Streaming Video Documentary Collections for DEI

We are highlighting our DEI documentary film content from Docuseek2 and Academic Video Online (AVON) from Alexander Street Press, as we restart our Diversity in Collections series! These two services provide great amounts of content dedicated to social justice issues, diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion. Please consider these for class assignments and readings as well as for personal interest!

We now have access to the Docuseek2 Complete Collection which contains *most* Bull Frog, Icarus and Women Make Movies documentaries (these are very well-known socially-conscious documentary film distributors). At the end of our three year subscription, we will be able to choose 40 life of files titles. There are a few exceptions, due to licensing, to the content, such as the Global Environmental Justice titles, Icarus Fiction, and the films of Anand Patwardhan. Let us know if these titles are of interest!

There are also 25 Good Docs films now represented in the collection. Other Good Docs films can still be purchased, just not part of the collection.  Please let your subject librarian know if you come across a title that is not available, as we can purchase these for perpetual access (“life-of-file”). Docuseek films can be embedded in Canvas, see:

All individual titles can be located and searched in the library catalog!

Alexander Street Press has numerous channels (e.g., Black Studies, LatinX, LGBT Studies, Environmental Studies) to consider as you choose films for your course, or for supplemental viewing and research, featuring a wide variety of social issues. As with Docuseek2, all titles can be easily embedded in Canvas and have permanent links.

Chris Palazzolo, Head of Collection Management, Woodruff Library, and Social Sciences Librarian


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