Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, Rhode Island Department of Health
Category : Alumni
General Statement of Duties:
- To analyze and document the impact of various chronic and infectious disease processes on the population of the state and/or communities, as well as on other specific subpopulations at risk; to monitor and analyze the incidence, prevalence and determinants of disease such as environment, genetics, lifestyle and access to medical care; to identify effective health promotion and disease prevention strategies; to design and/or implement health promotion and disease prevention interventions; and to do related work as required.
Supervision Received
- Works under the administrative supervision of a superior with latitude for the exercise of initiative and independent judgement; assignments are made in broad outline and work is reviewed upon completion for results attained and conformance to established policies, objectives, provisions of law, rules and regulations.
Skills and Qualifications
- A thorough knowledge of descriptive and analytical epidemiologic techniques, research and evaluation methodologies, and biostatistics as described in national standards such as the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists’ Applied Epidemiology Competencies
- Strong written and oral communication and presentation skills
- Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with internal and external partners; and related capacities and abilities
- Possession of a Master of Public Health, a Master of Science in Epidemiology, or a master’s degree in a related health field with specialization in the area of epidemiology.
Application Information
- Application Deadline: January 14th, 11:59PM EST
- Click here to read more about this position and apply online!
- If you have any questions regarding the position or application, contact Abby Berns at abby [dot] berns [at] health [dot] ri [dot] gov.