While reading through the articles what dawned on me the most was the binary of illegality and legality in terms of migration however those same…

I think the “Whats wrong with Innocence” article is one of my favorite articles that we have read this semester. I was especially moved by…

I don’t completely agree with this statement but someone once told me “Why is is that we refer to acts of good as humane when…

“So, you think you can dance” Is a reality show around the world in which contestants sign up to dancer for a certain time…

Upon watching the video Europe Or Die – Trapped In Bulgaria, there was a particular scene that really stuck with me. This scene happened around 3:48…

As I read over the article Crisis, Hot Spots, and Paper Pushers: A Reflection on Asylum in Greece I was repeatedly hit with the idea of…

While reading the article titled “For African Asylum-Seekers, a Treacherous Journey Is Only the Beginning” I was grieved by the lack of consideration and care…

Although I had been exposed to “The Burning” clips multiple times before, when we watched it in class on Tuesday I was still overcome with…
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