Category Archives: Student Opportunities

Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Assistant

The Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) is seeking a candidate for the position of Epidemiology Assistant in the Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Section. This position will assist with requesting and organizing medical records with the Congenital Infections Registry and conducting interviews, performing data entry, and related tasks with the Georgia Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). This position is a part-time hourly position (15-25 hours/week) that may require early evening or weekend work on occasion. All work will be completed remotely until further notice. Work during business hours may resume in the office when GDPH staff are cleared to return to the office based on the progression of the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

Job Description:

1. Contacting birthing facilities to retrieve relevant medical records pursuant to notifiable disease surveillance;

2. Maintaining electronic organization of all relevant medical records;

3. Conduct telephone outreach and complete telephone interviews with women with a recent live birth sampled to participate in the Georgia PRAMS project.

4. Enter questionnaire data into a secure online database and perform other data management tasks as needed.

5. Ensure the quality of PRAMS data by following all data collection and entry protocols.

6. Assist in maintaining inventory and supplies for PRAMS.

7. Maintain security and confidentiality of PRAMS data.

8. Other office duties as assigned.

Minimum Qualifications:

College graduate and/or at least one year of related experience.

Preferred Qualifications

Excellent communication skills, including at least 6 months of direct customer service.

Experience conducting telephone interviews or other work involving extensive telephone contact.

At least 6 months of data entry experience.

Demonstrated facility using spreadsheets, databases, and Microsoft Office applications.

Experience or interest in learning about public health surveillance and Maternal and Child Health.

To apply, please reach out to J. Michael Bryan at michael [dot] bryan [at] dph [dot] ga [dot] gov with a resume and cover letter.

Emerging Scholars Program, National African American Child and Family Research Center

A one-year-long research internship designed to increase knowledge and skills of students interested in community-based participatory research around economic/social mobility, early childhood education, childcare, fatherhood, or social determinants of health for African American children and families.

Scholars will recieve: 

  • Personalized cross-disciplinary training to strengthen their capacity to design and implement research that impacts African American children and families.
  • Personalized mentoring from experienced researchers who will create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for success.
  • Opportunity to contribute to the evidence-base through peer-reviewed manuscripts and scientific presentations.
  • $20,000 stipend and additional financial support for professional development and travel to present research findings

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate program
  • Majoring in social work, public administration, public health, education, or related fields
  • Current junior, senior, or graduate student
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.9 or higher
  • US Citizen or Permanent Resident currently residing in the U.S

*Black/African American males strongly encouraged to apply

Program Start Date: June 2022

For more information, please email aacfrc [at] msm [dot] edu

Scan QR code below to apply

TA Opportunity for GH students


QUALIFICATIONS: Previously passed GH 510 OR 2+ years of relevant field experience
DUTIES: Support updating Canvas, grading quizzes and exams, coordinating breakout groups and demonstrations, and other support as needed
TIME COMMITMENT: Course is one week long during spring break. Work is full time during the week of the course 2-4 hours per week during the 2 weeks before and after the course

To apply, email Eva Leidman at eleidman [at] cdc [dot] gov and Oleg Bilukha at obb0 [at] cdc [dot] gov to set up an interview!

GRA Position

Dr. Kevin Ward from the Department of Epidemiology is seeking a highly organized research assistant to help with tissue acquisition activities for a large prostate cancer study taking place in Georgia.  Attention to detail is critical and some prior lab experience would be helpful, although it is not required.  Dr. Ward leads the Georgia Cancer Registry (GCR).  The GCR is participating in the largest ongoing recruitment study in the U.S. for African American prostate cancer patients.  Approximately 3000 men are enrolled in the study to date in Georgia (recruitment is ongoing) and almost half of these men have authorized access to stored tissue from around the time of diagnosis.  Tissue retrieval is underway with over 600 specimens requested to date. 

The research assistant’s primary responsibilities would include:

•             working with study staff to receive, log and de-identify tissue blocks from outside laboratories every week

•             preparing required paperwork for the Winship Cancer Tissue & Pathology Shared Resource (CTPSR)

•             delivering de-identified blocks and pathology reports from RSPH to Winship CTPSR on a weekly basis

•             receiving sectioned slides from the Winship CTPSR as they are completed

•             conducting quality control on the sectioned slides received and preparing shipping logs for outside processing partner (John Hopkins University – JHU)

•             packaging slides and de-identified pathology reports for weekly shipments to JHU

•             retrieving the original blocks from Winship CTPSR and returning them to RSPH

•             removing the de-identification labels from the blocks and preparing shipments of blocks back to the providing laboratories.

This position requires on campus work, pays $15.00/hr, and can support 10-20 hours per week.  Work will be ongoing throughout the summer.  Please email your resume to kward [at] emory [dot] edu if interested.


COVID-19 Outbreak Response Team

Apply to join Emory’s Outbreak Response Team as part of your Applied Practicum Experience (APE)!

This small team, which is part of the Emory COVID Response Collaborative (ECRC) and led by Dr. Jodie Guest, provides COVID-19 resources to communities in Georgia that are disproportionally affected by the pandemic. In the past, the ORT’s work has ranged from organizing and running COVID-19 testing and vaccination events to delivering masks to students through a school meal delivery program.

Applications for the ORT are due by February 21st at 11:59 PM EST.

You can apply here and learn more about the program here.

Global Field Experience

The Global Field Experience Financial Award (GFEFA) is a unique scholarship offered by the Rollins School of Public Health. GFE Financial Awards provide supplemental funding to support Rollins student summer field experiences in low- and middle-income countries. The scholarship was started to encourage students interested in global health to participate in supervised field training which will facilitate the transfer of classroom knowledge into practical experiences.

> View slides from 2022 GFEFA Info SessionView recording of GFEFA Info SessionView examples of previously funded Global Field Experiences.

The total amount of funding awarded each cycle will be based on availability of funds in a given year, the number of students who apply and the quality of the applications.

MSPH and MPH students from all departments are eligible to submit a proposal for a GFE Financial Award and must be enrolled at Rollins for the semester prior to their field experience to qualify for an award.

Students can apply to receive a GFE Financial Award after they have completed 9 hours at Rollins.To apply, students must develop and submit an application describing a project that is:

·         Well-defined, rational, and feasible

·         Integral to the student’s public health training

·         Of measurable value to the host organization/community, and

·         Based in a clearly articulated, mutually beneficial partnership

It is important to note that the GFE Financial Award on its own does not provide you with an Applied Practice Experience. Rollins School of Public Health has separate resources dedicated to Applied Practice Experience (APE).

GFEFA Student, Project and Site Eligibility and Exclusion Criteria


·         The GFEFA applications are open to RSPH MPH and MPSH students pursuing summer fieldwork, usually between their first and second years. GFEFA is not available to accelerated MPH students.

·         The field experience must be a minimum of six weeks but average field experiences are between 10 ‐ 12 weeks.

·         Students must be enrolled at RSPH or Emory for the semester following their field experience to qualify for a financial award (and to meet award requirements).


·         For the purposes of GFEFA, a field experience is defined as applying public health knowledge and skills in partnership with a community to advance the wellbeing of a population(s); this includes but is not limited to research projects.

·         Funding is not provided for student travel that can be categorized as medical- or public health-“tourism;” short term mission opportunities; or shadowing clinicians in settings abroad. Students are also warned not to fall prey to third-party companies that “sell” experiences in LMIC and call these APE even though they do not offer public health supervision nor a specific implementation/research partner. Such organizations often charge for a service such as tuition, enrollment or registration. If you are not sure if your site is eligible, please contact Dr. McFarland.

·         If a project will consist only of data analysis or lab-based work, the applicant will need to justify why those activities require a student to be in-country.


·         The review committee gives priority consideration to eligible fieldwork that takes place in low- and middle-income (LMIC) nations as defined by the World Bank or within indigenous regions, e.g. tribal designated statistical areas (TDSAs), land base or reservations.

·         Consideration will be given to projects in the United States and other high-income countries for specific projects related to underserved or marginal populations, e.g. refugee populations in Belgium, post-hurricane environmental data collection in Puerto Rico or Zika virus education and surveillance in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

·         The review committee will not consider applications to countries with a U.S. State Department Level 4 warning at the time of application. Should the risk of a project site escalate after funds are awarded, additional criteria may apply and there is a chance the trip may not occur at all. In addition, travel to all countries under trade or economic embargoes by the United States government (OFAC) and Afghanistan require a specific endorsement by Emory’s international insurance carrier.

·         There will be modified site eligibility in summer 2022

Epidemiology and Data Analysis ORISE positions, Emerging Threats Team

Two fellowship opportunities are currently available on the Emerging Threats Team in the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders (DBDID) within the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. The participant will have the opportunity to gain experience in conducting research and surveillance activities, as well as collecting, reviewing, and analyzing epidemiologic and programmatic data. He/she will train on projects that focus on the role of prenatal exposures on pregnancy and infant outcomes. Prenatal exposures of interest include, but are not limited to: COVID-19, hepatitis C, syphilis, Zika virus, and other infectious diseases.

Learning ObjectivesThere are several main learning objectives that this appointment could include:

  • Gain familiarity with the Surveillance for Emerging Threats for Mothers and Babies Network (SET-NET) which includes mother-baby longitudinally linked surveillance for the US Zika Pregnancy and Infant Registry and adapted surveillance for COVID-19, hepatitis C, syphilis, and other infectious diseases
  • Gain familiarity for other Zika surveillance and research projects in Colombia: Proyecto Vigilancia de Embarazadas con Zika (VEZ) and Zika en Embarazadas y Ninos (ZEN)
  • Enhance skills in performing data management and analysis through the collection, review, and analysis of epidemiologic and programmatic data generated by these surveillance systems and studies, and other projects involving epidemiologic and programmatic data from emerging threats surveillance and research work and other relevant infectious diseases during pregnancy and effect on infant health
  • Develop protocols and standard operating procedures for surveillance and research activities, leveraging existing surveillance and study platforms to capture pregnancy, birth, clinical and developmental outcomes arising from a range of maternal exposures during pregnancy
  • Perform literature reviews and, where needed, systematic review and meta-analyses to describe existing evidence of the influence of infectious diseases and other in-utero exposures on fetal and infant development
  • Engage in CDC emergency response efforts
  • Collaborate and engage other staff from the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD), other CDC centers, institutes, or offices, other federal and state organizations and partners, and international health ministries and organizations

Qualifications: The qualified candidate should have received a master’s or doctoral degree in one of the relevant fields, or be currently pursuing one of the degrees with completion by the end of May 2022. Degree must have been received within five years of the appointment start date.

  • Good written and oral communication skills
  • Strong data management and analysis skills, with experience in SAS, STATA, or R
  • Interest in maternal and child health issues, with a particular interest in the impact of infectious disease during pregnancy on fetal and child development
  • Some baseline knowledge or interest in COVID-19, hepatitis C, syphilis, Zika, or infectious disease epidemiology and the epidemiology of STORCH pathogens

To apply click here!

APE Opportunity, American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Host site: American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Practicum Description: Unique, innovative project focused on the intersect of clinical care and population health. Consists of partnership with health systems to support documentation of the emerging models used to deliver care utilizing intensive therapeutic lifestyle change.

The care delivery models are implemented in cohorts of patient, employee, or community-based populations, and the following information (at a minimum) is gathered for each implementation model:

• Model Title

• Program Location

• Summary Statement

• Background Facts

• Objective

• Program Design

• Outcome Measures

• Summary of Findings

• Program Limitations

• Implications for LM Practice

Practicum responsibilities may include any of the following:

• Introduce and describe the project

• Conduct in-depth interviews with health system leaders

• Make strategic decisions about where and how to follow up (some places whole series of conversations, possibly follow-up emails or interviews, administration)

• Manage creation of implementation brief documents

• Correct and revise drafts models in collaboration with health system leaders

• Collect and appropriately visualize outcomes data

• Contribute to the creation of the final implementation brief model

• Assist in write-up and editing/review of co-author text, potentially leading to co-authorship on publication(s)

Contact: email krystyna [dot] rastorguieva [at] emoryhealthcare [dot] org if interested


Host site: Emory Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness

Practicum Description: Production, editing and promotion of a weekly Emory podcast on health and wellness – The Whole Health Cure.

Specific tasks:

– Audio editing

– Episode preparation (notes, links, podcast art)

– Podcast hosting (currently on Simplecast, considering migration)

– Promotion of podcast on social media platforms (IG, FB, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Youtube)

– Potential assistance with scheduling of recordings and tech support


– Advanced tech skills

– Audio editing

– Video/audioconferencing (zoom, zencastr)

– Social media skills, to help lead and grow podcast following on variety of platforms

– *We can provide training as needed, but need someone who can take initiative and is willing to learn

Benefits & perks:

– Networking with leaders of lifestyle medicine at Emory, nationally and internationally (the podcast is now in 128 countries, on 68 different platforms)

– Ability to grow your own social media presence

– Resume builder, and mentorship opportunity

– Perfect environment for someone interested in health, wellness and lifestyle medicine to learn about research, and connect with likeminded individuals

Contact: email krystyna [dot] rastorguieva [at] emoryhealthcare [dot] org if interested

CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellowship

The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) opened the Class 20 Applied Epidemiology Fellowship (AEF) program application to accept new applications for placements beginning summer 2022. The goal of AEF is to provide high-quality on-the-job training experience in applied epidemiology for recent graduates and prepare fellows for long-term career placement at the state and local levels. Based on their interests and available positions, fellows are matched to a state or local health agency for two years under the guidance of two experienced mentors.During their assignment, fellows develop a set of core competency skills related to epidemiologic methods, communication skills, public health practice and policy.How to ApplyTo apply for AEF Class 20 consideration, please view and complete the online application at by February 15, 2022, at 11:59pm ET. For more information, including eligibility requirements, visit If you have questions about the fellowship application, please contact CSTE via email at aef [at] cste [dot] org or call the National Office at 770-458-3811. 

Fundamentals of Epidemiology textbook reviewer/editor

A new position is open for a reviewer/editor for the textbook Fundamentals of Epidemiology. The deadline to apply is 2/24/22.

Click here to read more and apply!

Upcoming Events

  • The Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID) July 15, 2024 – July 31, 2024 Conference / Symposium Event Type: Conference / SymposiumSeries: The Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID)Speaker: Leaders in the FieldContact Name: Pia ValerianoContact Email: pvaleri@emory.eduLink: Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID) is designed to introduce infectious disease researchers to modern methods of statistical analysis and mathematical modeling.
  • Functional Biomarkers for Early Detection and Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy August 5, 2024 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Zoom Online Location: ZoomSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Dr. Machelle PardueContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduLink: Pardue’s lab is focused on clinically relevant treatments for retinal disease that can make a difference in the quality of life of patients. She is developing novel screening and treatment strategies for early-stage diabetic retinopathy and elucidating the retinoscleral mechanisms…
  • The Second Annual RSPH Staff and Post-Doctoral Ice Cream Social August 14, 2024 at 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Networking and Special Event Event Type: Networking,Special EventContact Name: Staff CouncilContact Email: rsphstaffcouncil@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_Terrace 2nd FloorRSPH staff and post-docs are invited to join us for ice cream and delightful conversation. This event is hosted by the RSPH Staff Council.

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