s student status by May 31, 2022. Information for submission of abstracts can be found at

When submitting your abstract, please submit it under the session “Student oral presentations” or “Student poster presentations”, even if it may be thematically related to other topics on the topic list. If a student abstract was submitted for oral presentation but is not accepted as an oral presentation, it will automatically be considered as a poster submission. All accepted student abstracts will be considered for the Student Research Competition. An award will be given for the Best Student Oral Presentation.  In order to be eligible for the student competition, you must be a student at the conference in October 2022 (those graduating in May/June 2022 are not eligible).

For questions, please contact Dr. Guang Xu (guangxu [at] marian [dot] edu) and Dr. Niloofar Ramezani (nramezan [at] gmu [dot] edu).

See the flyer linked below.

2022 APHA_APHS_student competition_v2

Summer Opportunity, GenTech

GenTech is looking to fill vacant Data Analyst position(s) from May – July 29, 2022 with the Birth Defects Monitoring Research Branch (BDMRB) at CDC. 

Specific projects:

      • create historic overview of BDMRB branch multiple project databases.
      • landscape analysis of public access databases at different CDC CIOs.
      • assess feasibility of public access data for BDMRB projects.


      • Self-motivated
      • Team player
      • Excellent communication skills
      • Experience working in data management or public health
      • Masters in public health, computer science or comparable experience


2.2.1    Review, clean, analyze the state birth defects and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) surveillance data.

2.2.2    Prepare and maintain human subjects, Institution Review Board (IRB), assurance of confidentiality and other human subjects protection documentation.

2.2.3    Work with Information Technology staff to establish, document, and facilitate data reporting mechanisms.

2.2.4    Establish a database variable structure for housing multi-state data submissions to CDC.

2.2.5    Develop and execute data quality control protocols to identify data issues.

2.2.6    Communicate with state birth defects surveillance systems to resolve data issues.

2.2.7    Prepare documentation of the multi-state birth defects and NAS surveillance databases including data dictionaries, file formats, and data cleaning procedures.

2.2.8    Identify program improvement opportunities and recommendations to increase the timeliness and accuracy of data.

2.2.9    Perform statistical analyses of data, e.g. prevalence ratios, trend analyses.

2.2.10  Generate files, reports and data tables, as needed.

2.2.11  Prepare written and oral reports of program improvement recommendations and analytic findings.


Interested candidates should contact Taylor Hunter, thunter [at] gentechassociates [dot] com.

Art Installation for Class of 2022

Second-year EPI and GLEPI students,

We are so looking forward to celebrating all that you have accomplished during your time at RSPH! Your cohort is particularly unique in that you are the first to have completed your MPH or MSPH entirely under pandemic conditions, and we are incredibly proud of your perseverance and dedication to the betterment of public health. 

One way that we would like to celebrate and commemorate your achievements is to create a permanent presence for you in our department, just as we did for the classes of 2020 and 2021. To this end, we are extending the opportunity for you to submit entries for an art installation to be hung in our department to commemorate EPI’s Class of 2022.

Submissions should be sent to sphepidept [at] emory [dot] edu by Tuesday, May 3. If you have a physical piece of artwork (e.g., something on paper or canvas), please let us know and we can arrange for you to drop it off. The selected artwork will be announced ahead of the RSPH Candidate Recognition Ceremony. 

While we know that this is a busy time, we hope that the opportunity to tap into your artistic side will be a welcome stress relieving activity for those who choose to create a submission. 

TAs Needed for Clinical Research Bootcamp

Our Health Services Research Center team is running a “Clinical Research Bootcamp 301” on Apr 22nd, 2022 for School of Medicine faculty and staff. The overarching goal of the workshop is to teach R- foundational skills that are immediately useful for researchers, using lessons and datasets that allow researchers to quickly apply what they have learned to their own work.

We are in need of a few graduate students (4-5 positions; 15$/hour, ~8am-4pm) to help out if learners run into problems or get stuck during the workshop. Helpers move around the room to answer questions and help learners work through installation problems, error messages, and unexpected output. You do not need to be an expert in the tools we are covering, just to have used one or more of them and be comfortable helping people troubleshoot. At this workshop, we plan to cover basic statistical concepts and corresponding coding in R such as tidyverse, tableone, and other valuable packages.

Interested students should reach out to Ram Jagannathan (ram [dot] jagannathan [at] emory [dot] edu) with a note of interest and description of experience with R programming.

See the pdf below to read more about the bootcamp and the schedule.

Clinical Research Bootcamp 301 Schedule

GRA Position, RSPH


The Georgia Cancer Registry (GCR) collects information on each new diagnosis of cancer within the state and contributes these data to two national population-based surveillance systems. The registry allows cancer prevention and control leaders in Georgia to follow cancer trends, identify cancer patterns within the state, prioritize resource utilization, and monitor state progress over time. The GCR is also a valuable resource for countless researchers and students across the nation. The registry serves as a sampling frame for recruiting patients to research studies, a linkage source for building enhanced research datasets, a resource for increasing clinical trial participation, and a rich dataset for research mining.

Position Description

The GCR currently supports numerous funded research studies.  A graduate research assistant is needed to assist with the day to day activities associated with patient recruitment activities affiliated with several of these studies.  Responsibilities of the position may include but are not limited to:

·         Preparing study recruitment packets to mail to eligible subjects

·         Reviewing surveys as they are returned for completeness

·         Scanning completed surveys and linking them to a research database

·         Tracing study subjects for mailing addresses and phone numbers

·         Conducting various data entry tasks

·         Generating basic descriptive statistics associated with recruitment progress

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about population-based cancer registries in the United States and how surveillance systems are used to support research.  This work is not eligible to be applied toward an APE.


Seeking a current MPH/MSPH student at RSPH who is in their first year. Looking for someone who is able to work over the Summer and ideally continue in the Fall when school resumes.  This position does require working from the office at RSPH.  Attention to detail and ability to work both independently and in a group are required.  The ideal candidate will have an interest in surveillance-based research.  Experience with Microsoft Access is desired but not required.


Compensation: $15.00/hour

Start Date: Immediately

Application deadline: April 10, 2022 (Applications will be screened as they arrive; position may be filled prior to this deadline.)

To apply, send a resume by email to:

       Kevin Ward, PhD – kward [at] emory [dot] edu

Upcoming Events

  • EGDRC Seminar - Ancestry-related Differences in Insulin Secretory Rate and Insulin Sensitivity February 25, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture; Zoom Online Location: ZoomEvent Type: Guest LectureSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Darko Stefanovski, PhDContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: talk by Darko Stefanovski, PhD, Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Pediatrics, Section Chief of Population Medicine, Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar February 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series Event Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics SeminarSpeaker: F. DuBois Bowman, PhDContact Name: Mercedes LewisContact Email: mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_1000 Richard M. Levinson PhD ClassroomExcellence in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series February 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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