Author Archives: Wade Moricle

LITS recent headlines and upcoming events

Recent LITS headlines: Emory Report news: Classes that click: Physics for scientists and engineers, discusses Canvas ECDS news: ECDS assists Emory’s visual medical instruction in instructional PPE videos, by Amy Li ECDS News: Apply now for 2020 Emory Foundations for Online Teaching (EFOT) for grad students, by Amy Li Upcoming LITS events: (go HERE for […]

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Coping with COVID: LITS continues to adjust to the long road ahead

“My barn having burned down, I can now see the moon.” – Mizuta Masahide, 17th Century Japanese poet and samurai As we conclude a third week of divisional telecommuting, and as the news begins to confirm that remote access to Emory is going to be the norm for a while, LITS employees continue to find […]

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LITS recent headlines and upcoming events

Recent LITS headlines: Emory Libraries news: Conservation in the Age of COVID-19, by Julie Newton ECDS news: Campus Public Art on OpenTour, by Amy Li ECDS News: ArcGIS access during COVID-19, by Megan Slemons Upcoming LITS events: (go HERE for more information for each event) April 7 – Emory Libraries All Staff Meeting: 10:00 am […]

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Coping with COVID: Two weeks in the lives of LITSers

“It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf, German aviator As we finish up a second week where most of LITS is teleworking during Emory’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, it is reassuring to know that our colleagues around the division are finding […]

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Links to stay informed during the COVID-19 outbreak

In an effort to help everyone stay informed on the latest updates regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, here are a few key links to monitor: Emory’s COVID-19 communication page:  The latest schedules, updates from leaders, and frequently asked questions. Emory Libraries COVID-19 updates page:  The latest schedules and updates for Emory Libraries. Emory HR’s COVID-19 page:  […]

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Using Zoom more than ever? Here are 6 tips and tricks from the pros

As Emory closes out its first week of increased telecommuting as a result of COVID-19 preparedness, Zoom usage has spiked dramatically. According to José Holguin-Cruz (LITS Zoom administrator), the number of active users has increased by 34% in March and the amount of monthly Zoom minutes at Emory has increased by 80% over the same […]

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Jacqui Brown, Library Specialist, Goizueta Business Library

Jacqui Brown is the new library specialist in the GBL. Since relocating to Atlanta in 2018, Jacqui has had her own business as a strategic development consultant and film producer. Most of her career has been in the non-profit, civic sector, working for four years as a consultant, management consultant, operations coordinator, development manager, and […]

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