Children’s Environmental Health: More Than Smoke and Mold, 6/13

Children’s Environmental Health: More Than Smoke and Mold, 6/13

Category : News/Events

Training Description
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 1 in 4 child deaths could be prevented by cleaning up the environment. Because of their developing bodies and minds, children can be at greater risk of harm to environmental toxicants than adults. This broadcast will provide information on common sources of environmental hazards in the air, water, and even in our homes and schools. Viewers will learn how to offer evidence-based, practical advice to families, schools, and communities to promote a healthy environment.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Describe the unique vulnerabilities of early life to environmental exposures and threats, and how these can predispose the child to later life disease.
Describe the top environmental health issues relevant to children, and children and families at greatest risk.
Identify actionable environmental health messages to use in clinical practice.
Identify resources to support healthy environments where clinicians provide care for children and families.
Identify resources to support healthy environments where children live, learn, and play.

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