This Day in Business History: New Coke – The Experiment that Didn’t Work 

April 23, 1985: It was just 35 years ago today, April 23, 1985, when Coca-Cola officially launched New Coke to the world, stating that it was “smoother, rounder, yet bolder—a more harmonious flavor.” Marketers are still debating the many reasons why New Coke failed, but one reason has been attributed to the fact that the company made the decision to entirely shut down their classic brand rather than produce two types of coke, infuriating much of the fan base. It wasn’t that New Coke tasted bad; rather the company’s customers were so loyal to the original Coca-Cola that they felt betrayed by a total rebrand. Within three months, Coca-Cola Classic was back! New Coke didn’t entirely die however. The beverage’s name was changed to Coke II, and it sold until 2002 – but it was never as successful as the classic version.  The New York Times reported that, in addition to the $4 million it spent on research and marketing, Coca-Cola lost roughly $30 million due to unsold New Coke inventory. 


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