Category Archives: Assignments

homework assigned Sept. 25

Audio Activity 2: Taboo topics. Due Monday, Sept. 30


Presentation 2: Write a transcript of your presentation. Name your file Pres2_A_yourname and upload it to the Presentation 2 folder by Monday, Sept. 30. Don’t forget to put your name on the transcript as well!


Listening Log 2: Complete Listening Log report #2 and bring to class next Wednesday, Oct. 2.

homework assigned Sept. 23

Presentation 2. Prepare an introduction for Presentation 2. That is, be able to tell the class what process you plan to describe, why this process is important, and what the major steps are in this process. Due Wednesday, Sept. 24

Audio Activity 2: Taboo topics. In the U.S., certain topics are considered improper or unacceptable to discuss in a conversation. Are these topics considered taboo in your country as well? Please see under Audio Activities for more details. Due Monday, Sept. 30.