Category Archives: News/Events

Virtual Career Fair, California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

Category : News/Events

California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), part of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA), offers excellent opportunities for epidemiologists, exposure scientists, environmental scientists, and other scientists who wish to make a difference by pursuing careers in government service advancing public health. OEHHA is actively recruiting both experienced scientists and recent graduates to join our team. 

There is an upcoming virtual career fair hosted by CalEPA on Wednesday, April 26th from 11 am to 1 pm PDT. Representatives from OEHHA and the other five agencies within CalEPA will be speaking about different career path options and how to get a job with the State of California, as well as answering questions. The registration link for this free event is here and a flyer with more information is attached.

We hire staff and supervising scientists in multiple classifications from the California civil service including:

  • Research Scientists (Epidemiology/Biostatistics, Chemical Sciences): $78,144–$169,848 per year
  • Environmental Scientists: $49,740–$183,492 per year
  • Toxicologists: $78,144–$188,856 per year 
  • Public Health Medical Officers: $133,848–$207,996 per year
  • Health Program Specialists: $72,732-$119,340 per year

Current job opportunities may be found at OEHHA has a hybrid work environment that includes work in an office setting and telework at home; a given position may be remote-centered within California or office-centered at either our Sacramento or Oakland location. 

As the lead state agency assessing health risks posed by hazardous substances, we provide scientific expertise to all branches of CalEPA and to other state and local agencies to assist them in regulatory and public health decisions. We also work with federal agencies, the scientific community, industry, nongovernmental organizations, and communities across California on environmental and public health issues. Key OEHHA activities include:

  • Assessing the health risks posed by air and water contaminants.
  • Developing, refining and updating two pioneering environmental justice screening tools that evaluate the burdens California communities face from environmental pollutants, and the quality, accessibility and affordability of drinking water provided by community water systems.
  • Exploring the use of novel toxicity data streams to characterize the toxicity of chemicals with sparse or without traditional toxicology information. 
  • Developing fish advisories for mercury and other contaminants in sport fish from water bodies throughout the state, and making recommendations regarding fishing safety and closures after marine oil spills.
  • Collaborating with the California Department of Public Health and Department of Toxic Substances Control on the Biomonitoring California program, which measures levels of chemicals found in Californians’ bodies.
  • Evaluating and assessing health risks and exposures to carcinogens and reproductive toxicants as part of implementing the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, better known as Proposition 65.
  • Identifying the impacts of climate change on California, and the effects of heat and air pollutants on human health.
  • Peer reviewing health care providers on the recognition, management and reporting of pesticide illness.
  • Providing guidance to regional and local agencies on the health-risk assessment of contaminated sites.

 If you have any questions regarding getting on the eligibility list, please contact our Human Resources branch at HR [dot] Mail [at] oehha [dot] ca [dot] gov or (916) 327-1444.

Virtual Symposium, Charles C. Shepard Award

Category : News/Events

the faculty to have prepared the most scholarly research paper. Please save the date and join us to recognize and celebrate this year’s finalists who will present a poster of their work.

Thursday, May 4. 2023
12:00- 1:15 PM ET
Zoom ID: 920 05671347: Pass code: 349.749.
A list of the finalists and their papers will be sent prior to the event.
All are welcome to join! Please ensure you have the latest version of Zoom
installed to have the best viewing experience.
Learn more here:
Questions? Email Zelda Ray at

Urban Air Quality in the Age of Climate Change Symposium, Georgia Tech

Category : News/Events

The Georgia Tech Interdisciplinary Health and Environment Leadership Development (IHE-LeaD) student cohort invites you to participate in its inaugural symposium:

Urban Air Quality in the Age of Climate Change

on May 11-12, 2023, at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

We welcome you to our interactive event to connect researchers, public leaders, and community advocates to discuss urban air quality and its consequences on human health, equity, and environment. This event will feature skill-building workshops around public engagement and problem solving, contributed talks and posters from diverse members of the local scientific community, displays from local organizations, keynotes, and a panel discussion from experts in the field of urban air quality and climate change.

Learn more about the AQ ATL23 symposium program and how to participate on the webpage: Abstract submission deadline for contributed talks and posters is 3/31/2023.

The High Cost of Cheap Meat, Screening and Discussion

Category : News/Events

Please join Emory University’s Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health and Department of Environmental Sciences on Friday, March 31st for a documentary screening and discussion of “The Smell of Money” with guest speakers Leah Garcés, Mercy for Animals, and film producer Jamie Berger. Click here to RSVP.

Noon Time Seminar Series, Humphrey Fellows

Category : News/Events

The following seminar series will take place on Thursdays at noon in CNR 3001, as well as on Zoom

3/23: Heba Metwally, MD (Egypt): Universal Health Coverage Implementation in Egypt

Tatiana Estrela, SW, MA (Brazil): Tuberculosis in Brazil – The National TB Pan

4/06: Richard Kambarangwe, MPH (Tanzania): Traumatic Stores of a Deadly Disease, Tanzania’s Programmatic Trajectories in Ending HIV Epidemic

Sambo Guemgo, MD, MSC (Chad): Community Health Program in Chad: Challenges and Perspectives

4/13: Kezang Dorji, MBBS, MPH (Bhutan): Building Professionalism and Mindset of One Health

EMan M N Salih, MSC PTH (Sudan): Health Education in Sudan Rural Areas



Healthcare Relevancy Teach-In, Woman Life Freedom for Iran

Category : News/Events

What: WLF Teach-In: We will be hosting a teach-in (an informal discussion and learning space) regarding relevant aspects of the Women Life Freedom Movement, especially relevant for those who are interested in healthcare, public health, community health, women’s rights initiatives, and reproductive health.

When: Thursday, March 23rd, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: The Hatchery (1578 Avenue Pl #200, Atlanta, GA 30329)

Who: Hosted by the School of Medicine and the Rollins School of Public Health, for all Emory students, faculty, and affiliates.

PRISM Thesis Opportunities Meeting

Category : News/Events

PRISM Health will be sponsoring a thesis opportunities meeting for first year Epidemiology students who are interested in HIV and Sexual Health. There will be pizza (bring your own drink!) and opportunities to hear about available thesis topics. You will meet the EPI HIV faculty, and begin a process to match with one of these topics or faculty members. 

2/27/2023, 12-1PM CNR 4001 (Alternative Zoom option)

You may RSVP to Susan at sschlue [at] emory [dot] edu by Feb. 24th.

Faculty: Jodie Guest, Jeb Jones, Travis Sanchez, Patrick Sullivan, and Aaron Siegler
along with PRISM CDC collaborators


Honoring hard-fought wisdom: a dialogue with formerly incarcerated citizens

Category : News/Events

Learn about public health-related challenges during and after incarceration, and recommendations for action. Led by returning citizens who will share their insights gained from decades of lived experience.

Speakers: Julius Campbell, Kareemah Hanifa, Ron Garrett

February 23, 2022, 4:30-6:00 pm

Randall R. Rollins Room 800

Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.

Please contact Julie Gazmararian (jagazma [at] emory [dot] edu) with questions. RSVP by February 3!


Lectureship Award Symposium, Emerson Center

Category : News/Events

The Emerson Center is pleased to announce that its 2023 Annual Lectureship Award Symposium is scheduled for March 30th, 2023in the Oxford Road Building Presentation Room.

This year, the Center is promoting one of the vital fields of science and technology, namely, “Drug Discovery, through fundamental research, including Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)“. The title of the Center’s 2023 Symposium is:

“From Fundamental Research to Medical Breakthroughs”

The EC Lectureship Award Committee has selected our esteemed colleague, champion of drug discovery, and true patriot of Emory, Prof. Dennis C. Liotta (Emory), Executive Director of The Emory Institute for Drug Development, and Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Chemistry, as the winner of the 2023 Emerson Center Award. 

This symposium, as the Center’s all previously organized symposiums (see attached document), is going to be truly multi-disciplinary. We are grateful to the renowned scholars:

  Prof. César de la Fuente,             (U. Penn)

  Prof. Monika Raj                            (Emory),

  Prof. Bill Wuest                              (Emory), 

who have accepted our invitations, and are going to present, as well. 

To register for this event, please click here

Third annual workshop, Emerging Data Science Methods for Complex Biomedical and Cyber Data

Category : News/Events

March 16 -17, 2023

Georgia Cyber Center Hull McKnight Building                      

100 Grace Hopper Lane, Augusta, GA

The Division of Biostatistics and Data Science in the Department of Population Health Sciences in the Medical College of Georgia and the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences at Augusta University are organizing the third annual workshop on “Emerging Data Science Methods for Complex Biomedical and Cyber Data”. The goal of this two-day workshop is to educate and empower graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career researchers and faculty members with emerging statistical methods to address the complex data arising from various fields, in particular, from biomedical and cyber sciences. 

The workshop will be in the form of specific research overviews and lectures provided by leading experts in the current respective topic areas. A poster session and a five-minute oral presentation session will be held respectively during the first and second day of the workshop. A limited number of posters and 5-minute presentations will be selected for poster/presentation awards by a panel of judges. 

Invited Speakers:

Dr. Gagan Agrawal, Augusta University

Dr. Sandrine Dudoit, University of California, Berkeley

Dr. James B D Joshi, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Murat Kantarcioglu, University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. Xihong Lin, Harvard University

Dr. Bani Mallick, Texas A&M University

Dr. Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University

Dr. Aditya Prakash, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Elizabeth Slate, Florida State University

With the NSF support, we are able to provide travel awards to undergraduate students to attend the workshop; and we are also able to provide travel awards to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to either present posters or to give five-minute oral presentations on their respective research closely related to the theme of this workshop.  Travel Award application deadline is extended to February 10th, 2023.  

For more information and to register, please visit Early registration (by March 1st, 2023) is strongly encouraged because of space limits.  Registration fee will be higher if paid on or after March 1st, 2023.  

The workshop is financially supported by the National Science Foundation and the Augusta University Senior Vice President Office for Research, and co-sponsored by the American Statistical Association (ASA) Georgia Chapter, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), and the Southern Regional Council on Statistics (SRCOS).


Upcoming Events

  • EGDRC Seminar: Lynn Aboue-Jaoudé January 14, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Health System Users in Vulnerable Situations: Normative Experiences and “New Ways of Life”Speaker: Lynn Abou-JaoudéContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduLink: Lynn Abou-Jaoudé studies sociocultural challenges in healthcare experiences, focusing on qualitative research and diabetes prevention at the University of Lille’s LUMEN lab.
  • GCDTR Seminar: Erin Ferranti, PhD, MPH, RN January 21, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Cardiometabolic Risk and Resource Connection in Maternal HealthSpeaker: Erin Ferranti, PhD, MPH, RNContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Erin Ferranti, Emory Assistant Professor, researches women’s cardiometabolic disease prevention, health inequities, maternal morbidity, farmworker health, diabetes, and hypertension using biomarkers for early risk identification.

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