Photo of new employee Laura Akerman

Laura Akerman, Metadata Librarian, Core Systems

Photo of new employee Laura Akerman
Laura is a wealth of interesting Emory Library historical information.

Laura Akerman (pronounced “AY-ker-men”) is the Technology and Metadata Librarian and she has been at Woodruff Library since 1986. Laura has led or contributed to many projects to introduce new technologies and transform library metadata to provide new or better services. Before her time in the Library, Laura spent ten years in Human Resources at Emory.

Born in Orlando, FL, Laura was raised in Decatur, GA. She earned a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts and Theater from the University of Georgia and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is also a proud graduate of Druid Hills High School.

Laura does “shape-note” singing (also known as Sacred Harp singing), which is a traditional form of singing in which the notes are printed in shapes which allows people to sight-read the music without the benefit of instruments. She is the secretary of the Emory Sacred Harp group. “We sing very loud,” she says!

She also sings medieval, Renaissance and modern music with an acapella independent chorus, the Atlanta Schola Cantorum, and they have an upcoming concert on May 19, 7:30 pm, at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church.

You can reach Laura at liblna [at] emory [dot] edu.


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