Emory Received New CEIRS Federal Contract Valued at $74,734,095

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has awarded the first year of a multi-year contract  in the amount of $3.4 M, to Emory’s Influenza Pathogenesis and Immunology Research Center (IPIRC) a program dedicated to  investigating and preventing  the spread of influenza.  IPIRC is one of five NIAID centers known colloquially as the Center of Excellence for Influenza under this new contract.  Dr. Walter Orenstein, a professor in the School of Medicine Infectious Disease division, will serve as the Principal Investigator for the contract, along with several other Project leaders across the University, as well as domestic and international subcontractors.  Total potential funding under this contract could reach up to $74M, if the government exercises all options over the next 7 years.

From the Office of Sponsored Programs

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