Category: Projects and Processes

  • New Listserv Redundancy Implementation

    New Listserv Redundancy Implementation

    Recently, the UTS Messaging team implemented a disaster recovery (DR) solution for Listserv. Disaster recovery was necessary for Listserv due to its extensive use (currently over 6,500+ lists) and usage for critical emergency notifications. Previously, Listserv did not have a disaster recovery solution in the event that the server or data center went down. The server…

  • Sunapsis Implementation Completed

    Sunapsis Implementation Completed

    Both phases (PSHR and OPUS) of the Sunapsis International Office Module implementation have been completed. The International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) Service Owner and SME is Stephanie Roberts. This system provides administrative process support for Emory University including compliance with the Department of Homeland Security tracking and reporting regulations. There are approximately 4,000 entries…

  • Networks V. Nature: the Hidden Side of Infrastructure

    Networks V. Nature: the Hidden Side of Infrastructure

    In our modern era of computing, network connectivity while sitting in the blissful air conditioning of a Georgia summer is quite simple. If my network is down, I call someone. I never spend time thinking about the actual infrastructure that makes it work. All that changed this week, however, as I accompanied Roland Farrar (Enterprise…

  • Brown Migrates eAudition

    Brown Migrates eAudition

    William Brown (Enterprise Applications), a developer on the UTS Business Systems team, recently lead the successful technical migration for disconnecting the Emory Music Department’s eAudition Ensemble Scheduling System from the old R25 Event Scheduling database to a standalone system. eAudition allows student musicians to schedule auditions for various ensembles, including the Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony,…

  • Predictable Irrationality

    Predictable Irrationality

    The latest in my favorite TED Talks is this amazing speech by Dan Ariely, in which he talks about his behavioral experiments in regards to personal and business ethics. According to Wikipedia, “Dan Ariely is an Israeli American professor of psychology and behavioral economics. He teaches at Duke University and is the founder of The…

  • R25 Scheduling System Upgraded to 25Live

    R25 Scheduling System Upgraded to 25Live

    R25, Emory’s enterprise scheduling, publishing and registration system, is undergoing a significant and expansive upgrade that will add a multitude of features and improve the overall user experience. The system is now called “25Live” and its infrastructure is housed in the data center of CollegeNET, an Oregon-based business partner that will provide security, capacity and…

  • Emory Converting to New Telemetry Solution

    Emory Converting to New Telemetry Solution

    Telemetry, the automatic transmission and measurement of hospital data from remote sources, is a vital part of any medical facility. Telemetry devices perform ambulatory/cardiac monitoring of patients who are wearing monitors to track their vital signs, as well as collecting the data for tracking and alert purposes. Remote access points placed all over the hospitals…