Hyun Jin Kim



五牛图 (Five Oxen)

   “五牛图”是中国最有名的动物画儿之一。这张画儿表现五只牛,各个牛有不一样的姿态:一只在看上面,一只在看后面,一只在走动,一只在吃草,另外的在冥想。五只牛的颜色都不同,有的是黄色或者褐色,有的是有斑纹的,色彩又美又活灵活现。这张画儿是横排的, 大概140厘米。画家用很厚的毛笔,为了表示牛的力气和勇壮。



“Five Oxen” is one of the most famous Chinese animal paintings. This painting describes five oxen each has different postures: one is looking up, one is looking back, one is walking, one is eating grass, and the other one is meditating. Five oxen’s colors are all different, some are yellow or brown and some have spots. Colors are very beautiful and vivid. This painting is drawn horizontally and is about 140cm long. The painter used very thick brush in order to describe oxen’s strength and boldness.

During Tang Dynasty, Han Huang drew this painting. He not only is a famous painter but also have political power because his main job is prime minister. His famous paintings all describe animals, such as ox, sheep, and donkey. Unfortunately, his paintings are all lost except “Five Oxen”. I chose this painting because I think Han Huang well-symbolized oxen’s energy and hard work.

This painting reminds me of a person. I think ox is similar to person because ox and person both diligently work. The painter drew this painting because he truly appreciated ox’s hard labor.

Aaron Sin Wai Lam


劉松年是南方宋代最有名的画家。每幅劉松年画的画都很有详细的风景。在寧宗皇帝在位的时候, 劉松年得到了一个象征权位的金腰带。我选了这幅绘画,因为我觉得它很有意思。而且我自已也是佛教徒,所以这个绘画对我来说更有意义了。

我觉得这幅画有很多话想跟观众们说。最有意思的就是大和  尚不管树上的长臂猿。不过,他的弟子或许是还没有达到涅  槃的和尚所以在收东西。从佛教的说法,我们达到涅槃的时                                                 候不应该收别人的东西。因为我们有了满足了的生活,不能                                                 随便乱要东西。因为这个绘画,我觉得这个绘画很有道理,                                                 所以我很喜欢这个绘画。

Liu Songnian made this painting and it is made during the Song dynasty. In the painting, there are two monks; one of the monks has achieved nirvana according to the Buddhist belief. The taller one is the Buddhist that achieved nirvana. The smaller monk is the disciple of the bigger monk and is receiving a pomegranate by one of the gibbons. In front of the taller monk, there are two deer and the setting of the painting is in a forest.

Liu Songnian is a very well known painter during his time. Every Liu Songnian’s paintings has detailed depiction of the environment. Under Emperor Ningzong’s time, Liu Songnian received a very prestigious Golden Girdle. I chose this painting because I think this painting is very interesting. Furthermore, I am also Buddhist and this painting intrigues me even more.

I feel that this painting have many words to say to the audience. The most interesting part of this painting is that the taller monk ignores the tree’s gibbon, while the younger monk is depicted to receive a pomegranate from the gibbon. According to the Buddhist belief, when we achieved nirvana, we should be content of what we have and we should not want other random things. We should be satisfied with our lives instead of wanting more. Because of this painting, there are a lot of meaningful reasons and is why I think it is interesting.


Jung Min Han


 你们看到了什么?这是一条大蛇!我选这张画儿, 因为今年是蛇年!

这个地方在乡村里。这条蛇是在画儿的中间,因为蛇是很重要的主题。我很喜欢画儿的颜色。蛇是咖啡、 姜黄和白色的。 这个蛇的皮肤又滑、又美丽。石头给我留下了很好的印象,因为显得很真实。画家不但用了黑色的颜料,而且也用了白色的颜料。画中没有山,可是有很多树和小河。 树的颜色是绿色和蓝色混合起来的。


把蛇画在美丽的环境里,我觉得张大悲想让我同时感觉恐怕和幸福。有的人可能不喜欢这个画, 有的人可能喜欢。 我看这个画的时候,我想出来很有意思的故事。在故事的开始蛇非常饿,所以蛇一边等青蛙或者鱼来,一边享受安静的气氛。我看这个画的时候,可以听到清屏的河。我也想坐在石头的上面,感受凉爽的风。


What do you see? This is a big snake! I picked this painting because this year is the snake year!

The setting is in country. The snake is position in the middle because it is considered as the main theme of the painting. I really like the choice of color. The snake is painted with dark brown, light brown and white. The snake’s skin is very smooth and beautiful. The rock gave a good impression on me because it appears real. It not only used black but also used white. The painting doesn’t have mountains but has lots of trees and a small river. The color of the tree is a blend of green and blue colors.

Zhang dai bei is the artist. He went to Guangdong Art School to study oil painting. Since he graduated, he painted lots of oil paintings. He is now a professional artist. He loves to paint animals, for example, birds, fish, and reptiles. As soon as I saw the painting, I chose it. I not only attach importance to animals but also I wanted to share my joy to others about my love for animals. I hope I can paint animal with my own hand, especially panda.

By painting the snake in beautiful environment, I think the painter wanted me to feel both fear and happiness. Some people might don’t like it and some people might like this painting. When I looked at the painting, I came up with an interesting story. The story begins with the hungry snake is waiting for a fish or frog to come out but at the same time the snake seem to enjoy the quiet atmosphere. I feel as though I can hear the slow waterfall. I would like to sit on the rock and feel the cool wind.

It is obvious that I really like this painting. I hope you will like it too.

Zhang Yuzhe



我这幅画是我妈妈在家里画的。这张画是一只老虎的画。老虎似乎是在休息。这只老虎在一块石头上面。在画里这是晚上的时间。虎看起来是累了。我妈妈画这幅画,是因为她认为老虎是强大和美丽的。 在中国文化中,老虎在森林中是最强的动物。在中国文化中,老虎也可以代表战争。有许多中国画卷中,都有老虎的照片。图片总是显示老虎极其强大。我妈妈正在读一本书,有一天她决定,她真的很喜欢这个狮子的画,并要绘制。她花了约三个月,以画虎。在画中,她用特殊的彩色铅笔来绘制图像。



Lv Shaojun


國畫是中國傳統的藝術。  這一幅國畫是有關熊貓的畫,作者是王景明。  畫裡面很簡單, 有月亮、 石頭、貓熊和竹子, 旁邊寫著”竹園雅趣”四個字。  它主要是在畫貓熊吃竹子, 它們輕鬆自在、快快樂樂 、 沒有煩惱的樣子。那些竹子就代表強壯與生命。

我喜歡這幅國畫,是因為看到這幅國畫时, 讓我想起去年暑假回台灣時,去參觀熊貓館的情形。 看到它們可愛的樣子, 我真是太喜歡它們了!  它們每天就是吃飽了睡, 睡飽了吃。 除了吃和睡,好像就沒有其他的事可以做, 傻傻地一天過一天。這幅國畫把旁邊的那四個字” 竹園雅趣”表現得非常好。

另外一個我喜歡這幅國畫的原因是, 在國畫中, 有一些國畫只用黑白墨汁來畫熊猫,但是這一幅國畫除了用黑白墨汁畫熊貓外, 還用不同深淺、不同亮度的綠色畫竹子和背景。  整個畫看起來很簡單,但是讓人覺得好像在竹園裡,非常快樂。

看到這幅國畫讓我感覺到和我們現在人們的生活差很多。  現在人們的生活非常忙, 平常大人們忙著上班賺錢, 小孩子們忙著寫作業、讀書、考試。  星期六、星期日的時候,小孩子們忙著課外活動, 大人們忙著割草、買菜、 接送小孩。 只有放長假的時候, 大家才有空休息, 一起去看看電影、去旅行。 所以, 當你很忙, 沒空休息的時候,看看這幅國畫, 它會讓你覺得舒服快樂!