I don’t completely agree with this statement but someone once told me “Why is is that we refer to acts of good as humane when…

Miriam Ticktin’s Where ethics and politics meet: the violence of humanitarianism in France provided me with a completely new outlook on the action and impact of “humanitarianism.”…

“One can either be a citizen or a human but not both.” (44) This statement in Miriam Ticktin’s paper “Where ethics and politics meet:…

Upon viewing the manner in which refugees are treated in many first world countries, such as France and Germany, it is unfortunate to realize the…

In her article “Catastrophes”, Cristiana Giordano discusses the sub-surface problem of addressing the migrant crisis as precisely that, a “crisis”. While the entire issue is…

The Vice video discusses the “graveyard” that is the Medditarrean sea and Italy’s role in (not) preventing these deaths. The video also deals with detention…

Kos is a Greek island located about 6 kilometers away from Turkey. Due to its location it has become a central point for migrants seeking…

In Cristina Giordano’s “Catastrophes,” a very relevant point about categorization and temporality is made. Reducing an event or issue to a specific category inevitably changes…

In VICE’s piece on Libya’s Migrant Jails, it is inevitable to come to the conclusion that race plays a major role in the rehabilitation and…

“So, you think you can dance” Is a reality show around the world in which contestants sign up to dancer for a certain time…
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