Luciano Dalla Venezia (Integration) took part in the Savage Race on May 11 and will be taking part in the next one as well on October 5. Located at the Moonlight Stables Equestrian Center in Dallas, GA, the Savage Race is an intense 5-6 mile obstacle run with 25 world class obstacles, including mud, fire, and barbed wire.
“I thought the monkey bars would be my toughest obstacle before the race so in preparation I focused on these as well as getting the distance on my legs,” said Luc.
Little did he know that monkey bars were the least of his worries!
During the race, the toughest obstacles turned out to be:
- Colossus -the tallest quarter pipe in obstacle racing, it takes over 3 weeks to build this $50,000 monster. By the time Luc got to this obstacle, the rope was wet, slippery and posed quite a challenge.
- Tazed – a structure with loose wires dangling from it that are connected to a car battery, designed to shock you as you crawl underneath. A few competitors suffered broken noses from their heads smashing to the ground trying to avoid the shocks.
Luc’s goal was to finish the course and complete every obstacle…mission accomplished! Now he is in training for his October race. ZAP!
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