Schedule for “A Workshop on Constructing an Ethical or Moral Approach to State Responsibility”

Please note that exact times will be available later. This schedule is subject to change.

Workshop Schedule: March 31 – April 1, 2023

Friday, March 31

Introduction: Martha Albertson Fineman and Michael J. Perry

Panel 1: Vulnerability Theory

  • After Rights, Marc Lane Roark (Louisiana Outside Counsel of Health and Ethics Endowed Professor of Law, Southern University Law Center; Senior Fellow, Native American Law and Policy Institute; Research Associate Professor, University of Pretoria)
  • To Each Their Own: Understanding the Role of Human Rights and Vulnerability Theory in Defining State Responsibility, Tara Van Ho (Senior Lecturer, Co-Director of the Essex Business and Human Rights Project, Co-President of the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association, School of Law and Human Rights Centre, Essex Law School)

Panel 2: Religious and Spiritual Approaches

  • Comparative Conscientious: Negotiating Rights and Vulnerability with Confucianism’s Concept of Liangxin (良心), Bohao Zhao
  • A Larger We: Activism, Identity, Spirituality and Social Change in Pluralistic Societies, Dustin Sharp (Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego)
  • Social Justice and the Vulnerable Subject, Sean Coyle (Professor of Jurisprudence, Birmingham Law School)

Saturday, April 1

Panel 3: International Perspectives

  • Rights Could Be Enough: Understanding Social Rights from a Vulnerability and Latin-American Perspective, Fabrizia Serafim
  • A Vulnerability Analysis of the Role of Human Rights in the Formation of Kenya’s Second Republic, Atieno Mboya Samandari (Professor of Practice, Emory University School of Law)
  • Social Property, Vulnerability, and Democratic State, Xiaoqian Hu (Associate Professor of Law, University of Arizona)

Panel 4: Policy and Application

  • The constraints on Human rights and Vulnerability Theory as activators of State action to facilitate social justice: the case for implementing a universal Vulnerability Mitigating Response to determine the scope and content of the obligation of the responsive State, Jennifer Whelan (Senior Lecturer, Director of Clinical Legal Education, Western Sydney University School of Law)
  • The Role of State in Lessening Vulnerability and Advancing Social Justice under International Human Rights Law, Aikaterini Koula (Lecturer in Law, Manchester Law School)

Workshop convened by Martha Albertson Fineman, Michael J. Perry, and Atieno Mboya Samandari.

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