Monthly Archives: November 2015

Secondary Source

Upon an initial analysis of Johnathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal, I found myself wondering who he intended as his audience. Luckily, I found a scholarly source which provides that analysis for me. The essay “Have you Eaten Yet? the Reader … Continue reading

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Secondary Source

I found my secondary source through Project Muse, one of the links that were provided in the database that was created for our research paper. I was able to access a book called “Identity Theft and Fraud: Evaluating and Managing … Continue reading

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Secondary Source

The secondary source that I have chosen is The Unbelievable Skepticism of the Amazing Randi, from The New York Times Magazine. Initially I was looking at JSTORE and trying to connect my research question to The Amazing Randi, however this … Continue reading

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Secondary Source

When searching for my secondary source, I used the terms “Balloon Hoax” and I found an excerpt from a book on JSTOR. This excerpt was a chapter titled “Poe’s “Balloon Hoax”” from a book called American Literature. It contained a … Continue reading

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Secondary Source

Milgram, Stanley. “Behavioral Study of Obedience”. Albany: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 67.4 (1963): 371-378. Psychological Experiments Online. Web. 5 Nov. 2015. I decided to use Stanley Milgram’s famous experiment on authority as my secondary source. I found this source … Continue reading

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Source Summary

Jay Noren, David Kindig, and Audrey Sprenger. “Challenges to Native American Health Care.” Public Health Reports 113.1 (1998): 22-33. Jstor. Web. 4 November 2015. I used Jstor and the key words “Native American healthcare funding” to find my source. I … Continue reading

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Secondary Source Description

This source is about Swift’s political views, the politics during the time that “A Modest Proposal” was written, and some of the methods that Swift uses.  I found this article by searching google scholar with the words “A Modest Proposal … Continue reading

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Secondary Source for the Wizard of Oz

The source I found is called Wizard of Oz: Bringing Drama to Virtual Reality. I found it using the JSTOR website. The terms I searched were Wizard of Oz AND Director. I chose this source because it talks about the … Continue reading

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Madcaps, Screwballs, and Con Women : the Female Trickster in American Culture

My secondary source: Madcaps, Screwballs, and Con Women: the Female Trickster in American Culture, was found using DiscoverE. I tried a bunch of search terms, with “feminism and con artists”, “feminism and 1970’s”, “power and women”, etc. I finally found this … Continue reading

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Secondary source Von Kempelen and his Discovery

I found my source on JSTOR, and did an advanced search “Von Kempelen” and “hoax”; which limited my search results down to 37. I selected this source over the others because it was one of the first few search results … Continue reading

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