Category: Staff Bytes

  • Bianchi Swims to a Pair of Georgia State Game Titles

    Bianchi Swims to a Pair of Georgia State Game Titles

    Felicia Bianchi (PMO) competed in the Georgia State Games last weekend in the 1K and 3K open water swimming competition. She won both events for her age group! She finished 4th overall in the 1K and 9th overall in the 3K. As a result, Felicia is now qualified to swim open water for the State…

  • Anne Marie Goes to Paris

    Anne Marie Goes to Paris

    Anne Marie Alexander (Integration) recently spent a week in the land of bread and butter and wine and sugar – Paris, France! This was her first trip to Paris and exciting because she speaks just enough French to be dangerous. Below are a few of her trip highlights: Favorite attractions: Musée d’Orsay and the Musée…

  • Sharon Gregory’s Dad: The Baseball Player

    Sharon Gregory’s Dad: The Baseball Player

    …A pitcher stares into the batter’s box, reading the catcher’s signals, and prepares to deliver his best fastball. One more strike, just one more strike, and we win the game. As the hot Georgia sun beats down, sweat drips from the bill of his cap. Our pitcher takes a glance at the runner on third,…

  • Luc Survives Savage Obstacle Course

    Luc Survives Savage Obstacle Course

    Luciano Dalla Venezia (Integration) took part in the Savage Race on May 11 and will be taking part in the next one as well on October 5. Located at the Moonlight Stables Equestrian Center in Dallas, GA, the Savage Race is an intense 5-6 mile obstacle run with 25 world class obstacles, including mud, fire,…

  • Kawasaki Presents the “Practitioner’s Road”

    Kawasaki Presents the “Practitioner’s Road”

    On June 18, 2013, Mark Kawasaki (Integration-ITSMO) was one of the presenters in a global online conference called Tomorrow’s Future Today (TFT). TFT features 24 speakers, with a goal of creating a 24-hour virtual global conference, with each presentation following the sun, live on YouTube. The speakers were selected by popular vote online. This conference,…

  • The Happy Secret to Better Work

    The Happy Secret to Better Work

    In light of current discussion during performance review season, Ted Talk speaker Shawn Achor delivers an inspirational speech that the secret to improved work performance is happiness. This is not surprising to anyone except Achor points out that it is not improved work performance that makes us happier…happiness must come first. According to his bio…

  • Kudos to Tillie Loza

    Kudos to Tillie Loza

    Mary Kinney (Enterprise Services), Manager of the Coordinator Team, would like to acknowledge Emory Coordinator III Tillie Loza (Enterprise Services) for going above and beyond while supporting Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA). Tillie was prepared to forward a list of fax numbers on Wednesday, June 26 at 5 p.m. Prior to moving the numbers, she…