Introducing the Canvas Designers Group

A call for participants to join a new group for Emory instructors and course designers who wish to level-up their graphic design skills in Canvas. We will show you lots of great ways to enhance the look and functionality of your Canvas courses. We are also inviting you to share your own tips and tricks and designs with the group.

Much of our exploration will focus on the DesignPLUS tools by Cidi Labs that are installed in our Canvas instance but we will also explore additional methods for adding visual and functional interest to your Canvas courses. We may go under the hood and edit some HTML and CSS on occasion but this is not intended to be a group strictly for advanced users. There is much to share for users at all skill levels.

Our plan is to have a monthly hybrid meeting. We will decide collectively on the best day and time to have the meeting.

To learn more about the wealth of functionality available in DesignPLUS, check out the video below: 

How to Join

To join the Canvas Designers Group simply click on our Canvas Designers Group course and click the ‘Join This Course‘ button.