Become a Second Year Epi Buddy

Become a Second Year Epi Buddy


The epi buddy program is a student-to-student mentoring program which pairs incoming first-year EPI/GLEPI students with students from the second-year EPI/GLEPI cohort.  The program itself is a 1–2-hour commitment each month and will consist of periodic check-ins with your 1st-year mentee(s) and attending one or two optional events with your mentee(s) throughout the semester. 

This is a great opportunity to get more involved, give back to our little epi community, personally grow as a leader, and overall expand your network – plus, it is going to be a lot of fun!   Each incoming student will be paired with a second-year mentor; therefore, we would like to get as many second years as possible to keep the ratio of mentors to mentees as close to 1 to 1 as possible.

We would like to get pairings done over the next few weeks so that 1st-year students can ask their buddy any questions which may come up over the summer. Therefore, if you would like to participate as a second-year mentor for the program, please fill out this form ASAP. 

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Epi student representatives, Sandra Amouzou and Katy Krupinsky via email or on GroupMe.

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