MAPme would not be possible without our dedicated team of researchers and undergraduate research assistants. Meet our MAPme team members below, and click here for more information about how you too can get involved in drug addiction research at the Behavioral Genetics of Addiction Lab at Emory University.
Rohan Palmer, Ph.D
Principle InvestigatorWhitney Barfield, Ph.D Jenipher Ober, MDS, MPH

Sri Ponnazhagan, Keland, Victoria Risner, James Swanson, Dr. Rohan Palmer, Sam Cassidy, Maia Amelio, Pamela Romero, Ayushi Argawal, Kathleen Martin, Holly Shan, Skyra Roche, Anjali Agarwal, Caroline Catherman, Lauren Bertin, & Dalora Najera.