Chief of Office of Immunizations, Rhode Island DPH

Chief of Office of Immunizations, Rhode Island DPH

Category : Alumni

Opportunity Description

  • General Statement of Duties: To be responsible for the planning, development and administration of a statewide program of health promotion; and to do related work as required.
  • Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of a superior with considerable latitude for the exercise of initiative and independent judgement; work is assigned in general outline and checked in process and upon completion for results obtained and conformance to established polices, programs and objectives.
  • Supervision Exercised: Plans, assigns, supervises and reviews the work of a staff of professional, technical and clerical personnel engaged in a statewide health promotion program.


Duties and Responsibilities 

  • To be responsible for a statewide program of health promotion and to supervise sections engaged in health promotion activities such as: the health library, graphics, public information, fitness, audiovisual and health promotion materials section.
  • To develop the state health promotion plan and any necessary material to qualify the department for formula and special project grants.
    To coordinate within the department the implementation of lifestyle strategy to improve health status and risk reduction-cost containment activities.
  • To provide consulting and support services to operating division heads in the planning and developing of health promotion programs and activities to include education and behavior modification regarding such self-destructive habits as smoking, excessive drinking, obesity, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and accidents.
  • Under the direction of technical and professional staff members within the department, to be responsible for the preparation, selection, assembly and distribution of health promotion material such as pamphlets, bulletins, reports, circulars, posters, exhibits, visual aids, newspaper releases and electronic media scripts.
  • To assist community agencies, professional and lay groups, and the public in understanding the programs of the department and in developing local health promotion programs.
  • To plan, arrange and attend conferences, meetings, institutes and special educational campaigns.
  • To periodically evaluate the effectiveness of existing statewide health promotion programs and the educational methods and materials used in program development.
  • To keep records and prepare reports relative to program functions and activities.


Required Qualifications 

  • A thorough knowledge of the principles, practices and techniques of health promotion and the ability to plan, develop and administer health promotion programs;
  • a thorough knowledge of public relations techniques and the ability to supervise the preparation of public relations materials;
  • the ability to make written and oral presentations on health promotion; the ability to plan, supervise and review the work of a staff engaged in the development and administration of a statewide health promotion program;
  • the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with superiors, associates, subordinates, public groups, and private and public agencies; and related capacities and abilities.


Education and Experience 

  • Education: Such as may have been gained through: possession of a Master’s Degree from an approved school of Public Health with specialization in Health Promotion or possession of a Master’s Degree in Journalism, Public Administration, Education Administration, Communication or a field related to a public health information program; and
  • Experience: Such as may have been gained through: employment in a position involving the planning, development and administration of health promotion programs. Or, any combination of education and experience that shall be substantially equivalent to the above education and experience. 


How to Apply 

To learn more about this position and apply online, click here

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  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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