Jimmy’s World- Podcast Idea

I would like to make my podcast about an article called “Jimmy’s World” from the Washington Post.   The article was about a young kid named Jimmy with a drug addiction, and the author won a pulitzer prize for the article, but the article was later discovered to be fake.  There are several conversations as well as great potential for auditory imagery that make an analysis of this podcast suitable for a podcast format. Podcasts like “War of the Worlds” used sounds to make the story come to life.  There are scenes involving drugs, the family, and the classroom that will work well with this format.

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One Response to Jimmy’s World- Podcast Idea

  1. Lindsey Grubbs says:

    This is an interesting source because you have both the original hoax itself, and then the Washington Post’s follow-up on its own error.

    I can’t quite tell if you’re planning to do this as a “breaking news” style podcast or something more analytical–you’ll want to think about which gives you the best opportunity to portray this hoax with as much complexity as possible.

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