Kylie Shannon, Library Specialist Senior, Research, Engagement, and Scholarly Communications

“It’s all about making information more available to people.” – Kylie Shannon

Kylie Shannon is the new senior library specialist in the Research, Engagement, and Scholarly Communications (RESC) department in Emory Libraries. She has been at Emory for over three years as a program coordinator in the cardiology division of Emory Healthcare.

A native of Seattle, Washington, Kylie earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Washington. She has family in Atlanta, which is why she wanted to move to Georgia.

Away from work, Kylie and her sister are avid cooks, particularly enjoying the flavors found in Asian food. Kylie also plays the piano and sings.

“The nature of the OpenAccess work intrigues me,” says Kylie. “It’s all about making information more available to people. I remember being frustrated in my college days about a lack of access to the articles I needed.”

You can reach Kylie at kylie [dot] shannon [at] emory [dot] edu.

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LITS upcoming events and recent headlines

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Recent LITS headlines:

Upcoming LITS events:

(go HERE for more information for each event)

  • March 27 – Event:“All Our Children: A staged reading of Stephen Unwin’s play,” 4:00 pm – 7:15 pm, Jones Room, Woodruff Library
  • April 4Workshop: ZOOM Workshop for the Library, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm, Jones Room, Woodruff Library
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Peek starts organization to help empower survivors of sexual trauma

Dawn Peek (senior network analyst, Technical Operations Center) recently founded the My Sister’s Keepers of Atlanta, an organization “empowering women to move from behind the shadows of their pasts after experiencing sexual trauma.”

“I am a thriving survivor of sexual assault,” says Dawn.

Her organization works with women who are survivors of sexual assault. Their goal is to help women to tell their stories in a safe space where they can learn not to let their experiences define who they are today and beyond. “There is victory after sexual assault,” says Dawn.

The idea began when Dawn delivered a speech about her own personal trauma to over 400 girls at an event in 2018. The event, called “Go Get Our Girls,” was held at Woodland Middle School in East Point, GA. The goal was to help sixth through eighth-grade girls to find the strength to overcome the abuse in their lives.

“We help women blossom from their state of vulnerability.” – Dawn Peek

Following the event, an audience member posted a video of Dawn’s speech on Facebook and suddenly she began receiving a tremendous outpouring from fellow survivors who could relate to her experience, thanking her for sharing her story so publicly. “I realized right then I was being led to start a support group,” says Dawn.

Dawn reached out to Linda Richardson (senior administrative assistant for NDB) to help her find a location for the group. With the support of Kim Comstock and John Ellis, they began holding meetings in NDB. “This is an example of how Emory believes in community,” says Linda.

There are multiple components to the organization. One component, called HerStory, is a support group that meets once a month in a conference room in the North Decatur Building. They also maintain a 24×7 closed Facebook group through which to provide additional care. The group caters to only women and is open to the entire community, not just Emory students, faculty and staff.

Raising awareness against sex trafficking and sexual assault during the Super Bowl Atlanta 2019.

“We help women blossom from their state of vulnerability,” says Dawn. She believes the group setting gives her members a shared camaraderie so that they do not have to suffer alone or in silence.

A challenge the group faces is that people are often in different emotional states regarding their experiences. While one person is telling their story to the group, another person may be in a trigger state, potentially unable to handle the rush of feelings. “We are careful to let people know what the meetings will be like and also use the header ‘Trigger Alert’ for any Facebook post that mentions details that might upset someone.”

This month, the group has invited a police officer who specializes in sexual crimes to present in their meeting. They are also planning an etiquette class for helping members to maintain their control in times of emotional stress, and a meditation class.

The group also plans to view the “What Were You Wearing?” exhibit that went on display this week in the Woodruff Library. Located in the library’s first-level spiral stairwell, the exhibit features a poem that helps eliminate myths regarding sexual assault, as well as victim testimonials. CONTENT WARNING – This exhibit contains powerful imagery and descriptions of gender-based violence.

Please utilize self-care as needed. For support contact: Respect (24/7 Confidential Hotline) Emory at 470-270-5360 or STA Care Center at 785-843-8985.

For more information about My Sister’s Keepers of Atlanta, email Dawn at info [at] iammysk [dot] org. You can also visit the group at their website, on Facebook, or on Instagram.


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March sustainability moment

March is coming in like a lion and will hopefully go out like a lamb – going greener the whole way!

Zero Waste Initiative

Emory has set these laudably ambitious sustainability goals:  all events must be zero waste by 2020 (yes, next year), and by 2025 – compost, recycle or reuse at least 95% of food waste, non-hazardous animal bedding and construction materials. Landfills won’t go out of business, but they won’t continue to expand because of Emory, and the example we are setting is definitely getting attention.

Why is this important?







Zero Landfill Waste Events (from the OSI)

  • Zero Landfill Waste Trainings: We have one final Zero Landfill Waste training of the Spring semester on Thursday, 3/21/19, from 12:00-1:00pm (location TBD). Spread the word with those interested in learning more about recycling and composting at Emory. Folks can sign-up here for a training.
  • Recycling Center Tour: Please feel free to join us for our final Recycling Center tour of the semester on Friday, 3/29/19, from 3:00-4:00pm. 
  • Don’t forget to reference our new hard-to-recycle stations map for all of your hard-to-recycle needs.
  • We have recently updated our Waste Policy FAQs to reflect a new year of recycling and composting at Emory. Check out the FAQs and share any feedback you may have with us. Zero waste by 2020 – next year. Those landfill bins will be no more for Emory has found ways to recycle everything.

Extra Notes

  • Love your straw?  How about the paper ones (that some of us will remember as remarkably adequate and sustainable)?  I am not yet a fan of reusable straws (it’s the Mom thing – germ harbingers, ‘poke your eye out’ stuff) but I’m all for paper straws. Be amazed: go to Amazon and search “paper straws.”
  • America To Go (AtoG) should always be where Emory goes to arrange catered events:  the vendors signed contracts that say orders from AtoG MUST be 100% compostable/recyclable. If you order from that same vendor, independent of the AtoG site, they are NOT obligated to be 100% compostable/recyclable – I learned that the hard way.
  • No Farmer’s Market 3/12 (it’s Spring Break for Emory)
  • Cool Stories: our cardboard gets processed into Sweetwater and Home Depot boxes, while our plastic recycling gets processed into Mohawk carpets.
  • When you need to ‘get the word out’ and you plan to use fliers, be judicious with how many you place.  Don’t waste paper and ink; be smart about where you place your ‘visual.’  
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LEAF celebrating March 14 with a little pi…get it?

The Library Employee Advocacy Forum (LEAF) looks forward to seeing you at our March Coffee and Pi(e) Day Celebration on Thursday, March 14, at 10:30 am in the Woodruff Library Jones Room. For this king of made-up mathematical holidays (second only to Mole Day on October 23), we will have pies from Southern Sweets Bakery and more. Projected pie types include: key lime, pecan tart, cherry, peanut butter, Dutch apple, vegan apple, and blueberry. Come for the mathematical coincidental excuse to eat tasty treats, stay for the friendly conversation with your co-workers!

LEAF representatives will be at the party if there are any advocacy issues that you would like to speak to us about; and as always, LEAF welcomes your feedback (even anonymously) about anything in the library through our online feedback form located here: If you are considering representing your division in LEAF (elections for the next term starting May 2019 are happening throughout March), this coffee hour would also be an excellent time to chat with current representatives about how you could contribute to employee advocacy.

If you can’t make this event, the next LEAF coffee hour is Tuesday, April 9 at 2pm, and will feature a guest from the Emory Sustainability Office to answer any questions you have about the subject, pre-Earth Day.

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Keith Covert, IT Project Manager, PMO

“Emory is an intellectual environment where I can talk to people beyond day-to-day things.” – Keith Covert

Keith Covert is a new IT project manager, working in the Project Management Office. Before coming to Emory he worked as a general field engineer at Schlumberger and as an implementation manager at NRC Health.

After growing up in Wichita, KS, Keith attended Georgia Tech, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and participated in the crew rowing team.

Keith likes to read (“I am always carrying a thought-provoking book with me”), listen to podcasts (“EconTalk is my favorite”), and do calisthenics exercise. He is involved in his neighborhood’s HOA board, co-directs the Atlanta Erg Sprints, and mentors undergraduates at Georgia Tech. He has also lived and worked in such places as Scotland, Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, and Trinidad.

“Emory is an intellectual environment where I can talk to people beyond day-to-day things,” says Keith.

You can reach him at keith [dot] alston [dot] covert [at] emory [dot] edu.

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Doug Slaughter, Collections Analyst, Assessment and User Experience

“Assessment and User Experience (AUX) is a new group and it’s exciting to be a part of something with so much potential.” – Doug Slaughter

Doug Slaughter recently joined Research, Engagement, and Scholarly Communications as a collections analyst. Before coming to Emory, Doug worked for two years on a health-experience NIH grant at Hampton University. He also spent two years as a research data associate at NYU.

A native of Augusta, GA, Doug has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from MIT. He is also proficient in Tableau, SAS, Excel and other tools. Doug is currently working on a master of public health degree in epidemiology from Emory’s School of Public Health.

When he’s not working, Doug loves to cook. His favorite meal to cook is breakfast. He also is an avid fisherman, specializing in salt water fishing.

“Assessment and User Experience (AUX) is a new group and it’s exciting to be a part of something with so much potential,” says Doug. “I’m curious to see where we are going to go.”

You can reach Doug at doug [dot] slaughter [at] emory [dot] edu.

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