Month: May 2017

  • Network Services hosts Fun Day

    Network Services hosts Fun Day

    On May 10, Wayne Ortman, Director of Network Services, held a town hall meeting in which he recognized many of his employees for their accomplishments, birthdays and service anniversaries. Wayne had asked a lot from his organization this year and to show his appreciation, he hosted the first LITS Network Services Fun Day. Organized by William Boney,…

  • Maya Cody, Events Manager, Campus and Community Relations

    Maya Cody, Events Manager, Campus and Community Relations

    Maya Cody joins LITS as the newest events manager in CCR after spending the previous decade as the special events coordinator for Spelman College. She also worked in events management at Macy’s and AIDS Walk Atlanta. Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, Maya has a bachelor’s degree of education from Spelman and a culinary arts degree…

  • LITS: recent headlines and upcoming events

        Recent LITS headlines: Emory Libraries news: Alumni enjoy continued Emory Libraries privileges Emory Report article: Emory employees offer a bold showing at Staff Fest 2017 Emory Report article: Libraries honor students with undergraduate research awards Atlanta Studies news: Keep the Count: Screening Stories of Chicago Steppin in Atlanta ECDS news: ECDS 2017 Fall Residency: DS@ATL Upcoming LITS events: (go HERE…

  • Guess who’s turning 25?

    Guess who’s turning 25?

    ESD Team Members circa 1992 (from L to R) : Mike Ewanowski, Barbara Anderson, Erika Buchholz The first person was loaded into Emory Shared Data (ESD) on May 11, 1992. For those who don’t remember 1992, here’s some context. George H.W. Bush was president. The newly constructed Georgia Dome opened in September of that year.…

  • Code4Lib Southeast Conference hosted by Emory Libraries

    Code4Lib Southeast Conference hosted by Emory Libraries

    The Robert W. Woodruff Library played host to the Code4Lib Southeast conference on April 21st. The conference, which is a regional subset of the national Code4Lib group, was the first of its kind in the Southeast. Representatives from libraries across the Southeast ranging from Florida State University, up to North Carolina State University, and across…

  • Emory Photo Club exhibit in the Learning Commons

    Emory Photo Club exhibit in the Learning Commons

    A new Emory Photo Club exhibit of five photos, the winners of their “Earth Day” themed competition, is up on the orange wall on Level 2 in the Learning Commons. The following is from the accompanying description:   “Photo Club Emory is an organization that promotes and endorses creativity and passion through photography. Our members…

  • An invitation from the Library Diversity and Inclusion Working Team

    An invitation from the Library Diversity and Inclusion Working Team

    What: Racial Determination: Implications for Individuals & Communities When/Where: Wednesday, May 17th, in the Jones Room from 2pm to 4pm (may go longer with Q&A) Race is a critical consideration for professionals working in higher education. Individuals’ experiences are significantly impacted, consciously and unconsciously, by their racial identity development as well as the perceptions, beliefs, and…