Street Medicine Volunteer Oppertunity

Street Medicine Volunteer Oppertunity

Street Medicine is now accepting volunteer applications! Street Medicine is the result of a partnership between Health Students Taking Action Together (H-STAT) and Mercy Care Hospital, and it involves pairing allied health students with a mobile Street Medicine team to provide the unsheltered of Atlanta with psychiatric and primary care. It’s an amazing opportunity for students who are interested in using their clinical skills to give back to the Atlanta community. We are now accepting applications for a new round of volunteers to come out and work with us!

If you are interested and you fit the criteria below, please turn in an application! If you have already applied before, you can send a truncated version of the essay answers.


Want to volunteer with Street Medicine?

Health Students Taking Action Together, Inc. partners with Mercy Care to provide allied health student volunteers with an opportunity to work as a part of a Street Medicine team. The Street Medicine program provides primary care and psychiatric services to those living unsheltered in downtown Atlanta by traveling to these communities and offering on-site care. In addition to two student volunteers, this team includes a peer-outreach specialist who is well connected to the daily ‘heartbeat’ of the homeless community, one or more clinicians, and an RN/administrator to ensure that the evening runs smoothly.

In order to volunteer for Street Medicine, you must:

be currently in or have completed at least one clinical rotation in your graduate program prior to the start of your volunteer month (e.g. If your first clinical rotation is in August, you can apply for the months of September forward)
be able to serve on 4 to 5 consecutive Mondays (5:45-10:00pm), Tuesday (2:45-7:00pm), Wednesday (2:45-7:00pm), or Thursday (1:30-5:30pm)
submit a short application by 11:59p on Friday, 07/26/19.

Attend a MANDATORY training session on either:
Thursday 8/08/19 from 6:30p-8:30p
Thursday 8/15/19 from 6:30p-8:30p
Students who have previously attended a Street Medicine orientation are excused, but there are otherwise NO exceptions.

Please be sure to submit your application on time. Feel free to email Suhaib Abaza (suhaib [at] Healthstatgeorgia [dot] org) with any questions!

To apply, click HERE

To learn more about Mercy Care, click HERE.

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