Nidia Banuelos comes to Emory after spending seven years as a PhD student at the University of Chicago. Her previous work experience was back here at Emory in the Prevention Research Center (EPRC), where she worked for a year as a research assistant.
Born in Pasadena, CA and raised in West Lafayette, IN, Nidia received her Bachelor’s degree in public policy from Stanford University. Her interests in public health education led her to the EPRC and their partnership with the CDC. This work led her to pursue her Master’s and then PhD in sociology from the University of Chicago. She expects to finish her PhD in 2016.
Nidia loves to play the accordion and especially enjoys its wide range of musical genres, from polka to Italian to French musical styles. She is also an avid reader. Professionally, Nidia is an active member of the American Sociological Association, the Association for the Study of Higher Eduction, and the Social Science History Association.
“I enjoy helping people find answer to questions,” said Nidia, “and I see librarians as people who help you find the right answer. I’m excited to work here.”
You can reach her at nbanuel [at] emory [dot] edu.
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