Since the launch of Emory Digital Collections in April 2020, thousands of items from Emory’s rare and unique holdings have been uploaded to the platform. Each month, staff in Library Technology and Digital Strategies will provide an update sharing what has been added to EDC during the preceding month.
Here’s what was added in January 2024:
- 28 issues of The Echo, a historic African American newspaper, were added to The Echo Digital Collection. *This collection is complete.*
- 52 books were added to the African American Imprints Collection, which contains publications written and/or published by African Americans in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
- 128 documents have been added to the Archivo Histórico del Arzobispado de México, a collection of files from the Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico, dating from the 16th through 18th centuries.
- 244 issues have been added to the Emory Report collection. Emory Report, previously published under the titles Campus Report and Administrative Bulletin, is the official university-wide newsletter for Emory University faculty and staff. *This collection is now complete.*
- 25 issues of Emory Magazine, previously titled Emory Alumnus, have been added to the Emory Alumni Publications collection.
- 7 16th-century texts were added to the Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection.
- 3 historical medical texts were added to the Medical Heritage Imprints Collection.
- 2 rare volumes were added to the South Asia Open Archives at Emory. *This collection is now complete.*
If you have any questions about Emory Digital Collections, please contact Kathryn Michaelis (kmicha3 [at] emory [dot] edu) or Emily Porter (eporter [at] emory [dot] edu).
—Kathryn Michaelis, digital preservation program manager