Featured Database: Projekt Dyabola

DyabolaLogo-smProjekt Dyabola is a repository of multiple databases that indexes books, journals, collected essays, and book reviews dealing with Classics, art history, archaeology, and other fields related to the ancient Mediterranean. It covers Greek, Roman, Cretan-Mycenean, Etruscan, Egyptian, and early Christian and Byzantine history, art, culture, and religion. The premier database within this repository is the Archäologische Bibliographie, which contains bibliographic references to the ancient Greek and Roman archaeological sites and artifacts. The Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance which contains images of art and archaeological pieces related to classical antiquity. Students of classics, art history, and religions of antiquity should be familiar with this resource.

Because Dyabola lacks a user-friendly interface, we’ve created the following video tutorial that shows a couple of ways to access its resources.

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