Category: Projects and Processes
Key Management Server
During the 2013 UTS Annual Kickoff, Dana Haggas surprised attendees with the knowledge that Enterprise Applications, Business Systems team supports 11 applications. This team is a subgroup of Enterprise Applications and consists of 11 people managed by John B. Wilson Jr. Over the next few weeks, we will be presenting an in-depth look into these applications and services. The…
Global Health Chronicles Website
Library Tech Services, one of the newly created divisions in LITS, recently completed the Global Health Chronicles website, found at Under the leadership of John Ellinger (R-WIT), the team of James Bias and Jay Varner (both of R-WIT) collaborated with the School of Public Health (SPH). Rosanne Waters, SPH project lead at the Emory…
Managing Organizational Change
Change is inevitable. I’m reminded of Sam Cooke’s classic song which says, “A Change Is Gonna Come.” Oh yes, it will. As managers, our role is crucial in times of change because of the relationship we have with the employees on our team. We are the closest to the employees who must adopt the new…
Meet the LIMS Team
One of the major applications currently being administered in the Research and Woodruff Health Sciences IT (R-WIT) division is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). The LIMS is currently deployed in several laboratories across Emory University and the Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science Institute (ACTSI). The LIMS is accessible from multiple organizations and physical networks and…
Echo360 in Production
[NOTE: Steve Bransford and Shannon O’Daniel (both of Academic Technology Services) authored this article.] UTS recently transitioned Echo360 from pilot status into a full enterprise service. All schools at Emory, with the exception of the School of Public Health, are participating in the enterprise rollout. Echo360 is a class capture and video delivery system. It easily facilitates the recording of…
Repairs Underway to 1762 Parking Lot
If you have parked in the rear parking lot of the 1762 building in the past few years, you may have noticed an alarmingly growing sinkhole that has been eating away some of the spaces. This sinkhole was the result of erosion towards the railroad tracks that travel between 1762 and the intramural fields. Areas…