Category Archives: News/Events

PhD Application Bootcamp

Category : News/Events

Last year, the Department of Environmental Health hosted a PhD Application Bootcamp for students who were interested in gaining a better understanding of the PhD application process and/or applying to the 2020 application cycle. As this was the first year that this program was offered, we intentionally limited access to current Environmental Health MPH students to ensure our capacity to provide the support that students needed. In sum, we had 7 students who participated in the program. Of these, 6 students matriculated into PhD programs, with 4 of these students entering the RSPH Environmental Health Sciences PhD program in Fall 2021.

Given the success of the program, we wanted to expand this resource to include other students and programs within RSPH, and beyond. Our goal is to continue to provide support for students who are interested in applying for the December 1, 2021, application cycle. I have attached a flyer that contains information about the program, specific topics, and topic dates, as well as a link where students can register for the program. This program is free and will be offered in-person (at Emory) and virtually via Zoom.


  • For undergraduate and masters students
    planning to apply to the December 1, 2021,
    PhD application cycle
  • Open to environmental health and science
  • Offered in-person at Emory or virtually
    through Zoom
  • Registration:
  • Registration closes September 17
  • Questions? Please contact Dr. Mike Caudle
    (wcaudle [at] emory [dot] edu)


Session I: Is a PhD right for me?
When: September 23; 6:00p
Where: Claudia Nance Rollins
Building, Room 2001
Zoom: TBD

Session II: Navigating a PhD
When: October 7; 6:00p
Where: Claudia Nance Rollins
Building, Room 2001
Zoom: TBD

Session III: Writing your personal
statement, resume, letters of
When: October 21, 6:00p
Where: Claudia Nance Rollins
Building, Room 2001
Zoom: TBD

Session IV: Broadening the career
path in PhD training
When: November 11; 6:00p
Where: Claudia Nance Rollins
Building, Room 2001
Zoom: TBD


Adopt a Scholar Program

Category : News/Events

The Adopt-a-Scholar Program provides financial assistance to outstanding RSPH students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, community service involvement, academic success, and commitment to a career in public health. Below are the Adopt-a-Scholar Program Scholarships that are available:

·       Dr. Michael Alexander Scholar ($2500 Award): Preference for this award will be given to an outstanding student interested in a career in Medicine and/or chronic disease.

·       Dr. Michael Lindsay & Mrs. Lorna Lindsay Scholar ($2500 Award): Preference for this award will be given to a MD/MPH student, with a preference for those interested in women’s health (e.g. OBGYN) and/or reproductive health.

·       Glen & Edith Reed Scholar ($2500 Award): Preference for this award will be given to an outstanding student with experience in international public health fieldwork.

·       Teresa Rivero Scholar ($2500 Award): Preference for this award will be given to an outstanding MPH/MSPH student. 

·       Keisha Hunt & Metas Solutions Scholar ($2500 Award): Preference for this award will be given to an outstanding student in the Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences Department. 

Applicants for the Adopt-a-Scholar Program must be current MPH/MSPH students in good academic standing. Selected students will receive a scholarship to be applied towards their tuition.

Please use this link to complete your scholarship application by our deadline of Friday, September 17, 2021 at 5:00PM EST.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact:

RSPH Career Fair, September 23 and 24

Category : News/Events

The Office of Career Development at Rollins School of Public Health hosts two annual career fairs where public health and healthcare organizations converge to network with bright and promising Rollins students and alumni. The fair provides an exciting atmosphere to learn of opportunities, hiring practices, desired skill sets, and future needs.

This fall the Rollins School of Public Health is hosting a hybrid career fair with a virtual and in person option! Our virtual career fair is hosted on our new platform RSPH Career Connection, powered by 12Twenty! Here you can post part/full time positions, REAL, fellowships, and internships, and even request events, all specifically for our Rollins Alumni and current students! To prepare for our career fair or to post an opportunity use this link RSPH Career Connection, to sign up for an account. 

If you’re an employer looking to participate in the fair please read our employer toolkit:

RSPH Career Connection Employer Toolkit

RSPH Fall 2021 Public Health VIRTUAL Career Fair

Thursday, September 23rd, 12 – 4 PM EST


RSPH Fall 2021 Public Health IN PERSON Career Fair

Friday, September 24th, 12 – 4 PM EST


WASH Trivia Night, September 2

Category : News/Events

Join WARP and friends for trivia, games, food and beverages on Thursday, September 2 at 6 PM in CNR 1000! The event is open to all. RSVP on The Hub or Corq.

Grad Student Welcome Back Event, September 22

Category : News/Events

GSGA is excited to be planning an upcoming welcome back event for all graduate students on Wednesday, September 22nd, from 6 to 8 PM on McDonough Field! During this event, we are planning on having food truck vendors and beer drinks as a welcome back for students after being mostly virtually online for the past year. More details about the event are forthcoming and expected to be sent out soon! Keep an eye out for the Emory Gradzette in your Emory inbox for more details to come.

Epi Seminar Faculty Candidate

Category : News/Events

Join this week’s Epi Seminar presented by faculty candidate Anne Mobley-Butler, PhD, MS who is an Assistant Professor at Washington University School of Medicine. It will take place Wednesday, August 25th, at 12 PM.

Join the Zoom Webinar by clicking here.

Passcode: 814322

About the seminar:

Large-scale non-experimental studies using real-world data can be used to understand vaccine-and drug-related utilization, effectiveness, and safety. A particularly exciting aspect of this work is the ability to study various special populations –defined by age, pregnancy status, comorbid conditions, etc. –who are often excluded from randomized clinical trials. Given that little is known regarding the safety and effectiveness of commonly used vaccines and drugs in these populations, real-world evidence generated from these studies is critically needed to inform clinical practice and policy decisions. During this talk, Dr. Butler will describe the application and development of epidemiological methods in several real-world studies that focus on the prevention and treatment of common infections.

A Tribute to 2020 and 2021 RSPH Graduates

Category : News/Events

The Epidemiology Department honors all graduates of the classes of 2020 and 2021 with the installation of an art piece on the 3rd floor of the Claudia Nance Rollins building. The piece centers the art of 2020 MPH graduate Grace Fletcher and was visioned by Tim Lash and designed by Jodie Guest. It is a tribute to the perseverance of the 2020 and 2021 graduates and all those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Go check it out! 

COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall

Category : News/Events

This Friday August 20th you are invited to join the 44th Emory@Grady COVID Virtual Town Hall.  Dr. Celine Gounder will be the VIP speaker.  

Zoom meeting ID: 926 6123 0560

Meeting password: 120695

Dr. Gounder is the CEO/President/Founder of Just Human Productions, a non-profit multimedia organization. She’s also the host and producer of American Diagnosis, a podcast on health and social justice, and Epidemic, a podcast about the SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 / coronavirus pandemic. From November 9, 2020 to January 20, 2021, Dr. Gounder served on the Biden-Harris Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board. She is a medical journalist and appears regularly on CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, BBC, and other networks. She’s written for The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Guardian US, The Washington Post, Reuters, Quartz, Sports Illustrated, and Bloomberg View. She’s best known for her coverage of the Ebola, Zika, COVID-19, opioid overdose, and gun violence epidemics. Dr. Gounder is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine in Infectious Diseases at New York University and cares for patients at Bellevue Hospital Center.

RSGA Positions Open for First Years

Category : News/Events

Rollins Student Government Association (RSGA) has several open positions that first-year students can apply for this month. We work to empower every student to have a meaningful experience here at RSPH and hope you’ll consider joining us!  

We have four positions available at this time: Corner Store Officer, Treasurer, GSGA Representative, and Senate Representative. In these roles, you’ll gain skills such as: project management, coalition building, spreadsheets, and advocacy. Applications are in your Emory Inbox. There will also be additional opportunities to get involved with RSGA when additional elections are held later in the semester. 

***DEADLINE Tuesday, August 24th at 11:59pm***  

If you are interested in learning more about the positions there will be several optional info sessions with current RSGA leaders, including:  

  • Zoom Info Session:  

    • August 19, 7:00-8:00 pm ET   

      • Zoom ID: 793 554 8969 

  • RSGA Session: August 17, 10:00-11:00 am   

    • Location: RSPH CNR 8th Floor – Klamon Room   

  • Student Engagement Fair: August 23, 12:00-2:00 pm   

    • Location: TBD   

If you have any questions, please email rsph [dot] sga [at] emory [dot] edu.

Webinar: How students can get involved in Public Health, August 4

Category : News/Events

The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health is hosting a webinar August 4 at 2 PM ET. This webinar will serve as a way for those interested in the field of public health to hear a sample of the possibly trajectories. Through hearing about the various careers working to get a hold on COVID-19 and the variety of entry points into public health, attendees will learn ways that they can begin their careers.

How to register:

Sign up for the webinar here!

Upcoming Events

  • EGDRC Seminar: Lynn Aboue-Jaoudé January 14, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Health System Users in Vulnerable Situations: Normative Experiences and “New Ways of Life”Speaker: Lynn Abou-JaoudéContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduLink: Lynn Abou-Jaoudé studies sociocultural challenges in healthcare experiences, focusing on qualitative research and diabetes prevention at the University of Lille’s LUMEN lab.
  • GCDTR Seminar: Erin Ferranti, PhD, MPH, RN January 21, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Cardiometabolic Risk and Resource Connection in Maternal HealthSpeaker: Erin Ferranti, PhD, MPH, RNContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Erin Ferranti, Emory Assistant Professor, researches women’s cardiometabolic disease prevention, health inequities, maternal morbidity, farmworker health, diabetes, and hypertension using biomarkers for early risk identification.

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