DEI Committee gives conference recommendations

Looking for diversity, equity, and inclusion related sessions and conferences? Here are some DEI Committee recommendations on what to attend this year:

IDEAL ’19: Advancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in Libraries & Archives 
August 6–7, 2019, Columbus, OH

From the conference website: “IDEAL, formerly the National Diversity in Libraries Conference, aims to foster awareness and appreciation of workplace diversity issues through the exploration of exemplary practice, contemporary theory, thought leadership, and strategy development for all those in the academic and public library, archives, and museum sectors.”

ACRL 2019: Recasting the Narrative 
April 10-13, 2019, Cleveland OH

This year’s keynotes include notable experts on diversity, equity, and inclusion such as award-winning journalist Michele Norris, MacArthur fellow and novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen, and renowned cartoonist Alison Bechdel. The conference also features invited presentations from library professionals and academics addressing critical issues in social justice in libraries.

ALA Annual Conference 2019
June 20 – 25, 2019, Washington, D.C.

Although the ALA conference schedule has not yet been published, we already know there will be a few interesting DEI related opportunities amidst the chaos. LITA will be hosting a Diversity, Equity, and Justice Panel, and there will be a Diversity Poster Session.

Subscribe to the community of practice listserv

We wish to encourage folks to sign-up for our new “community of practice” mailing list (DEI-COP). We decided to create a secondary listserv so that there would be a space where colleagues can share diversity-related articles, events, opportunities, etc. This is a great opportunity to stay informed of these issues if you do not have time to serve on the DEI Committee. If you do become a member, we’ll add you to our committee’s primary listserv.


You can automatically subscribe to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community of Practice Listserv by sending an email with a blank subject line and the following single line in the body (i.e., no signatures) from the account to which you wish to receive messages:

To: listserv [at] listserv [dot] cc [dot] emory [dot] edu
Body: subscribe DEI-COP

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Green Notes for February 2019

February is Water Awareness Month.

There are a number of exciting opportunities to learn more about by touring the Recycling Center and Water Hub, tasting at the Symposium, enjoying the Farmer’s Market, and getting ready for spring by placing your order with Oxford Farms for weekly produce.

Monday, February 18 (12:00-1:00 pm) AND Friday, March 29 (3:00-4:00 pm): Recycling Center Tour – Please sign-up.  This is an impressive operation.

Monday, February 25 (12:00-1:00 pm) AND Thursday, March 21 (12:00-1:00 pm): Zero Landfill Waste training (which makes you eligible to become a Zero Waste Ambassador). Please sign-up.

Wednesday, February 27: Sustainable Events Symposium: Are you in charge of managing events by arranging for food? These vendors are in absolute support of Emory’s sustainability goals, are member of “America to Go,” and actively seek to help event planners have zero waste (no landfill) events. Attend the Symposium at Ackerman Hall, in the Carlos Museum on February 27 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm (brought to you by the Office of Sustainability). Please RSVP to emorysustainability [at] emory [dot] edu.   (Don’t eat a big lunch!)

Water Hub Tours are every Monday at 10 am and every Friday at 9:30 am.

Farmers Market Dates:   February 19, February 26, March 5, March 19,  March 26, April 2, April 9, April 16, April 30, May 7 and always 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Cox Hall Bridge.

It’s time to get your Oxford Farm CSA box (Community Supported Agriculture). Choices include a Full Season (28 weeks of fresh produce and a 10% discount), Spring, Summer or Fall.  Check out the dates and prices – AND sign up.

March 26 Earth Festival – mark your calendars for this celebratory event.

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Jina DuVernay, Visiting Archivist for African American Collections, Rose Library

“I feel honored to be at Emory, and I am working with a great group of people.” – Jina DuVernay

Jina DuVernay is the latest visiting archivist in the Rose Library. Before coming to Emory, she spent three years as a special collections librarian at Alabama State University. She spent several years working for the Department of Labor and the Driver’s License Agency for the State of Alabama. She also worked for the City of Long Beach.

Originally from Long Beach, CA, Jina moved to Alabama when she got tired of southern California traffic. Jina earned her bachelor’s degree in English language and literature from Troy University, her master’s degree in liberal arts from Auburn University at Montgomery, and her master’s degree of library and information science from the University of Alabama.

Jina has family that lives in Atlanta, and she enjoys spending time with them. She loves movies and reading.

“Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been fascinated with African-American studies,” says Jina. “I was always curious about learning the things they didn’t teach us in school. I feel honored to be at Emory, and I am working with a great group of people.”

You can reach her at jina [dot] duvernay [at] emory [dot] edu.

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Matt Goggans, Systems Engineer II, Systems Engineering

“I really enjoy the environment, the expertise, and the people I’ve been working with.” – Matt Goggans

Matt Goggans recently joined Steve Siegelman‘s Systems Engineering team as a systems engineer II to focus on Window-based systems engineering. Matt spent the last year working as a contractor at Emory, first as a systems administrator for Campus Services, and then as a systems engineer for LITS. He also spent four years as the director of technology for Oak Mountain Academy.

Born in Baton Rouge, LA, Matt was raised in Louisiana, Virginia, and Georgia. He attended UGA, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in communication studies.

When he’s not working, Matt enjoys mixed martial arts (MMA), HAM radio (KM4HQZ), and hiking.

Says Matt regarding his new position in systems engineering, “I really enjoy the environment, the expertise, and the people I’ve been working with.”

You can reach him at mgoggan [at] emory [dot] edu.

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LITS recent headlines and upcoming events

Headlines & Events graphic banner

Recent LITS headlines:

Upcoming LITS events:

(go HERE for more information for each event)

  • February 18 – Exhibit: “Framing Shadows: Portraits of African American Nannies from Emory’s Langmuir Photography Collection” (Opening), All Day, Level 3 Rotunda and Corridor, Woodruff Library
  • February 19 – Exhibit: “Building Emory’s African American Collections” (Temporary Closing), All Day, Schatten Gallery, Woodruff Library
  • February 19 – Event (Film screening): Paywall: The Business of Scholarhip, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Jones Room, Woodruff Library
  • February 21 – Event: IT Briefing, 10:15 am – noon, 4th Floor Auditorium, NDB
  • February 23 – Event: “The Raymond Danowski Poetry Library Reading Series Presents: Richard Blanco,” 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Schwartz Center
  • March 1 – Exhibit: “Building Emory’s African American Collections” (Reopens), All Day, Schatten Gallery, Woodruff Library
  • March 6 – Event: “Innovative Collections: DIY,” 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Visual Arts Building
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CIMP project update

[Ed. note: This article is the first part of a three-part series this week from the LITS Cloud Advisory Group (CAG). The introductory article about the CIMP project can be found here.]

For the past several weeks, the project team has been working hard on a pilot program to gain migration and Amazon Web Service (AWS) experience. This effort involved preparing an AWS “landing zone,” migrating applications (in an isolated environment) and then testing AWS performance. As a reminder, the following applications are included in our pilot:

  • Peoplesoft ELM
  • OnBase
  • Shibboleth
  • Confluence (Wiki)
  • Web Hosting (
  • Clinical Trials

We are happy to report that the results of our pilot migrations have been very promising. There have certainly been challenges, but through it all we have learned a great deal about the process and about AWS.

Photo of new employee Caleb Boyd

Caleb Boyd

Caleb Boyd, who was responsible for migrating Confluence, described the challenge of building out the network architecture: “Since the environment was fairly bare-bones to start, configuring firewalls and security groups, building out AWS load balancers, and configuring SSL certs all had to be completed from the ground up. Since this was one of the first applications we migrated, we were blazing some new trails, but the lessons we learned were very valuable in our successive attempts.”

Eddie Feliciano, responsible for OnBase, raves about the positive outcomes of the pilot migration experience, “Being brand new to this technology, everything we experience with our ‘hands-on’ migrations allows us to learn about the technical details of deploying/administering cloud solutions. Learning to think of your application’s infrastructure as code really brings out new ideas for how we could use non-prod environments to support and respond to customer issues/requests.”

As for the performance results, initially there were a couple situations where we had some concerns. But as we learned how to appropriately optimize the AWS environments, we were able to work through any performance issues and demonstrate response times similar to, or exceeding, the on-premise deployments. Caleb’s report of Confluence performance nicely sums up the results that we have seen across the board, “Our initial tests indicate that the application should perform just as well, if not better, in AWS. And even if we find that the results are lacking, the move to AWS should let us scale up extra resources quickly to compensate.”

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Cloud training is important to IT career growth at Emory

Photo of a highlighter marker on paper[Ed. note: Cloud Advisory Group (CAG) update #2.]

As cloud services become more prevalent at Emory, many LITS employees may be thinking about how to prepare themselves for this critical shift. AWS has many resources that address various cloud topics and their associated certification exams allow for foundational to professional level.

There are even specialty courses for people to hone in on a certain area of cloud computing.

The CAG recommends that almost anyone with an IT job function at Emory should attain the AWS Cloud Practitioner credential.

The AWS Cloud Practitioner provides an overall knowledge of the AWS cloud, its functionality, and product offerings. It is a great springboard to the multitude of training opportunities AWS has available for anyone interested in enhancing their IT career.

For more information about this training, go to:

Photo of Derek Cox outdoors

Derek Cox.

Derek Cox, a LITS systems engineer who has attained AWS certifications of Practitioner, Solutions Architect (SA) Associate, SA Professional, and SysOps Associate, says about AWS training, “I believe that if Emory wants to adopt a Cloud First strategy, everyone in the organization should be familiar with the terms for AWS and Cloud Computing. This is very similar to the mindset we took when everyone got ITIL Foundations Certified. The Cloud Practitioner exam is targeted towards non-technical staff that need to know the concepts of AWS but not the deep dive technical details.”

When asked to describe how he has applied this training in his career, Derek says, “If people don’t take the time now to learn the new technologies, they will be woefully left behind working on obsolete technology. Thus, my passion to re-tool my career to this new paradigm shift and assist others into adopting new skills for the future of IT.”

Zach Cox.

Zach Cox (no relation), a LITS security analyst with the AWS certification of SA Associate with a security specialty, added, “Individuals that complete the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification will have the skills to understand major topics that are discussed and the ability to expand that knowledge by studying and attempting additional AWS certifications in the future. For the last year, since starting with Emory, I was tasked to help secure the AWS at Emory project. By taking my Certified Security – Specialist certification, I was able to confirm my understanding and improve the security posture for all AWS projects I am a part of here at Emory.”

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