Category Archives: Student Opportunities

2019 Public Health Ethics Forum, Abstracts due 3/15

Ethical Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Health

Friday, April 26, 2019

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Tom Harkin Global Communications Center

1600 Clifton Road, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30333 USA

Graduate Student Poster Contest

Call for Poster Abstracts

Submission deadline: March 15, 2019

Since 2015, the National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care at Tuskegee University and the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have co-hosted the annual Public Health Ethics Forum on CDC’s main campus. The initial forum commemorated the 100th anniversary of the creation of National Negro Health Week by Dr. Booker T. Washington – founding president of, then, Tuskegee Institute. This year, the forum will examine ethical issues that must address planning and implementing public health programs intending to improve health outcomes for children and adolescents – particularly among minority populations.

There are documented disparities in child and adolescent health, such as racial/ethnic disparities in the prevalence of pediatric obesity, cancer mortality rates, and injury deaths from motor vehicle crashes, firearms, and suffocation. Structural and other barriers contribute to these disparities, and perceived inaction to address them gives rise to public concerns of tolerance for largely preventable health inequities. The 2019 Public Health Ethics Forum will bring these and other structural ethical dilemmas to the forefront and will identify practical ways that public health practitioners can engage with other sectors to advance health equity for children and adolescents.

Students who are enrolled in graduate-level schools and programs with majors or concentrations in public health, public policy, education, criminal justice, social work, psychology and any major that provides a relevant frame for analyzing ethical issues for child and adolescent health are invited to submit an abstract describing research they are conducting and that can be presented in a poster format. The content of the abstract should focus on ethical issues that underlie the delivery of public health programs focused on children and adolescents who are members of minority populations. The abstract can focus on topics including, but not limited to, the following: contextual factors, SES, nutrition (e.g., food insecurity, access to healthy foods), factors in the social and physical environment that create barriers to healthy lifestyles and choices, cultural

influences, geography (rural vs. urban), generational change, social determinants of health (e.g., exposure to drugs, gangs, etc.), technology (e.g., the digital divide), access to health care, acceptance, surveillance, (mis)trust in providers and systems, fairness, as well as adverse childhood experiences. The abstract/poster content is not limited to initial or first time offerings and can include content previously presented at other local, state, or national conferences. Because of limited resources, CDC cannot provide the cost of travel and accommodations for participants who will be participating in the 2019 Public Health Ethics Forum. There will be no registration fees required for the summit activities. We are in the process of reserving a block of rooms at a hotel for forum participants.

Abstract Requirements

The abstract should be in MS Word, double-spaced, 12 point font Times New Roman. All abstracts must follow the structured format below:

* Background: Study objectives, hypothesis, or a description of the problem;

* Methodology: Study design, including a description of participants, procedures, measures, and appropriate statistical analyses;

* Results: Specific results in summary form; and

* Conclusions: Description of the main outcome of the study or the intended outcome with supporting data.

Abstracts are limited to a maximum of 275 words, including subheadings. Author(s) must provide 4 to 6 descriptive keywords. All abstracts will be peer reviewed and should be clearly written, well structured, error free, in an appropriate format, and formal scientific tone. Notification of the abstract review status will be sent by March 22, 2019. Ten (10) abstracts will be accepted for a poster presentation. Submission of an abstract is considered acknowledgement that if accepted, the author will register for and attend the 2019 Public Health Ethics Forum to present the poster. While faculty members and professionals may serve as advisors to the students as they are preparing their abstract/paper, faculty members and professionals may not serve as co-authors. We are asking that only students serve as authors and co-authors. CDC and Tuskegee University researchers and practitioners, as well as forum presenters and the top three poster abstract winners will be encouraged to submit a paper for publication in the Journal of Healthcare, Science and the Humanities.

Abstracts must be submitted as an email attachment to: keh2 [at] cdc [dot] gov by Friday, March 15, 2019 by 5:00 PM EST. Any questions related to the Call for Abstracts should be directed to Dr. Karen Bouye at keh2 [at] cdc [dot] gov or by phone at 770-488-8199.

Epi Mock Interview Wrap-up

We had a great EPI Mock Interview and Networking Night last month and heard from students that feedback about the S.T.A.R. Method of responding to questions was very helpful.

The S.T.A.R. Method is a way of answering resume-based interview questions that provides interviewers with clear, concrete and concise answers. Interview questions that are answered in the S.T.A.R. Method get to the heart of what a candidate ACTUALLY did in a previous work experience.

Use the S.T.A.R. Method to frame your responses to most behavioral-based interview questions:

Situation – Describe the situation in detail while being concise and straightforward. Make sure to give enough detail so that the interviewer can understand the situation at hand. Pretend you’re talking to a friend – don’t start in the middle of the story. And don’t assume they’ve read your resume.

Task – Detail what your task or obstacle was (even in a group setting).

Action – Detail what your actions were to complete the task or overcome the obstacle.

Result – Detail what the result of your action was and the outcome of the situation

For more information about interviewing, look at the Office of Career Development’s Interview Prep Guide.

Research Coordinator Position

Sumner Lab, University of California, Los Angeles

An experienced, independent, and highly organized individual is sought for a full-time Research Coordinator position in the Sumner laboratory at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Psychology Department, run by Jennifer Sumner, PhD. The position will begin in summer 2019 (ideally August). Our research examines how the experiences of stress and trauma relate to accelerated aging and risk for chronic disease. Most of our studies are focused on identifying the psychological and biological mechanisms linking stress and trauma with disease risk.

Under the supervision of Dr. Sumner, the individual in this position will be involved in managing an active research lab with several grants and participate in many aspects of the research process, including recruitment of research participants, development and maintenance of a database for participant recruitment and tracking, preparation and submission of IRB applications, data collection using a variety of modalities, supervision of volunteer research assistants, and data management. These duties will primarily focus on a study examining key dimensions of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in trauma-exposed individuals and how they relate to early markers of cardiovascular risk. Data collection for this research involves acquisition of psychophysiology and eye tracking data, along with assessments of trauma exposure, mental health, and cardiovascular health and biomarkers.

Duties and Responsibilities:

* Prepare and submit IRB applications

* Recruit participants

* Develop and maintain databases for participant recruitment and tracking

* Collect data from participants across multiple levels of analysis, including trauma exposure and mental health assessments, psychophysiology, eye tracking, and cardiovascular health assessments

* Oversee collection and storage of biological samples for biomarker assays

* Supervise a team of research assistants in data collection and data management

* Manage, clean, and organize data for analysis


* Bachelor’s degree in a relevant academic area (e.g., psychology, neuroscience)

* Experience working or volunteering in research lab settings

* Experience with data management and analysis is preferred

Please contact lab coordinator, Jacob Julian, for details on how to apply: jej11190 [at] gmail [dot] com

ORISE Fellowship

The Child Development Studies Team in the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities has an ORISE position open to applicants with an interest in children’s mental health, child development, and/or epidemiological data analyses using complex sample design, administrative claims, or longitudinal data.

Brief Description of Fellowship:

The selected candidate will train with the Child Development Studies Team on tasks related to children’s mental health and early childhood development. Training activities may include program implementation research on children’s mental health, neurodevelopment, and overall child development; development of research translation products and public health communication materials; and/or epidemiological analyses related to the diagnosis of children’s mental disorders, associated treatment, service utilization, and risk factors related to children’s mental health.

Earliest Start Date: April 2019

Application Deadline: March 18, 2019, 3 pm ET

For more information, please see position posting at

Please contact Jennifer Kaminski, PhD, Child Development Studies Team Lead, for additional information at: jkaminski [at] cdc [dot] gov.

School Nutrition Survey Data Analyst – Practicum

Job Description
Finalize content for Georgia School Nutrition Survey based on literature review and expert advisory committee feedback. Support implementation of survey and follow-up. Analyze data and prepare reports with key findings.
Apply via Handshake: # 2440865 School Nutrition Survey Data Analyst 

Early Childhood Education Program Evaluator, 3/18

Job Description
Providing evaluation and data analysis for Early Childhood Education center program to improve nutrition and physical activity of preK age children. Job duties include….work with HealthMPowers staff to manage survey data collection from child care staff and parents, assist in preparation of annual report to HealthMPowers, manage data cleaning, coding, data checks and analysis for assessment and survey data, may assist with additional quantitative and qualitative data collection efforts, assist with ongoing documentation of methodology, assist in the development of center and overall child care reports, including creating crafts, may assist with grant writing/funding opportunities, may assist with conducting analyses and writing a manuscript for peer-reveiw publication, maintain tableau dashboard and provide training/support to health educators as needed.
Apply via Handshake: #2440950 Early Childhood Education Program Evaluator

Field Interviewers

Emory University’s Policy Analysis Laboratory is seeking interviewers to support its evaluation of Atlanta Housing’s (formerly Atlanta Housing Authority) Moving to Work program, an initiative which attempts to create healthy mixed-income communities and self-sufficient families through a range of interconnected strategies. The opportunity is a short-term commitment, lasting from March through the end of June and involves field interviewers conducting on-site and in-home interviews with households receiving housing assistance through the Atlanta Housing Authority and other housing authorities in the greater Atlanta area. There is no cold-calling or sales involved, but rather field interviewers will be assigned to households who’ve expressed a willingness to participate. This is the third round of field research (initial interviews were conducted in Spring/Summer 2013 and 2015) and we will be interviewing those households who have indicated an interest in continuing to participate in the study.

Interviewers will be hired as independent consultants and will be compensated $50.00 per interview, inclusive of interview and travel time, mileage reimbursement, and administrative follow-up. It is anticipated that most interviews will be completed in an hour or less.

In order to participate, potential field interviewers must undergo training and complete an online research certification. Individuals with past experience conducting face-to-face surveys, particularly with individuals from low-income populations are especially encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email your resume to Dr. Michael Rich at mrich [at] emory [dot] edu and enter “Emory University MTW Project” in the subject line.

Field Interview Supervisor

JOB DESCRIPTION: Responsible for supervising a team of approximately 30-35 field research interviewers to ensure that the survey administration is conducted according to research protocol. Assists in the recruitment and selection of field interviewers as well as their orientation and training, and provides ongoing performance feedback based on quality control reviews of completed interviews. Maintains ongoing communication with all field researchers as well as with the principal investigator, co-principal investigator, and research coordinator. Performs related responsibilities as required. Reports to Research Administrative Coordinator.

ADDITIONAL JOB DETAILS: This is a part-time position (approximately 20-30 hours per week) with Emory’s Policy Analysis Laboratory running from mid-March through the end of July 2019. We are seeking a Field Interview Supervisor for a large field research project involving face-to-face interviews with 1,250 low- and moderate-income households receiving public housing assistance in the greater Atlanta area. The project will examine how the receipt of housing assistance and related social services aids low- and moderate -income persons and families in improving their quality of life and moving toward economic self-sufficiency. The Field Interview Supervisor will primarily be responsible for ensuring quality interviews, managing interviewer schedules and invoices, and maintaining records on giftcard receipts and consent forms.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree in a related social science field OR equivalent combination of experience, education, and training. Prefer candidates with previous field research experience.

SALARY: $20 – $25/hr based on experience and qualifications.

CONTACT: Please send inquiries and resume to Dr. Michael J. Rich, mrich [at] emory [dot] edu. *This is a Non-Exempt position. Employees in this position are paid an hourly pay rate, on a bi-weekly basis, and are eligible to receive overtime pay for any hours worked over 40 in a work week.

Research Administrative Coordinator

JOB DESCRIPTION: Primary duties include assisting in the management of administrative activities associated with a large field research project including coordinating routine activities associated with the project (e.g., recruitment of research subjects and scheduling of interviews, survey administration, quality control, and data entry) working closely with the principal investigator, co-principal investigator, field supervisor, field interviewers and research assistants to ensure that all facets of the research project remain on schedule. Ensures project is administered according to research protocol. May also conduct literature searches and assist with the preparation of research report. Supervises staff by orienting, training and giving them ongoing performance feedback. Performs related responsibilities as required. Reports to principal investigator.

ADDITIONAL JOB DETAILS: This is a part-time position (approximately 20 hours per week) with Emory’s Policy Analysis Laboratory running from March through July 2019. We are seeking a Research Coordinator for a large field research project involving face-to-face interviews with 1,250 low- and moderate-income households receiving public housing assistance in the greater Atlanta area. The project will examine how the receipt of housing assistance and related social services aids low- and moderate -income persons and families in improving their quality of life and moving toward economic self-sufficiency. The Research Coordinator will work onsite at Emory to oversee the staff responsible for interview scheduling, field coordination, and data entry to ensure that study participants are scheduled promptly, that data are entered accurately, and that data security is maintained.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree in a related social science field OR equivalent combination of experience, education, and training. Prefer candidates with a masters degree (or higher) and previous research experience.

SALARY: $20 – $25/hr based on experience and qualifications.

CONTACT: Please send inquiries and resume to Dr. Michael J. Rich, mrich [at] emory [dot] edu. *This is a Non-Exempt position. Employees in this position are paid an hourly pay rate, on a bi-weekly basis, and are eligible to receive overtime pay for any hours worked over 40 in a work week.

The American Mock World Health Organization (AMWHO), 4/5-7

The American Mock World Health Organization (AMWHO) is a nonprofit organization that hosts an annual conference simulation of the World Health Assembly. In our sixth year, the 2019 AMWHO International Conference theme is on “Breaking the Stigma: Sexual and Reproductive Health,” which will focus on developing creative solutions to health concerns involving four primary sub-themes: Maternal and Newborn Health, Adolescent Health, Middle Age and Elder Health, and Reproductive Health and Rights.

Students register to represent either a WHO Ambassador, NGO Representative, Media Correspondent, or UN Agency. In representing a role, students learn of the critical debate and policy-making tools necessary for a future career in global health policy. The conference simulation invites over 200 delegates from across the country and world to discuss policies regarding improving sexual and reproductive health outcomes in the six WHO regions, and will offer networking opportunities with professionals from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. March 8th is the deadline for registering; for more information, please review the below details:

Registration Details
Location: Atlanta, GA at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Dates: April 5-7th, 2019
Registration Fees: Regular registration is $65 until March 8th, and Late registration is $75 from March 9-22nd
Registration click HERE

Regular registration ends on March 8th and spots are filling up fast, so register soon! Questions or concerns? Please email general [at] amwho [dot] org.

Upcoming Events

  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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