Work Smarter, Not Harder

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Category : PROspective

In my freshman year of undergrad I pulled an all-nighter every single week. Sleep, I had decided, was at the bottom of my list of priorities. My idea of studying involved me sitting in front of my computer for hours on end while I scrolled through social media pages and occasionally skimmed notes. As you can imagine, I “studied” all the time. It was common for me to even miss meals to spend more time in the library. Since starting graduate school, however, if there’s an event or task that requires me to get less than 7 hours or sleep I know that it’s just not happening. My life hasn’t gotten any less busy in grad school, I’ve just gotten better at maximizing the time I do have and prioritizing the important things in my life. Like sleeping and eating. So how did I go from the poster child of procrastination to a graduate student who still manages to sleep, work, and socialize?

Due Today? Do today

I know we all joke about our procrastination habits, but I’ve actually learned how to take advantage of mine. I used to have the mindset that I should focus on one thing at a time, starting with whatever was due soonest. While that may be a good strategy for some people, that’s just not how my mind works. Now I often switch between assignments while I’m studying, making it less likely for me to get bored with any one project and ultimately give up for the day. I have also learned NOT to prioritize what is due the soonest. This seems counterintuitive, but it prevents me from wasting time on what may be objectively less important assignments. In the past, if given two days to finish a 1-hour long lab, there’s a good chance I would have taken those entire two days, wasting time on social media while I pretend to work or spending too much time perfecting my answers. I’ve instead learned to take advantage of the time that I’m actually feeling productive to work on less pressing, but more tedious tasks, such as writing longer papers. 

Know Yourself

Taking advantage of the times when you’re feeling productive is also important for being more efficient. Do you tend to get more work done in the morning? Schedule your days so that you can do your studying or working then. Take a few days to observe yourself before you come to any conclusions. I used to think, because I’m a night owl, that sleeping in and working later was the best schedule for me. I started to realize, however, that even though I like staying up late, I became less productive after 5 or 6 PM. The rare days I would wake up early, were the days I got the most done. If you had told me a year ago that waking up before 8 AM would become routine for me, I probably would have laughed. But thanks to this schedule change, I actually have time to relax in the evenings.

It’s also useful to keep in mind that what study or work habits work for some people might not work for you. Maybe listening to music helps your roommate focus, but you always have to stop and sing the lyrics. When beginning grad school last year I heard of the Pomodoro Technique, where you study for say 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. I decided to try it and see if it increased my productivity. Quickly I noticed that getting myself to start a task is often the hardest part for me, so I tended to take much longer than 5 minutes during breaks. Now I’ve learned that if I’m on a roll with an assignment, I should keep going and instead take a longer break later on when I need it. Maybe you’re like me, or maybe you’re a Pomodoro evangelist – only you know what works best for you

Your time is a finite resource

One of the best ways to be efficient is to simply not attempt a task that you know you don’t have time for. This seems obvious, but it’s one of the hardest tips to follow. In my freshman year of college I remember having a breakdown thinking of all the assignments I would somehow have to finish in a single week, realizing I didn’t have time for all of it. Then suddenly, I realized how much more time I would have if I sacrificed even one night of sleep per week. Sleep became optional to me, and so the all-nighters began. Now, sleep is a given. If I don’t have time to complete every task in a day without sacrificing sleep, then I have no choice but to accept the reality that I simply will not accomplish everything. As a result, having his mindset has forced me to be more efficient with the time I do have, because I understand that it is limited. Your time is a finite resource, and understanding its boundaries will help you frame your mindset appropriately.


Ultimately, becoming more productive is a matter of doing what works for you. Following habits that go against your nature will only waste your time and energy. Most importantly though, don’t forget to make time to rest, because no one is productive when they’re burnt out.


Featured Image by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

1 Comment


August 16, 2021 at 11:11 am

Great advice, this was a lovely read! 🙂

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