As I read through Dr. Alexander’s article on Sapiens, I could not help but wonder how frustrated these migrants must me, how frustrated Isabella must…

A friend and I were discussing the recent natural disasters, and those to come, in the U.S. right now, and she brought up a wonderful…

From the start of the focus on displaced people post-World War II, the economic potential of migration has consistently been a focus of Eurowestern powerhouses….

This week’s readings shed light on the corruption surrounding “Hot Spots” as well as the disparity in the amount of Africans fleeing to Europe versus…

In African Asylum-Seekers, a Treacherous Journey Is Only the Beginning, the telling of one man’s story, Alphonse, precisely communicates the flawed foundation of the migration…

As I read the “Hot Spots” article (Fassin), my first thoughts jumped to the idea that the European countries in question, and more broadly the…

Throughout the entirety of Hotspots: What They Mean by Didier Fassin , I couldn’t help but take note of the language used to describe migrants and refugees…

After reading both the article on the treacherous journey as well as the article on hot spots within the EU, I thought they…

Reading about Alphonse’s experiences helped me understand why having the “right” narrative is so important. Alexander mentions, “Alphonse’s narrative hit all the right keys for…

After the discussions in class and the readings for this week, I have realized that the economic benefits which migrants can bring plays a role…
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