Tag: Emory Box
Security training, Box removal updates and a crucial captioning conversation
Over 170 Emory employees tuned in for the November IT Briefing this week and were treated to important updates about mandatory cybersecurity training, Box to OneDrive migration updates, and possible solutions regarding the growing concerns about video captioning. Derek Spransy led things off with a cybersecurity training update. With much of LITS having taken the…
Box collaboration with external (non-Emory) users
Because we’ve disabled anonymous collaboration in Emory Box, all your collaborators must have a Box account. The good news is that it can be an Emory Box account, a Box account from a company or other university, or even a free Box “Lite” account.* Determine who your external collaborators (any who do not have an…
Emory Box is getting a new look
During the May IT Briefing, I announced that Emory Box is being upgraded this summer with new features that will improve usability. These features include an easier to navigate file structure and enhanced graphic displays for photographs. Here is a video and a slidedeck, both from Box, explaining some of the changes: New Box Experience…