Category Archives: Student Opportunities

Call for abstracts: Community Engagement Research Forum, 4/26

Submit an abstract for the Georgia Clinical And Translational Science Alliance (GACTSA). The Forum will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2019. Additional information can be found in the flier above.

ATTENTION: Global APE & Global Field Experience Finical Award (GFEFA)

Students planning to do a Global APE or apply to the Global Field Experience Finical Award are required to complete the Pre-Departure Saftey and Security Course in canvas!

Epidemiology Mock Interviews-2nd Years, 2/28

Second-year Epidemiology students, register for the Epidemiology Mock Interview Night to practice interviewing with public health professionals on 2/28.


First Year Informational Thesis Meeting, 2/20

Want to know more about thesis? Come to the Epidemiology Department’s informational meeting on Wednesday, February 20 to learn more.

Graduate Research Assistant – Research, 2/12

Hours per week: 10-12 hours/week

Position Type: Part Time

Organization: Rollins School of Public Health

Operating Unit: Rollins School of Public Health

Department: Behavioral Sciences and Health Education

Position Description: This faculty member seeks to hire a Graduate Research Assistant for federally funded cancer related projects. Primary responsibilities may include:

* Literature review and survey development

* Develop online data collection instruments

* Data collection (i.e. telephone-based interviews) and data entry

* Assist with administrative research tasks (i.e., research related mailings)

* Assist with mixed methods data analyses

* Other tasks may include: attend research meetings and assist in report and manuscript writing.

Background: Many evidence-based interventions (EBIs) exist; however, their adoption and implementation in clinical and community setting is not optimal. Capacity building and active dissemination are required to enhance their update. The cancer-related studies that the GRA would be working on seek to build capacity among health professionals in the areas of use of EBIs and program adaptation. The main project will package, evaluate and disseminate an educational and electronic personal health record for pediatric cancer survivors (SurvivorLink) among pediatric cancer centers.

Minimum Qualifications: Highly motivated, efficient, organized, detail-oriented and interested in or experience working on research projects. Preferred Qualifications: Prior work experience and research preferred. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Experience with Microsoft Office products and databases, especially Excel and Access, and online surveys. Experience with SPSS or SAS preferred.

Compensation: $12/hour.

Start Date: as early as Feb. 11, 2018

Application Deadline: Feb. 12, 2018

(Applications will be screened as they arrive; positions may be filled prior to this deadline.)

Contact Information: Send resume and cover letter by email to:

Cam Escoffery, PhD, MPH, CHES, cescoff [at] emory [dot] edu

Associate Professor

Rollins School of Public Health

Hallie Udelson, MPH, CHES, hudelso [at] emory [dot] edu

Public Health Program Associate

Rollins School of Public Health

Global Field Experience, due 2/21

Apply for Global Field Experience funding by February 21.

Emory Resources for Data Management & Thesis

Emory University Libraries staff in the Scholarly Communications Office have a great lineup of helpful instruction for the spring semester. See below for descriptions of the offerings and then go to this site to pick your date and location and register. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Data Management Series: three different sessions at multiple times

Intro to Data Management

Audience: faculty, grads, and undergrads; one session at multiple times

Learn about managing your research data at Emory. Where should you save your data, how should you organize your files, what’s a data management plan and why should you have one for your project?

Documenting Data

Audience: faculty, grads, and undergrads; one session at multiple times

Learn about documenting the data produced in your research. What’s a file naming convention, should you file or pile your digital data, and when do you need to README?

Sharing Data

Audience: faculty, grads, and undergrads; one session at multiple times

Learn how to responsibly share research data. How do you select a data repository, what are the steps to deposit data, and where can you get help preparing data to share?

Copyright & Your Electronic Thesis or Dissertation

Audience: undergrads and grads, one session at multiple times

Will your thesis or dissertation raise copyright issues?  Learn about navigating copyright and author rights in a digital environment! The workshops will answer questions like …

  • Everyone quotes the work of other scholars in their dissertation. As long as the quotes are acknowledged, does this ever raise copyright issues?
  • I found a photo online on a website. Can I include it in my dissertation since everything’s free on the internet?
  • Should I pay to register copyright for my dissertation?
  • I have this great film clip from the 1940s with images and music that I’d like to include with my dissertation. Are there different copyright rules for audio-visual formats?
  • Chapter 1 of my dissertation has been published in a journal. Is this a problem?

Submitting Your Electronic Dissertation/Thesis

Audience: undergrads and grads, one session at multiple times

A hands-on workshop for students required to submit an electronic thesis or dissertation (Honor’s undergraduate, MA, MPH, PhD) covering how to use the Woodruff Library’s Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD) site. We’ll take you through each step of the submission process.

  • If your thesis or dissertation is ready to submit at the time of the workshop, you’ll be able to complete the process, so bring your completed electronic files. These files should include a PDF of your thesis or dissertation and any supplemental files (such as videos, audio recordings, or data sets).
  • If you’re still working on your thesis or dissertation, you can save yourself time by preparing before you begin your actual ETD submission. Review these 5 Tips Before You Submit on our instructions page for guidance.

Summer Internships 2019, RStudio

We are excited to announce the second formal summer internship program at RStudio. The goal of this program is to enable RStudio employees to collaborate with students to do work that will help both RStudio users and the broader R community, and help ensure that the community of R developers is as diverse as its community of users. Over the course of the internship, you will work with experienced data scientists, software developers, and educators to create and share new tools and ideas.

The internship pays approximately $12,000 USD (paid hourly), lasts up to 10-12 weeks, and will start around June 1 (depending on your availability, applications are open now, and close at the end of February. To qualify, you must currently be a student (broadly construed – if you think you’re a student, you probably qualify) and have some experience writing code in R and using Git and GitHub. To demonstrate these skills, your application needs to include a link to a package, Shiny app, or data analysis repository on GitHub. It’s OK if you create something specifically for this application: we just want to know that you’re already familiar with the mechanics of collaborative development in R.

RStudio is a geographically distributed team which means you can be based anywhere in the United States (we hope to expand the program to support interns in other countries next year). This means that unless you are based in Boston or Seattle, you will be working 100% remotely, though you will meet with your mentor regularly online, and we will pay for you to travel to one face-to-face work sprint with them.

We are recruiting interns for the following projects:

Calibrated Peer Review – Prototype some tools to conduct experiments to see whether calibrated peer review is a useful and feasible feedback strategy in introductory data science classes and industry workshops. (Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)

Tidy Blocks – Prototype and evaluate a block-based version of the tidyverse so that young students can do simple analysis using an interface like Scratch. (Greg Wilson)

Data Science Training for Software Engineers – Develop course materials to teach basic data analysis to programmers using software engineering problems and data sets. (Greg Wilson)

Tidy Practice – Develop practice projects for learners to tackle to practice tidyverse (or other) skills using interesting real-world data. (Alison Hill)

Teaching and Learning with RStudio – Create a one-stop guide to teaching with RStudio similar to Teaching and Learning with Jupyter ( (Alison Hill)

Grader Enhancements – grader works with learnr tutorials to grade student code. This project will enhance this ambitious project to help grader identify students’ exact mistakes so that it can help students do better. (Garrett Grolemund)

Object Scrubbers – A lot of R objects contain elements that could be recreated and these can result in large object sizes for large data sets. Also, terms, formulas, and other objects can carry the entire global environment with them when they are saved. This internship would help write a set of methods that would scrub different types of objects to reduce their size on disk. (Max Kuhn and Davis Vaughan)

Production Testing Tools for Data Science Pipelines – This project will build on “applicability domain” methods from computational chemistry to create functions that can be included in a dplyr pipeline to perform statistical checks on data in production. (Max Kuhn)

Shiny Enhancements – There are a several Shiny and Shiny-related projects that are available, depending on the intern’s interests and and skill set. Possible topics include: Shiny UI enhancements, improving performance bottlenecks by rewriting in C and C++, fixing bugs, and creating a set of higher-order reactives for more sophisticated reactive programming. (Barret Schloerke)

ggplot2 Enhancements – Contribute to ggplot2 or an associated package (like scales). You’ll write R code for graphics, but mostly you’ll learn the challenges of managing a large, popular open source project including the care needed to avoid breaking changes, and actively gardening issues. You work will impact the millions of people who use ggplot2. (Hadley Wickham)

R Markdown Enhancements – R Markdown is a cornerstone product of RStudio used by millions to create documents in their own publishing pipelines. The code base has grown organically over several years; the goal of this project is to refactor it. This involves tidying up inconsistencies in formatting, adding a comprehensive test suite, and improving consistency and coverage of documentation. (Rich Iannone)

Apply now! Application deadline is February 22nd.

RStudio is committed to being a diverse and inclusive workplace. We encourage applicants of different backgrounds, cultures, genders, experiences, abilities and perspectives to apply. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, or physical disability. However, applicants must legally be able to work in the United States.

2019 Experiential Internship (Graduate Level) – Health Economics & Outcomes Research

As an AbbVie Experiential Intern, you’ll participate in a paid, ten to twelve-week summer program that is focused on providing students with robust projects throughout the summer. As an intern, you will be located at our corporate headquarters in north suburban Chicago, with housing and shuttle services for eligible students. Throughout the summer, there are planned development and networking activities for the interns.  

The purpose of the internship is to provide meaningful, professional hands-on experience to students with proven academic performance and leadership potential. AbbVie hires students into this internship program based on business need. Ideal candidates will combine technical and business knowledge with analytical strength and creative problem solving abilities.

Department Overview – Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)

AbbVie’s Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) division generates innovative, high-impact evidence to help define the unmet need and value of innovative therapies to relevant stakeholders. HEOR strives to:

  • Inform strategic decisions and help ensure that patients can access and benefit from appropriate therapies
  • Develop and guide pricing & reimbursement strategies based on evaluation of public health policy & reimbursement environment and scientific collection & analysis of clinical, economic and patient-reported outcomes data
  • Leverage innovative research approaches and partnerships to maximize the use of real-world evidence (RWE) and patient-centric outcomes research for informing internal and external decisions that positively impact patient lives.

Assignment Details

Intern assignments may include, but are not limited to, literature reviews, patient-reported outcomes studies, retrospective claims database analyses, prospective observational studies, and economic model development. Intern may work in one or more disease states within the areas of Immunology, Oncology, Neuroscience, Virology, Endocrinology and Women’s Health to support efforts for on-market or pipeline assets. Tasks may include conceptualizing research plans, protocol development, managing vendors, and writing/ presenting results. Interns may develop analysis plans and conduct analyses of internal databases and/or clinical trial data. Interns may assist in creation of scientific materials like slide decks, white papers, abstracts or manuscripts for disseminating research findings to internal/external audience. Intern will be responsible for attending team meetings, department meetings, and cross-functional team meetings to gain a better understanding of the role of HEOR within the biopharmaceutical industries and at AbbVie.


  • Must be currently enrolled in a graduate level program at an accredited university (Master’s or PhD or PharmD) preferably in the fields of pharmacy, health economics, health policy, epidemiology, statistics, data analytics, economics and psychology and related disciplines in life sciences
  • Strong academic performance, minimum cumulative GPA = 3.0/4.0
  • Completed at least 1 year of graduate level studies prior to internship experience
  • Must be enrolled in an accredited program for at least one additional semester following your internship


Preferred Requirements

  • Doctoral Candidate with course work in epidemiology, research methods or statistics.
  • Prior internship/research experience
  • Exceptionally demonstrated interpersonal skills
  • Proven leadership skills
  • Demonstrated oral and written communication skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Adept in data analysis using statistical package (e.g. SAS)
  • Prior experience in conducting literature review

For more information and to apply, click HERE

GPHA Conference Scholarship

The Georgia Public Health Association is offering a limited number of scholarships to students for the 90th Annual Meeting and Conference at Westin Buckhead, Atlanta May 7-9, 2019. Scholarship recipients pay a reduced registration rate of $50. All other expenses such as travel and lodging are the responsibility of the conference participant.

The deadline for application is February 15, 2019 at 11:59 P.M. All scholarship applicants will be notified of scholarship decisions no later than March 1, 2019.

Full student conference registration is $165 before March 1, 2019, and $195 on and after March 1. It is advised that all students applying for the scholarship defer registering for the conference until scholarship awards are announced. All scholarships must be acknowledged with the $50 discounted registration by March 6, 2019, or risk forfeiture. Students who applied but did not receive a scholarship will be offered the early registration rate through March 15, 2019, by calling the GPHA office at 404-861-8423.

Each applicant must be:

● A student currently enrolled in a course of study leading to a degree in a health field (i.e. nursing, nutrition, epidemiology, medicine, or public health, etc.)

● An active member of Georgia Public Health Association in good standing. Join here now: Scholarship recipients agree to:

● Attend the GPHA Annual Meeting and Conference in full Tuesday, May 7 through Thursday, May 9, 2019;

● Volunteer at the conference. Volunteer activities might include introducing a concurrent session presenter, staffing a table in the conference exhibit area, or assisting with other on-site duties. Scholarship recipients will be contacted with details; and

● Attend the Student Networking Mixer during the conference.

The establishment of the Jim Alley scholarship fund is to honor James W. Alley, MD, MPH who served as Director of the Division of Public Health of the State of Georgia for 17 years. During his tenure, he focused public health’s attention for the first time on chronic diseases and later initiated analysis and interventions on infant mortality and how social factors play a role in morbidity and mortality. As a medical missionary to Bolivia, Dr. Alley helped establish a local Board of Health in the city of Montero to attempt to remediate some of the health issues of the indigent and medically needy. He continued to visit and work in this eastern area of Bolivia for over a decade and left the region with the most respected medical service in Bolivia. Dr. Alley served a term as President of GPHA. As a staunch supporter of GPHA, he recognized the value of health workers having an organization that could systematically encourage networking and continuing education.

To learn more about the Georgia Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting and Conference please visit their website at

To access the application, click HERE

Upcoming Events

  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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