Author Archives: Shamika Chavda

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Akshay Deverakonda

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Welcome back to #WeAreEmoryEPI! This week, we heard from second-year EPI MSPH student Akshay Deverakonda. Read more below about his exciting and relevant work in infectious disease epidemiology!

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

I graduated from The College of William & Mary in Virginia with a double major in Biology & Environmental Science. I worked for several years between undergraduate and graduate school so it took me a while to find my way to public health, but I feel I came to Rollins at the right time for me.


What are your primary research interests?

I’m interested in spatial epidemiology, vector-borne diseases, and using novel data streams (e.g. wastewater surveillance) for infectious diseases.


Are there any exciting projects that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us? 

For my master’s thesis, I’m analyzing a dataset of several years of dengue cases in Mexico to understand what may influence hotspots of certain serotypes. It’s interesting and important because dengue has four serotypes; when you get infected with one serotype of dengue, you can still get infected by the other three serotypes with often worse outcomes in subsequent infections. Having national-level datasets of dengue where you know the serotype of each case is rare, so I’m fortunate to work on a research question that I think is really cool and relevant for infectious disease epidemiology.


What is your favorite part about earning your MPH at Emory?

It’s been really inspiring to be in a community where faculty, staff, and students all bring their own unique talents, skills, and abilities towards the common goal of uplifting everyone. I’ve learned so much both professionally and personally from my teachers and peers. 


When applying, what were you looking for in a public health school, and what factors drove you to pick Rollins?

I was looking for schools where I could either take classes or do research at the intersection of spatial epidemiology and infectious disease epidemiology. I chose Rollins for its emphasis on epidemiologic methods and conversations with multiple professors during my first visit that showed me I’d be able to pursue the aforementioned interests.


What has been your favorite class at Rollins thus far, and why?

Oooh, this is hard! I took a really cool class, BSHES 740, last fall semester. It was about using natural language processing and machine learning to examine trends in social media related to substance use disorders and drug-related harms. I felt I was pushed beyond what I thought I could do and the professor, Dr. Abeed Sarker, is a really good explainer/communicator. The class really helped me reinforce concepts in machine learning and I learned so much about how to analyze textual social media data. I want to apply the same methods to infectious disease epidemiology by learning how to analyze electronic health records as a novel form of disease surveillance.


What advice do you have for 1st years?

Learn how to say “no”! Rollins has a lot of great opportunities and it’s good to try different things out, but always ask yourself: (1) what your most important aims/goals are for graduate school and (2) what can you do to align your commitments and schedule with what you want to get out of school?


What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?
  1. I love German Shepherd dogs and hope to have one of my own someday.
  2. My New Years’ Resolution last year was to avoid pizza until I met a personal health goal of losing 30 pounds; I met my goal in mid-December so I didn’t eat pizza for most of 2024.
  3. I love learning bits and pieces of different languages.


How have you been spending your free time?
I like making my own yogurt at home; there’s something meditative about carefully watching the pot of milk to make sure it heats up just enough without boiling over and then adding a starter to turn it into yogurt overnight.
Do you have any advice for prospective public health students?

Self-care is mandatory and necessary in graduate school! Knowing when and how to make time and space for yourself is key.


What is one place that you would recommend people to visit?

I love biking through the South Peachtree Creek Trail and the Lullwater Preserve for my commute to and from school. Both places are walking distance from campus and I really encourage Rollins students to cross Clifton Rd and check them out!

Thanks for sharing with us, Akshay! One last message from him: “As long as we all have each other, we will be okay.”
I hope you all keep that in mind this semester, and stay tuned to see who we speak to next on #WeAreEmoryEPI! 

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Ursula Kajani

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI GLEPI

Welcome back to #WeAreEmoryEPI! This week, we heard from second-year GLEPI MPH student Ursula Kajani. Read more about her experience below!

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of California, Berkeley, majoring in Public Health with a minor in Anthropology.

What are your primary research interests?

My primary research interests focus on implementation science for strengthening community health systems, particularly for vulnerable populations. I am especially interested in exploring these issues through the lens of climate change and its impact on health equity.

Are there any exciting projects that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us? 

During my time at Rollins, I have been fortunate to work full-time at The Carter Center in the Health Strategy, Innovation, and Program Support Unit. This experience has allowed me to apply classroom learnings directly to my work, particularly in climate change and health, as well as qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Currently, I am leveraging my skills to contribute to projects that examine the intersection of climate and health in the context of strategic program development.

What is your favorite part about earning your MPH at Emory?

The community at Rollins is truly life-changing—I’ve had the privilege of forming deep friendships with incredible peers, each bringing unique perspectives and experiences. Learning alongside such passionate and diverse individuals has enriched my education in ways beyond the classroom.

When applying, what were you looking for in a public health school, and what factors drove you to pick Rollins?

As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, I sought a public health school with a strong cultural fit, globally experienced faculty, and a commitment to social impact. Rollins stood out for its diverse community, cross-listing of epidemiology and global health, and opportunities for hands-on experience through partnerships with Atlanta-based organizations like The Carter Center and the CDC.

What has been your favorite class at Rollins thus far, and why?

While I have had the opportunity to take several incredible courses taught by highly knowledgeable faculty, my favorite epidemiology course was Structural Interventions. This seminar provided a deep dive into epidemiological methodologies relevant to implementation and practice, framing the field within the realities of real-world, resource-constrained settings. We critically examined the strengths and limitations of existing published structural interventions and had the opportunity to design our own viable intervention.

What advice do you have for 1st years?

Make your graduate school journey uniquely yours. If you’re unsure of your direction, explore courses that spark your interest while also building hard skills that will benefit your career. Connect with peers and professors, leverage the many opportunities Rollins offers, and don’t forget to balance academics with personal growth—take time to explore Atlanta and all it has to offer!

What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?
  1. All of my plants have names assigned to their personalities.
  2. My ancestors would be ashamed of my cooking abilities.
  3. I lived in Rwanda for about 6 years and visit annually!
How have you been spending your free time?
I love going to hot yoga and have a resolution to engage in at least one nature, art, or music based activity every month – although most of my free time is spent with friends, often watching old Bollywood movies.

Thanks for sharing with us, Ursula! Stay tuned to see who we speak to next on #WeAreEmoryEPI! 

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Dr. Alvaro Alonso

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Happy Monday, everyone! This week, we heard from Dr. Alvaro Alonso, a faculty member in the EPI department. Read more about his background and work below!

Tell us a little about your academic history/where you went to school.
I obtained my medical degree and doctorate in epidemiology at the University of Navarra, in Spain. Afterwards I was in Boston for a few years doing postdoctoral research and then became faculty at the University of Minnesota, before coming to Emory in 2016.
What are your primary research interests?
I am a cardiovascular epidemiologist. My main area of interest is the epidemiology of atrial fibrillation, a common cardiac arrhythmia. I also conduct research on the connections between cardiovascular health and neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
How did you fall into the research that you are currently conducting?
I started working specifically on atrial fibrillation at the suggestion of one of my faculty mentors at the University of Minnesota, which helped me identify this topic as an area that needed more epidemiologic research.
Are there any exciting projects or manuscripts that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us? 
For a few years now, I have been working with collaborators in Spain on a project aiming to evaluate the effect of lifestyle changes and weight loss on changes in the heart than can help us prevent atrial fibrillation and other cardiovascular diseases.
What is your favorite part of being at Emory?
The people, particularly my colleagues in the department faculty.
Tell us about any classes that you’re teaching/have taught in the past. 
I teach EPI 537 Epidemiology of Chronic Disease every fall semester. This course discusses multiple non-communicable chronic diseases, with the main goal of learning how to apply epidemiologic concepts and methods to these conditions.
What advice do you have for students?
Take advantage of the multiple opportunities at Rollins to learn from the faculty and frequent guest speakers at the seminars offered across the school.
What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?
1. When I lived in Pamplona, I participated in the running of the bulls during the San Fermin festival.
2. I have a 2,244 day streak in Duolingo (and counting).
3. Whenever I am in Madrid (my hometown) for New Year’s, I like to run the San Silvestre Vallecana, a 10K race that takes place on New Year’s Eve and that has more than 40,000 participants.
How have you been spending your free time? 
I spend a fair amount of my free time with my two sons, which means running around to soccer practice and games, music classes, and Pokemon tournaments.
What is one place in Atlanta that you would recommend people to visit?
I am a big soccer fan and I strongly recommend going to an Atlanta United game at the Mercedes Benz Stadium if you haven’t done it.

Thank you, Dr. Alonso! Your experience is quite impressive (as are your fun facts!). First years, consider adding EPI 537 to your roster next semester. Stay tuned to see who we talk to next on #WeAreEmoryEPI! 

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Aryn O’Dell

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

This week on #WeAreEmoryEPI, we’re hearing from first-year EPI MPH student Aryn O’Dell. Read more below about her background and interests!

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.
For my bachelors degree, I studied Medical Geography at the University of Florida. I minored in Health Disparities in Society and earned a certificate in Data Analytics.
What are your primary research interests?
I am interested in infectious disease epidemiology, outbreak response, and emergency preparedness. I also have research interests in spatial epidemiology, zoonoses, and One Health methods.
Are there any exciting projects that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us?
I am currently a REAL student working as a Global Research Assistant at the One Health Office in NCEZID at CDC. We are working on a zoonotic disease burden database, which we are excited to eventually publish.
What is your favorite part about earning your MPH at Emory?
I am continually impressed by all the amazing research that is being carried out here at Rollins, as well as the many collaborations that Rollins has with various health organizations.
When applying, what were you looking for in a public health school, and what factors drove you to pick Rollins? 
I was looking for a public health school that had the tools to help me have a successful and satisfying career in epidemiology. Rollins impressed me with their focus on connecting students with organizations and opportunities that help students find full-time employment opportunities after graduation.
What advice do you have for people who may be interested in getting their MPH?
Discovering your research interests may be a matter of trial and error – find opportunities to try gaining experience in different research topics, connect with experts in those fields, and learn whenever possible.


What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?

1. I am a born & raised Floridian. Go gators!

2. I grew up on a horse ranch, and my mom bred Appaloosas.

3. I’m left handed.


#WeAreEmoryEPI: RISE Student Feature

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

We hope you all have been taking care as we begin to close out the Fall semester! This week, we heard from Shimoli Parikh, a second year GLEPI MPH student working for the Center for Reproductive Health Research in the Southeast (RISE). Read more below to hear about the organization and her compelling work!

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school. 

Before the MPH program, I completed a B.S. degree in Biology and a minor in Psychology at Seton Hall University in my home state of New Jersey. During my time at Seton Hall, I worked in spaces on campus that influenced my decision to join the public health field, such as working to advance menstrual product access, the expansion of sexual education, and the prioritization of Title IX violations among the student body and university administration.

How long have you been with RISE, and how did you start your work with them? 

I started working for RISE during the fall of my first semester, so it’ll be almost two years by the time I complete my MPH degree. During my first semester, I took an elective called Technology of Fertility Control with Dr. Narasimhan, which is how I came across the GRA position for her current study.

Are there any projects you are working on/have worked on involving RISE that you’d like to share?

I’m involved with two different RISE projects: the Telehealth Medication Abortion (TMAB) study and the Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (ITOP) study. The current TMAB study is a survey assessing how patient-centered family planning care may be delivered via a variety of new modalities in the rural South, for which I have been involved in the literature review, survey development, and now data analysis stages over the past year. My subset of the ITOP study is my thesis, where I am using abortion incidence data to analyze how procedure method, age, and weeks gestation trends differed by geographic location within Georgia from 2010-2022.

What is your favorite part about being a part of this organization? Alternatively, what compelled you to work with RISE? 

I honestly knew I wanted to work with RISE when I applied to Rollins. As someone who has some prior experience in the public health aspects of reproductive health, I was drawn to the opportunity to contribute to the field during some of the biggest shifts in the abortion and contraception landscape following the Dobbs decision. My favorite part about being a part of this organization is their continuous emphasis in giving me the opportunity to build the skills that I want to build.

Are there any other related initiatives on and around RSPH that you’ve been a part of that you’d like to share? 

I also serve as Community Liaison of the Emory Reproductive Health Association! Through my role, I was able to organize a successful Reproductive Networking Night in the Spring as well as present my thesis research this past October at GEMMA (the Global Elimination of Maternal Mortality from Abortion) Night.

Emory Reproductive Health Association Reproductive Networking Night (Spring ’24)
Shimoli’s presentation on her thesis at GEMMA Night (Fall ’24)

Are there any upcoming projects or studies with RISE that you’d like people to know about?

I’d definitely encourage people interested in the abortion field to take RISE’s “Public Health Approaches to Abortion” course on Coursera.

How can interested students/faculty get involved with RISE? 

Reach out to anyone on the RISE team! They are super helpful and will direct you to the right person. Also, follow the RISE instagram page (@emory.rise) to stay updated.

What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you? 
  1. I have two cats named Mango and Olive. 🙂
  2. I listen to a lot of Bollywood music, but some other current favorite artists are Summer Walker, SiR, Ari Lennox, Dhruv, and melvitto. 
  3. I LOVE modern art, and I also love to read feminist and South Asian books. (My favorite nonfiction book: The Right to Sex by Amia Srinivasan)
    Thank you for joining us, Shimoli! As an additional reminder, be sure to follow the RISE Instagram page @emory.rise, and check out RISE’s “Public Health Approaches to Abortion” Coursera course at Stay tuned to see who we talk to next, and we hope you all have a great Thanksgiving break! 

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Inside the APE (GFE Edition!)

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Welcome back to #WeAreEmoryEPI! This week, we heard from two second year EPI/GLEPI MPH students that received a Global Field Experience (GFE) award for their APEs this Summer. Read more below to hear about their projects and where they traveled to! 

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

Alia: I received my Bachelor’s degree in Human Health with a concentration in Epidemiology from Emory University’s College of Arts and Sciences. 

Claire: Before Rollins, I attended Tufts University where I majored in International Relations, concentrated in Global Health, and minored in Spanish, while also playing soccer for four years.

What are your primary research interests?
Alia: I am interested in leveraging insights from the intersection of molecular epidemiology and immunology to drive improved surveillance for and early detection of emerging vector-borne, zoonotic, and tropical infectious diseases.
I enjoy exploring how the immunologic characterization of risk factors for different infection outcomes and associated transmission dynamics can inform prevention activities at the population scale.
Inspired by my upcoming thesis research regarding the role of micronutrient deficiencies in progression from latent to active leprosy infection, I have also recently become interested in the fascinating (and challenging!) methods used to harness -omics-level data. 
Claire: As a GLEPI student pursuing a Certificate in Climate and Health, I aim to work towards Climate Preparedness among individuals living in under resourced and vulnerable settings. I want to research sustainable strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on health outcomes.
Where did you travel for your APE & how long were you there? 

Alia: I worked in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for 6 weeks.

Claire: I traveled to an Indigenous community called Santa Apolonia in Guatemala and was there for six weeks.

Tell us about your APE project.
Alia: Under sponsorship from the Kennedy Krieger Institute’s (KKI) Dr. James A. Ferguson Emerging Infectious Diseases RISE Graduate Research Fellowship, I worked with the Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) and Emory University’s School of Medicine to support the development of a longitudinal cohort study derived from a cross-sectional serosurveillance pilot conducted in 2023. The ongoing longitudinal arm of the study is monitoring a group of participants from the pilot study who were seroreactive to a leprosy-specific antigen for progression from latent to active infection. Additionally, we are interested in characterizing hypothesized risk factors for infection progression like helminth co-infection and micronutrient deficiencies. 
Claire: In Santa Apolonia, I collaborated with fellow Rollins student, Amelia Heckman, and local community stakeholders to develop a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). We created and administered 115 culturally sensitive surveys, conducted twelve key informant interviews in Spanish, and employed quantitative and qualitative analyses using SAS, Excel, and MAXQDA. We are now finalizing the assessment and will distribute it to community leaders and stakeholders to guide future health polices and initiatives.
What is something you learned while living in a new place/working on your APE?
Alia: While working at AHRI, I was privileged to attend 2 fantastic conferences: the 50th anniversary of the WHO’s Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases and the close-out of the TBGEN-Africa study. Listening to the conversations had by professionals at both events taught me that shared focus across disciplines and institutions is a quintessential aspect of sustainable progress in public health. I found it very valuable to hear how public health practitioners from diverse backgrounds utilized their unique skillsets to contribute to goals that require an incredible degree of cooperation. 
Claire:  I learned how challenging it can be to design a culturally sensitive survey that is both easily understandable and free of bias, while also capturing the comprehensive data needed for analysis. I also discovered how fun it is to live with nuns 🙂
How did you find your APE project? 
Alia: My APE advisor, Dr. Jessica Fairley, was an ongoing research mentor of mine, and I was actively looking for ways to get more involved in her group. She applied to be a mentor with the Ferguson RISE program, and she suggested I apply and request to match with her so I could be involved in her work in Ethiopia while also participating in the training activities organized by KKI.
Claire: I discovered this APE by reaching out to several professors to learn about their ongoing projects and to find one that aligned with my research interests. Professor Tom Clasen and his wife, Mary Pat Clasen, had previous relations with the organization we partnered with in Santa Apolonia. They emphasized the community’s significant issues with malnutrition and maternal and child health, which ultimately drew me to the CHNA project. 
When did you start looking for an APE? When did you start working for your APE organization/advisor?
Alia: I started planning my APE toward the end of Fall semester so I’d have ample time to apply for the Ferguson RISE program and GFEFA (Global Field Experience Financial Award) early in the Spring semester, but I didn’t formalize travel plans or project objectives until March. I was introduced to my Ethiopian colleagues via Zoom in April, and I formally began working on-site in June.

Claire: I started looking for my APE during winter break and began working on the GFE and literature reviews in March/April.

Are you pursuing any certificates? If so, was it difficult to meet your APE requirements?
Alia: Yes, I am in the Infectious Disease Epidemiology (IDEPI) and Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology (GME) certificates. The GME requirements were more challenging to meet than the IDEPI requirements, so I actively designed my experience at AHRI to allow me to study under immunologists and molecular epidemiologists and explore a blend of wet- and dry-lab work environments.
Claire: I am pursuing the Climate & Health Certificate, which strongly encourages students to choose an APE that either provides substantive experience with climate change or offer hands-on experience with tools relevant to climate and health. However, the APE does not have to meet these specific criteria to qualify, making it relatively straightforward to meet the certificate requirements.
Any advice for people looking to complete their APE with a GFE award (or people looking to travel abroad for their APE in general)?
Alia: Traveling abroad for work is equally about contributing to your project and finding value in the experiences and topics that are important to your mentors and peers, so get comfortable saying yes to things! While at AHRI, I was passionate about the research, but I was also excited by the chance to have lunch with colleagues I’d never met before, tour labs I wasn’t a part of, attend talks from other departments, and generally catch a glimpse of the things that were important to the culture of the institution.
Claire: Begin the process of searching for an APE early so that you can secure an opportunity that closely aligns with your research interests.
What are three fun facts you want people to know about you?


  1. It is a lifelong dream of mine to hike the Appalachian Trail.
  2. I have dyed my hair every color of the rainbow (some colors on accident).
  3. I am an avid plant parent, and my favorite houseplant is the Begonia maculata.
  1. I played an extra year of soccer at Emory while pursuing my MPH
  2. I am bald (alopecia)
  3. I’ve run the Boston marathon!

Thanks for joining us this week, and stay tuned to see who we talk to next on #WeAreEmoryEPI! 

Contact Information: 

Alia: I am happy to provide advice to prospective applicants to KKI’s Ferguson RISE Graduate Research Fellowship. If anyone is interested in discussing the application, research opportunities, funding structure, etc., please feel free to email me at alia [dot] bly [at] emory [dot] edu.

Claire: Instagram — Clairewilkinson12

Thanks for joining us on #WeAreEmoryEPI this week! 

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Introducing the 2024-25 communication’s team!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Welcome back to #WeAreEmoryEPI, and we hope you all had a great start to the semester! This week, we are introducing our communication’s team for the year, consisting of Shamika Chavda (Twitter/X & #WeAreEmoryEPI), Kanak Belgaum (Instagram @RollinsEpiLife), and our new member, Chloe Wolma (The Confounder). Get to know our team members (new and returning) below!

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

Shamika: I graduated from the University of Florida in May 2023 with a bachelor’s in public health and minor in health disparities in society. 

Kanak: I graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in 2022 and majored in Animal Science.

Chloe: I went to Michigan State University and studied Environmental Biology/Zoology. After graduating, I took a gap year to serve as an AmeriCorps VISTA at the Ingham County Health Department in Lansing, MI with a goal of improving college access/readiness in the Lansing area.

What are your primary research interests? 
Shamika: I’m interested in infection prevention in the hospital setting, disease surveillance, and investigation of both old and emerging pathogens with an emphasis on OneHealth. 
Kanak: I am most interested in infectious & zoonotic diseases, with a focus on the role of data science/machine learning in those fields
Chloe: My primary research interests are infectious diseases and social epidemiology/the social determinants of health.
What is your role on the communications team? 
Shamika: I’m continuing as a social media associate to run the Twitter/X page as well as the #WeAreEmoryEPI section of the Confounder (such as this one!).
Kanak: Social media associate for Instagram
Chloe: I am the new Editorial Associate, so I manage the Confounder blog posts and the newsletter that is sent out each Monday.
What are you looking forward to the most this semester? 
Shamika: I have a busy semester ahead, which means there’s so much I’m excited to learn!  
Kanak: Getting though my thesis paper 🙃
Chloe: I am most looking forward to getting acclimated to Rollins and Atlanta this semester!
What are three fun facts you want people to know about you? 
1. I play the piano and am teaching myself bass guitar. 
2. I have a rubber chicken named Poblano that I bring with me to concerts to document the experience. 
3. I volunteer at the Georgia Aquarium during my spare time. 
1. I’ve watched 30+ seasons of Survivor.
2. I’m a diehard Clippers fan.
3. I can play the sax. 
1. I grew up in NYC.
2. I love to bake and crochet.
3. My favorite animal is an elephant.

Thanks for joining us this week on #WeAreEmoryEPI, and stay tuned to see who we talk to next week! 

#WeAreEmoryEpi: Meet Dr. Jodie Guest!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Meet Dr. Jodie Guest! Dr. Guest has been an RSPH faculty member since 2015 and is the Senior Vice Chair of the Department of Epidemiology. She has led several outbreak response, advisory, and leadership teams throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and is on the Atlanta Mayor’s LGBTQ Advisory Board.  Read more to learn about her work with PRISM Health at Rollins! 

Tell us a little about your academic history/where you went to school. 

I went to Baylor for my undergraduate degree in communication disorders and concurrently got a Paramedic degree at Texas A&M and a post-bac nursing degree. I got my MPH in epidemiology and my PhD at Emory.

What are your primary research interests?

My research varies from HIV and COVID-19 prevention and care to science communication to applied work in communities with inequitable access.

How did you begin working with PRISM Health? 

I was the previously the Director of the HIV Research Department at the Atlanta VA Medical Center and moved to Emory full time to work with PRISM Health on HIV prevention studies and to do more teaching and mentoring with students.

What are some current initiatives, projects, or publications with PRISM Health that you are excited about and would like to share with us?

I am working with one of my doctoral students on a women’s prediction model to help guide who is most in need of PrEP to prevent HIV.

What has been the most rewarding part of working with PRISM Health?
My colleagues! PRISM Health is a group of incredible people who I admire professionally and personally.
Tell us about any classes that you’re teaching/have taught in the past. 

I teach EPI 530 in the fall. I love this class as it is where I discovered my love for epidemiology. In the spring I teach HIV Epidemiology, a deeper dive into methods we use, stigma, and advances in our research field. I also taught Emory’s University Course last year called Pandemic Reflections comparing the AIDS and COVID-19 pandemics. I would like to teach that class again soon. I am also working on a new certificate program in Science Communications.

What advice do you have for students? 
Pursue something you are passionate about.
What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?
  1. I talk to my animals.
  2. I love to cook and throw dinner parties.
  3. I led 6 hours of karaoke in a small 4 gate airport while waiting for a plane to be fixed.
How have you been spending your free time?
We found a stray dog 2 months ago and he has been occupying a lot of time. He is both adorable and crazy!
What is one place in Atlanta that you would recommend people to visit?
Restaurants on Buford Highway!

Thank you for sharing with us, Dr. Guest! Dr. Guest can be found on Instagram and Twitter @jlguest, and you can read more about her extensive experience here. Stay tuned to see who we talk to next on #WeAreEmoryEpi! 

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Interdisciplinary EPI

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Welcome back to #WeAreEmoryEPI! This week, we heard from first year MPH student Carson Bohl and second year EH-EPI student Seana Cleary to learn about their interdisciplinary interests within epidemiology!


Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

Carson: I went to Emory University for undergrad and studied psychology and human health.

Seana: Prior to coming to Rollins, I earned my B.S. in Biology & Public Health from The College of New Jersey in 2022.

What are your primary research interests, and how do you feel they intersect across multiple disciplines?

Carson: My primary interests lie in improving adolescent mental health through the development, implementation, and evaluation of structural/systems-level interventions in schools, workplaces, and the criminal justice system. This implementation science approach is inherently interdisciplinary because it relies on: 1) descriptive epidemiology and qualitative feedback to determine community needs and strengths and to develop culturally-tailored programs, and 2) analytic and methodological design considerations to evaluate the effectiveness, scalability, and generalizability of program implementation.

Seana: My main research interests lie within One Health, which focuses on the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. My experiences in this field have allowed me to develop and use skills in ecology, epidemiology, data analysis, health communication, and more.

How have you been able to explore your interdisciplinary interests? 

Carson: For my APE and thesis, I am working in the context of school-based mental health grants to conduct community needs assessments, implement a multi-tiered trauma-informed intervention, and evaluate implementation effectiveness and sustainability. We are directly engaged with community stakeholders and will be addressing mental health disparities among LGBTQI+ students and students with disabilities. 

Seana: At Rollins, my APE and thesis focused on data management and predictors of mosquito-borne illnesses in children in Mexico. I also worked on community-engaged research with a cohort of people exposed to polybrominated biphenyls in Michigan and currently work with CDC’s One Health Office as a Surveillance and Epidemiology Intern. 

Is there a class you’ve taken at Rollins where you feel you’ve been able to explore your interests in multiple areas?

Carson: HPM592: Case Studies in Public Mental Health. This course focuses on a wide array of mental health case studies and students have the opportunity to develop interventions on the individual, health systems, and policy-levels. It incorporates descriptive epidemiology, behavioral and social sciences, and health policy and management. 

Seana: EHS 750: Environmental Determinants of Infectious Disease has been such a great opportunity to explore some of my passions! I also highly recommend EPI 563: Spatial Epidemiology, DATA 550: Data Science Toolkit, and any coding class. You learn incredibly valuable programming skills in these classes, and professors let you choose what data you use in projects throughout the course.

What is your favorite part about earning your MPH at Emory?

Carson: I enjoy talking to students and professors about their public health interests and passions. Progress in public health requires creative collaboration and it’s important to critique current practices in the field to advance it forward. 

Seana: So many of the friends, faculty, and staff I’ve met here embody sunshine. I’ll carry the support system I’ve built with me forever. 

When applying, what were you looking for in a public health school, and what factors drove you to pick Rollins?

Carson: I was looking for a student-centered environment with opportunities to engage with the local community. I chose Rollins because staff and faculty seemed to genuinely care about the student experience. 

Seana: My three requirements for my graduate school were: 1) students had to be genuinely happy, 2) faculty had to be committed to student growth and learning, and 3) the surrounding area had to have opportunities for me to grow professionally. Rollins hit all 3. A scholarship and a visit to campus made the choice so obvious to me, and I have never once regretted my decision.

What advice do you have for people who may be interested in getting their MPH? 

Carson: Prepare yourself for the irony and dissonance that is inevitable when studying public health at an academic institution and then build a community of people who share your values.

Seana: Connect with students, alumni, and faculty, and ask about their journey. You’ll find that almost everyone has a place in public health, no matter their background.

What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?


  1. I am originally from Seattle
  2. I love to read and write poetry
  3. I am passionate about the role of schools in public health


  1. I’ve fostered 12 kittens
  2. I spent a summer collecting ticks (and loved it)
  3. I recently ran my first half marathon!
How have you been spending your free time?

Seana: Finding good coffee shops. Send your best chai recommendations!

What is one place that you would recommend people to visit?

Seana: A bit far, but you need to visit the Naughty Cat Café in Chattanooga, TN. Such a cool org with the sweetest cats ever.

Do you have a Twitter/Instagram/Other that you’d like us to plug?

Carson: Instagram — @Carson.bohl 

Seana: Email — seana [dot] cleary [at] emory [dot] edu

Thanks for joining us this week! If you have any ideas for people/topics you’d like to highlight on #WeAreEmoryEPI, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at shamika [dot] chavda [at] emory [dot] edu

#WeAreEmoryEPI: World TB Day, Part 2!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Welcome back to #WeAreEmoryEPI! This week, we’re highlighting a few faculty members involved in TB research! Read more about Drs. Sarita Shah, Matt Magee, and Sara Auld’s work below. As a reminder, be sure to keep an eye out for events and seminars held by the TB Research Advancement Center until March 28th! 

Tell us a little about your academic history/where you went to school.

Dr. Auld: For my undergraduate studies, I was a history major at Stanford before going on to medical school at Columbia University and internal medicine residency training at Massachusetts General Hospital. I then took a slight detour from the traditional clinical pathway and spent two years in the international TB branch at the CDC as an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer, before coming here to Emory where I did a pulmonary and critical care fellowship and MSCR program at the Laney school.

Dr. Shah: I spent 8 years in Baltimore for undergraduate and medical school at Johns Hopkins, then moved to New York for residency training in Internal Medicine and MPH, both at Columbia. After residency, I moved to Atlanta to serve as an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer in CDC’s Division of Tuberculosis Elimination.

Dr. Magee: I went to undergraduate school at Grinnell College and then to University of Illinois at Chicago for a MPH. My PhD and post doc training was at Emory.

What are your primary research interests?

Dr. Auld: I have engaged in a range of studies around TB, HIV, and lung health. My main research area (for now) is around post-TB lung disease and better understanding the long-term consequences of TB disease (a la long COVID, but long TB).

Dr. Shah: My research focuses on improving prevention, treatment, and care for people with or at risk for TB in areas of the world where the burden is highest. This includes people HIV, close contacts of people with TB, and pediatric populations. A major goal is ensuring the research question is informed by practical clinical or public health issues so that findings can be translated into policy and practice.

Dr. Magee: I am interested in the relationship between tuberculosis and non-communicable diseases. This interest focuses on bi-directional relationships. For example, understanding how diabetes increases the risk of TB and also how TB increases the risk of diabetes.

How did you fall into the research that you are currently conducting?

Dr. Auld: I happened to meet the right people at the right time and was able to bring in my expertise and background in pulmonary medicine into new areas of TB research.

Dr. Shah: I have always been interested in the most pressing health issues in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), which were largely infectious diseases when I started my training. At the same time, HIV was a major health issue unfolding in the US and around the world during this time, which was something I wanted to be a part of responding to in some way. This drew me to pursue medical training followed by public health training, with a series of events along the way where I was in the “right place at the right time with the right people” that led me to my current research program.

Dr. Magee: During college I first became interested in epidemiology because of Paul Farmer’s book “Infections and Inequalities.” Then I had the opportunity to shadow the state epidemiologist from Iowa. Those early experiences were enough to get me hooked on epidemiology for life.

Are there any exciting projects or manuscripts that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us? 

Dr. Auld: My biggest current project is based in Johannesburg, South Africa where we are enrolling a prospective longitudinal cohort of people with TB to better understand clinical risk factors and biological pathways that are associated with post-TB lung disease.

Dr. Shah: Yes! We just completed a study on transmission of drug-resistant TB (XDR TB) in South Africa and have been analyzing the data. Our goal is to examine where transmission is taking place outside of the usual places one thinks of, such as homes or hospitals. We’ve had several Rollins EPI students working on data entry, cleaning, and analysis over the past few years and it’s been great to see the MPH theses, PhD aims, abstracts, and papers that have come from this.

Dr. Magee: We are working on a few projects related to post TB lung and cardio metabolic health in the country of Georgia. Findings are still in the analysis phase but are exciting to me.

What is your favorite part of being at Emory?

Dr. Auld: Easy. I have wonderful colleagues who believe in the importance of personal well being and work-life balance/integration.

Dr. Shah: The people. 100% the people.

Dr. Magee: The collaborative atmosphere and great people.

Tell us about any classes that you’re teaching/have taught in the past. 

Dr. Auld: I am based in the School of Medicine and so much of my teaching happens during clinical rounds in the hospital with medical students, residents, and fellows.

Dr. Shah: I taught GH500 for 2 years and will be teaching a new course in Fall 2024 that I developed with a colleague at the Fulton County Board of Health. The course grew from our collaboration during COVID where we (including several Rollins students) worked hand-in-hand with Fulton County to support the response through case investigations, testing, contact tracing, and analytics. All of these experiences and lessons learned informed the course, which takes a broad look at how to use public health surveillance data (not limited to COVID) for public health response.

Dr. Magee: I’m currently teaching two analytic methods classes in the Masters of Science in Clinical Research Program (MSCR 530 and MSCR 534).

What advice do you have for students? 

Dr. Auld: Give yourself time to figure out what you really want to work on and trust that your training and background will open doors for you. Focus on finding a good mentor, rather than a specific project or area.

Dr. Shah: Try not to plan out every next step in your career path. Have a vision and goal, but try to let things unfold and you’ll be surprised at what paths make themselves known when the time is right.

Dr. Magee: Being a good writer remains an essential skill for success. One can always improve their writing skills.

What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?

Dr. Auld:

  1. I recently decided I needed new hobbies and so I started playing tennis (again, for the first time since I was a kid).
  2. Once upon a time I was fluent in Japanese (but sadly, no longer), and am now reasonably proficient in Spanish.
  3. I am a great sous chef.

Dr. Shah: 

  1. I grew up in Cleveland
  2. I was a competitive figure skater.

Dr. Magee: 

  1. I like to cook.
  2. I bike to Emory most days.
  3. My current favorite author is Haruki Murakami.
How have you been spending your free time?

Dr. Auld: I have 3 kids and so they take up much of my free time, but I try to make space and time for reading novels and exercise/being outside.

Dr. Shah: Traveling. My daughter calls it extreme traveling. We travel a lot! 

What is one place in Atlanta that you would recommend people to visit?

Dr. Auld: Poor Hendrix for eating. Sope creek for not-too-far-away hike.

Dr. Magee: Arabia mountain is a great and nearby hike (except in the summer).

Do you have a Twitter/Instagram that you’d like us to plug?

Dr. Shah: @saritashahATL @Emory_TB_Center

Thank you to Drs. Auld, Shah, and Magee for their responses! Stay tuned to see who we talk to next on #WeAreEmoryEPI!

Upcoming Events

  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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