Category Archives: APE/ILE

2024-2025 Science Communication Fellows, Emory Center for Infectious Disease Modeling & Analytics and Training Hub

Application Open: 2024-2025 Science Communication Fellows. This opportunity is a new initiative with the Emory Center for Infectious Disease Modeling & Analytics and Training Hub (CIDMATH). CIDMATH works with CDC and community partners to improve and innovate analytical and forecasting tools to inform public health knowledge, practice, and policy.The Science Communication Fellows will be responsible for creating communications about CIDMATH’s work in multiple formats and to a variety of audiences, both within and outside of Emory. This could include internal newsletters, brief reports, infographics, and more.
This is a paid position open to REAL and non-REAL students. The position is $15/hour with an expected time commitment of 10 hours/week for the 2024-2025 academic year (October-May) and with the option to extend through Summer 2025. This can also be an Applied Practice Experience (APE).
Applicants must be 1st or 2nd year Epidemiology students in the 2-year MPH/MSPH program. We are seeking 5 students who are flexible, creative, professional, and possess strong writing/communication skills.
The application closes at 5pm on Wednesday, September 18th.
Click here to apply.
If you have any questions, please contact Emi Grill at etgrill [at] emory [dot] edu

APE Opportunity – Mayor of Atlanta LGBTQ Advisory Board

Background:  The Atlanta LGBTQ+ community experience multiple disparities in regards to access to healthcare and health outcomes, especially within the Trans community.  Atlanta is often ranked top worst places in the United States to receive Trans healthcare services due to the high demand and low supply of healthcare providers who specialize in LGBTQ+ and especially Trans healthcare.  There is an urgent need to enhance the availability of qualified gender clinics and healthcare providers who provide culturally affirming care for the Trans community.

Job Description:  Conduct research on the lack of healthcare access for the Trans community within the city of Atlanta.  Build a business case to showcase the need for additional healthcare resources within the city of Atlanta.  Create an understanding of the problem for the city of Atlanta Mayor’s office and create a sense of urgency to advance health equity for the Trans community.  Available stipend:  $3500

  • Deliverables
    • Create a PowerPoint deck with a data-driven approach to identify key healthcare issues of the underserved Trans community in Atlanta.
    • Research Focus Areas
      • A lack of specific education and training for healthcare workers
      • A lack of surgeons to perform gender affirming surgery in the state of Georgia
      • A lack of clinical research on Trans health-related issues
      • Restrictive health benefits for Trans individuals
      • Trans people are less likely to have a regular health care provider
      • Discrimination from a healthcare provider leads to not receiving care at all
      • Georgia legislative policy affecting Trans healthcare
      • Established gender clinics at Vanderbilt University, Washington University in St. Louis, UC-Davis, UAB, Mount Sinai could provide key learnings and reference on how to build out gender affirming clinics
    • LGBTQ+ healthcare curriculum developed for healthcare professionals in Atlanta.  
  • Competencies
    • Design evidence-based and culturally relevant health promotion interventions.
    • Assess the Trans population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ access to healthcare
    • Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software
    • Apply ethical principles to public health research and practice

Trans Committee Health Co-Leads:  Nicole Williams & Jamie Harrell

Contact:  Nicole Williams, Email:  Nicole [dot] L [dot] Williams1 [at] gmail [dot] com  – Cell:  314-363-3471

Potential APE/Thesis Project

There is a project on rural health and healthcare-related transportation for Medicaid recipients. The goal is to improve rural health service access and improve healthcare provider accountability. 

Interested students can contact Dr. Judith Wold – EMAIL: judywold [at] mac [dot] com

Student Worksite Experience Program

We are looking to bring on a student for at least 4-6 months, at about 15-20 hours per week to support the team in reviewing and extracting data from journal articles for the meta-analysis (brief position description is below.) The position is remote but we can arrange for them to come into the office if that is preferable or easier for them.

Student will be responsible for reviewing and extracting data from research manuscripts regarding enteric adenovirus.  Individual data points for each abstract, such as number tested and number positive for adenovirus, will be entered into a REDCap database.  Student will gain an understanding of the epidemiology of enteric viruses, PRISMA meta-analysis methods, and REDCap.  This work will support a meta-analysis of the global prevalence of adenovirus and inform current research into a recent association of enteric adenovirus with severe pediatric hepatitis ( 

Contact Sara Mirza at smirza [at] cdc [dot] gov if interested.

See the MOU and program guide in the attachments below.





Research Interns, American Cancer Society

Position Title: Research Interns

Department: Surveillance and Health Equity Science, Intramural Research


This research internship can fulfill the practicum and/or thesis requirement. The intern will participate in projects related to cancer health services research, learning skills for scientific research by conducting data analyses, presenting analytical results to both internal and external collaborators, drafting research proposals and manuscripts and performing other scientific activities under the supervision of senior researchers.


· Prepare and analyze data to evaluate cancer care, such as screening, treatment, and survivorship, monitor outcomes such as incidence, mortality and survival, and cancer risk factors; write, test, and submit computer programs in SAS, Stata, or R.

· Conduct literature reviews, assist in developing research proposals and IRB packages, as well as scientific writing.

· Prepare tables and figures for scientific presentations using Excel and/or PowerPoint.

· Potential to lead or co-lead a research project in cancer disparities for thesis work.


· REQUIRED: Data analysis experience. SAS, Stata, or R programming skills in a public health research environment. Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. Excellent organizational, interpersonal, and oral and written communication skills.

· PREFERRED: Familiarity with SAS-callable SUDAAN and SEER*Stat; experience in cancer epidemiological research.


· Remotely and/or American Cancer Society Office (TBD)


· ~15 hours/week Summer 2022; extendable to the following academia year.


· Please send your resume and cover letter to Breanna McKinnon at breanna [dot] mckinnon [at] cancer [dot] org

APE Opportunities, CDC One Health Office

CDC’s One Health Office sits within in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) at CDC. The One Health Office is involved in both domestic and global health activities that help advance CDC’s mission to protect public health and prevent disease. CDC’s One Health Office recognizes that the health of people is connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. A One Health approach encourages collaborative efforts of many experts (like disease detectives, laboratorians, physicians, and veterinarians) working across human, animal, and environmental health sectors to improve the health of people and animals, including pets, livestock, and wildlife. CDC’s One Health Office is working on a variety of projects and collaborations both domestically and internationally. Students will have the opportunity to support the One Health Office in a variety of activities, but will be primarily responsible for one of the projects below.

All of these opportunities within CDC’s One Health Office are unpaid and voluntary-based. Opportunities are typically 40 hours/week (unless otherwise noted) from Monday to Friday and will most likely be fully virtual/telework, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students may be badged under the Student Worksite Experience Program (SWEP), if eligible.
If you are interested in applying to any of these One Health Office APE Opportunities, please send a cover letter and resume/CV to the One Health Office point of contact for each project. Please also include in your email subject line the name of the project you are applying for.

Cover letters and resumes/CVs will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are submitted. These opportunities will be filled as soon as possible.

See the pdf linked below for more information.

CDC One Health Office_Applied Practice Experience Opportunities_2022_distributed

Graduate Research Assistant, Emory Prevention Research Center

The Emory Prevention Research Center (EPRC) seeks one to two part-time Graduate Research Assistants (10-15 hours/week each) to work over the summer, with the possibility of continuing into the Fall. The position includes the opportunity to work on several EPRC projects: Communications/Dissemination, Training, and the BreatheEasy Georgia Homes Program (BreatheEasy). BreatheEasy promotes smoke-free housing by recognizing apartment communities in Georgia that adopt smoke-free policies. GRA tasks include developing infographics to communicate EPRC research in plain language for a broad audience, managing social media for the EPRC and BreatheEasy Program, including developing content, scheduling posts, and evaluating analytics. A GRA will also help to plan and host one to two EPRC Trainings for public health practitioners. Other Communications tasks include reviewing and assisting with the EPRC website and quarterly newsletter, and, in the Fall, assisting with EPRC research dissemination events. The GRA will also assist the BreatheEasy program manager in planning and hosting meetings for stakeholders across the state, developing educational content to promote smoke-free housing, and managing the BreatheEasy Recognition Program and website.

The EPRC conducts research and evaluation on chronic disease prevention and promotes evidence-based cancer prevention and control. The research and activities of the EPRC are planned with the participation and input of our community partners, in the spirit of community-based participatory research. Our cancer projects are funded by NCI and the CDC to promote the use of evidence-based cancer prevention practices. See for more information about the EPRC. Information about Healthy Homes Healthy Families 2-1-1 is available at

Minimum Qualifications: Highly motivated, efficient, organized, detail-oriented and interest or experience working on communications, research, evaluation, or cancer prevention and control. Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Preferred Qualifications: Prior work experience and desire to continue working through the Fall Semester preferred. Experience with social media campaigns and analytics; Clear Communication or Plain Language practices; graphic design; program coordination; website development; and the ability to write in Spanish. Experience with the following software is preferred: Social media platforms and analytics functions (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Hootsuite); Piktochart or Canva; Microsoft Office (esp. PowerPoint and Excel); Constant Contact. 

Please email cover letter and resume to Erin Lebow-Skelley erin [dot] lebow-skelley [at] emory [dot] edu

COVID-19 Outbreak Response Team

Apply to join Emory’s Outbreak Response Team as part of your Applied Practicum Experience (APE)!

This small team, which is part of the Emory COVID Response Collaborative (ECRC) and led by Dr. Jodie Guest, provides COVID-19 resources to communities in Georgia that are disproportionally affected by the pandemic. In the past, the ORT’s work has ranged from organizing and running COVID-19 testing and vaccination events to delivering masks to students through a school meal delivery program.

Applications for the ORT are due by February 21st at 11:59 PM EST.

You can apply here and learn more about the program here.

Global Field Experience

The Global Field Experience Financial Award (GFEFA) is a unique scholarship offered by the Rollins School of Public Health. GFE Financial Awards provide supplemental funding to support Rollins student summer field experiences in low- and middle-income countries. The scholarship was started to encourage students interested in global health to participate in supervised field training which will facilitate the transfer of classroom knowledge into practical experiences.

> View slides from 2022 GFEFA Info SessionView recording of GFEFA Info SessionView examples of previously funded Global Field Experiences.

The total amount of funding awarded each cycle will be based on availability of funds in a given year, the number of students who apply and the quality of the applications.

MSPH and MPH students from all departments are eligible to submit a proposal for a GFE Financial Award and must be enrolled at Rollins for the semester prior to their field experience to qualify for an award.

Students can apply to receive a GFE Financial Award after they have completed 9 hours at Rollins.To apply, students must develop and submit an application describing a project that is:

·         Well-defined, rational, and feasible

·         Integral to the student’s public health training

·         Of measurable value to the host organization/community, and

·         Based in a clearly articulated, mutually beneficial partnership

It is important to note that the GFE Financial Award on its own does not provide you with an Applied Practice Experience. Rollins School of Public Health has separate resources dedicated to Applied Practice Experience (APE).

GFEFA Student, Project and Site Eligibility and Exclusion Criteria


·         The GFEFA applications are open to RSPH MPH and MPSH students pursuing summer fieldwork, usually between their first and second years. GFEFA is not available to accelerated MPH students.

·         The field experience must be a minimum of six weeks but average field experiences are between 10 ‐ 12 weeks.

·         Students must be enrolled at RSPH or Emory for the semester following their field experience to qualify for a financial award (and to meet award requirements).


·         For the purposes of GFEFA, a field experience is defined as applying public health knowledge and skills in partnership with a community to advance the wellbeing of a population(s); this includes but is not limited to research projects.

·         Funding is not provided for student travel that can be categorized as medical- or public health-“tourism;” short term mission opportunities; or shadowing clinicians in settings abroad. Students are also warned not to fall prey to third-party companies that “sell” experiences in LMIC and call these APE even though they do not offer public health supervision nor a specific implementation/research partner. Such organizations often charge for a service such as tuition, enrollment or registration. If you are not sure if your site is eligible, please contact Dr. McFarland.

·         If a project will consist only of data analysis or lab-based work, the applicant will need to justify why those activities require a student to be in-country.


·         The review committee gives priority consideration to eligible fieldwork that takes place in low- and middle-income (LMIC) nations as defined by the World Bank or within indigenous regions, e.g. tribal designated statistical areas (TDSAs), land base or reservations.

·         Consideration will be given to projects in the United States and other high-income countries for specific projects related to underserved or marginal populations, e.g. refugee populations in Belgium, post-hurricane environmental data collection in Puerto Rico or Zika virus education and surveillance in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

·         The review committee will not consider applications to countries with a U.S. State Department Level 4 warning at the time of application. Should the risk of a project site escalate after funds are awarded, additional criteria may apply and there is a chance the trip may not occur at all. In addition, travel to all countries under trade or economic embargoes by the United States government (OFAC) and Afghanistan require a specific endorsement by Emory’s international insurance carrier.

·         There will be modified site eligibility in summer 2022

APE Opportunity, American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Host site: American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Practicum Description: Unique, innovative project focused on the intersect of clinical care and population health. Consists of partnership with health systems to support documentation of the emerging models used to deliver care utilizing intensive therapeutic lifestyle change.

The care delivery models are implemented in cohorts of patient, employee, or community-based populations, and the following information (at a minimum) is gathered for each implementation model:

• Model Title

• Program Location

• Summary Statement

• Background Facts

• Objective

• Program Design

• Outcome Measures

• Summary of Findings

• Program Limitations

• Implications for LM Practice

Practicum responsibilities may include any of the following:

• Introduce and describe the project

• Conduct in-depth interviews with health system leaders

• Make strategic decisions about where and how to follow up (some places whole series of conversations, possibly follow-up emails or interviews, administration)

• Manage creation of implementation brief documents

• Correct and revise drafts models in collaboration with health system leaders

• Collect and appropriately visualize outcomes data

• Contribute to the creation of the final implementation brief model

• Assist in write-up and editing/review of co-author text, potentially leading to co-authorship on publication(s)

Contact: email krystyna [dot] rastorguieva [at] emoryhealthcare [dot] org if interested


Host site: Emory Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness

Practicum Description: Production, editing and promotion of a weekly Emory podcast on health and wellness – The Whole Health Cure.

Specific tasks:

– Audio editing

– Episode preparation (notes, links, podcast art)

– Podcast hosting (currently on Simplecast, considering migration)

– Promotion of podcast on social media platforms (IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Youtube)

– Potential assistance with scheduling of recordings and tech support


– Advanced tech skills

– Audio editing

– Video/audioconferencing (zoom, zencastr)

– Social media skills, to help lead and grow podcast following on variety of platforms

– *We can provide training as needed, but need someone who can take initiative and is willing to learn

Benefits & perks:

– Networking with leaders of lifestyle medicine at Emory, nationally and internationally (the podcast is now in 128 countries, on 68 different platforms)

– Ability to grow your own social media presence

– Resume builder, and mentorship opportunity

– Perfect environment for someone interested in health, wellness and lifestyle medicine to learn about research, and connect with likeminded individuals

Contact: email krystyna [dot] rastorguieva [at] emoryhealthcare [dot] org if interested

Upcoming Events

  • Introduction to Cognitively-Based Compassion Training® October 30, 2024 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture Event Type: Guest LectureSeries: HR Professional Development Series: Fall 2024Contact Name: Jean MeierContact Email: jmeier2@emory.eduLink: workshop will give a brief introduction to CBCT® (Cognitively Based Compassion Training), a secular method for training compassion. This presentation will provide a primer to the longer course which is available from the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based…
  • Tricks and Treats with the Council, hosted by the RSPH Staff Council October 31, 2024 at 10:00 am – 11:30 am Networking and Special Event Event Type: Networking,Special EventContact Name: Staff CouncilContact Email: rsphstaffcouncil@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_8030 Lawrence P. &Ann Estes Klamon roomRSPH staff and post-docs are invited to join the RSPH Staff Council for a festive gathering featuring sweet treats and refreshments. Costumes are encouraged but not required.

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