APHA/Stata Scholar Student Research Competition, Applied Public Health Statistics Section
Category : Student Opportunities
Eligibility: A student in a degree program who is a member of the Applied Public Health Statistics Section of APHA or becomes a member before the APHA Annual Meeting 2025.
To Enter:
- Submit an online paper abstract to APHS (by March 28, 2025), AND
- Submit a two-page summary or prospectus of research AND a letter from a faculty member attesting to the author’s student status by May 31, to zhen [dot] zhang [at] jsums [dot] edu and shuying [dot] sha [at] louisville [dot] edu
Finalists will receive $600 for expenses and free copies of Stata.
For more information, visit the webpage linked here or contact Dr. Zhang (zhen [dot] zhang [at] jsums [dot] edu), Dr. Sha (shuying [dot] sha [at] louisville [dot] edu)