Source Summary

Jay Noren, David Kindig, and Audrey Sprenger. “Challenges to Native American Health Care.” Public Health Reports 113.1 (1998): 22-33. Jstor. Web. 4 November 2015.

I used Jstor and the key words “Native American healthcare funding” to find my source. I chose this source because it is an article from a peer reviewed journal, Public Health Reports, of the U.S. Public Health Service. My source describes specific forces challenging Native American health care, and it includes responses and surveys from staff members of 39 Native American health programs in ten states, making it a credible source of information and data. This source will somewhat change how I will approach my topic by concentrating more on the specific challenges facing Native American healthcare rather than just problems with inadequate funding. Some of the challenges mentioned include the inadequate funding of Native American funding, the problem with retaining professional staff, and keeping positive relationships with the IHS administration. IHS services are essentially free of charge to eligible recipients, and unlike programs like Medicare and Medicaid, IHS is not an entitlement program and their funds are obtained through annual appropriations. Even if additional funds for a given year are needed, they are rarely available.  The main reason, however, for inadequate funding is due to the increasing population of Native Americans served with in proportionate increases in appropriations. Another problem with the IHS services is the challenge in recruiting and retaining staff. Usually clinical staff who work for a specific amount of time are promoted to administrative positions, leading to inexperienced leadership and loss of clinical services.  Funding is both the greatest benefit and greatest concern to tribes. It provides funding for consultations, data and public health guidelines but also does not appropriate sufficient funding to improve and update these methods.

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One Response to Source Summary

  1. Lindsey Grubbs says:

    Great detail here. I think you’re right that this will be a really productive source for you.

    The citation looks good, too, except that the first name in the list should be reversed to “Last name, first name.”

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