Category Archives: Student Opportunities

TA / Research Assistant Position, EH 584: Built Environment and Public Health

This unique position is for a combination teaching assistant and research assistant in the study area of built environment. 

The class is EH 584 Built Environment and Public Health with Georgia Tech instructor Dr. Arthi Rao.  EH 584 is jointly offered course between RSPH and GA Tech and meets in person on Fridays 11:00am– 12:55pm.  At least half of the classes will take place at GA Tech.  Must be available to allow for both travel and class time.  There is an Emory/GA Tech shuttle.  Some work may be conducted virtually.

The position will be for up to 20 hours per week (or 10 for PHD students) for the following tasks:

Typical tasks:

  • Coordinate/maintain/monitor both Canvas sites for the built environment course (EH 584/CP 6850)
  • Attend class
  • Serve as a liaison between Emory students and GA Tech professors for course-related functions and activities
  • Assist in preparing class-related materials and lectures
  • Assist in grading and other course-related activities as they arise
  • Assist in conducting literature reviews related to public health and built environment topics
  • Assist in data/statistical analysis and/or journal manuscript preparation

Desired qualifications:

  • Second year MPH student
  • Prior coursework in built environment, social epidemiology or social determinants of health
  • Good working knowledge of Excel and other basic database skills
  • Good working knowledge of statistical software (SAS, SPSS, R, Python, etc.)
  • Good working knowledge of Endnote
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Job location:
Attend class in person.  Some work will be virtual. Regular check-ins will be scheduled. 
Start date will be August 1 or later.

Send statement of interest and resume to Dr. Rao (arthir [at] gatech [dot] edu; avrao2 [at] emory [dot] edu).  Contact Dr. Rao or Ariadne Swichtenberg (Ariadne [dot] s [at] emory [dot] edu), GDEH ADAP, with any questions.

TA Positions Available, Multiple BIOS and INFO Courses

The Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics is looking to hire paid teaching assistants for courses in Biostatistics and Informatics! Apply here by July 15!

Teaching assistants (TAs) are graduate student employees who under the direct supervision of faculty/instructors, prepare and deliver course materials related to delivering instruction for a course. These activities include grading papers, potentially leading discussion sessions, conducting laboratory exercises, hosting office hours, and keeping class records. It is also an expectation will obtain teaching and leadership skills, gain an increased understanding of the discipline and of course earn money while helping your peers! You are encouraged to connect with the instructor of the course of interest.


  • 10 hours a week
  • Must be reliable and an effective communicator
  • Meet with your faculty/class instructor routinely to prepare for activities
  • If assigned as a TA for BIOS 500 or 501, you are expected to attend the actual lab
  • Responsible for making any copies per the request of the faculty as well as disseminating any information to students
  • Communicate your office hours, including days and times to the faculty member and ADAP


  • Must be a full time 2nd year MPH/MSPH or PhD student in good academic standing
  • Prior completion of the course for which you are assigned with a grade of B+ or higher required or evidence of equivalent academic experience


  • Statistical Methods I Lab GROUP B (BIOS 500L)
    • TU 5:00-6:50pm – In person
    • Instructor: George Cotsonis
  • Statistical Methods I Lab GROUP C (BIOS 500L)
    • W 3:00-4:50pm – In person
    • Instructor: TBA
  • Statistical Methods I Lab GROUP C (BIOS 500L)
    • W 5:00-6:50pm – Online Synchronous
    • Instructor: TBA
  • Statistical Methods I Lab GROUP D (BIOS 500L)
    • TH 5:00-6:50pm – In person
    • Instructor: TBA
  • Statistical Methods I Lab GROUP E (BIOS 500L)
    • Online asynchronous
    • Instructor: Alex Edwards
  • Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (INFO 530)
    • M 10:00-11:50am – In person (8/24/22 – 10/18/22)
    • Instructor: Lance Waller
  • Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (INFO 530)
    • Does not meet
    • Instructor: Lance Waller
  • Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (INFO 530)
    • W 10:00-11:50am – In person (8/24/22 – 10/18/22)
    • Instructor: Lance Waller
  • Advanced Geographical Information Systems (INFO 532)
    • MW 10:00am-11:50am – In person (10/19/22 – 12/6/22)
    • Instructor: Lance Waller
  • Advanced Geographical Information Systems (INFO 532)
    • Does not meet (10/19/22 – 12/6/22)
    • Instructor: Lance Waller


Research Assistant Needed for Cancer Study

A research assistant(s) are needed to help with dietary data collection for a study to assess the role of the gut microbiome on inflammation and neuropsychological symptoms in patients with head and neck cancer. The RA will be involved in remote primary data collection activities using a web-based platform.  Hours are flexible and training will be provided.  Preference will be given to individuals who are interested in a one-year commitment or longer. For more information please contact either Dr. Canhua Xiao (canhua [dot] xiao [at] emory [dot] edu) or Dr. Terry Hartman (tjhartm [at] emory [dot] edu).

Fall 2022 Course Offering, NRSG 736: Quantitative Analysis of Clinical Research Data

Course Description:

This course focuses on practical application of statistics addressing clinical research questions. Analyzing data is the major emphasis of the course including examining if assumptions of the statistical analyses are being met and interpreting the findings. Course assignments and a final project focus on using statistical software and computing resources to analyze data sets from actual clinical research studies and literature with interpretation and assessment of conclusions.

Prerequisites: BIOS 500 and 501

Course Objective:

To build and expand upon the statistical theory and methods learned in BIOS 500 and 501 and improve the student’s statistical software experience and programming skills (course includes analysis using SAS, SPSS or R) to improve research scholarship and dissemination.

Planned Topics:

  • Computing Environment (SAS, SPSS, R, Other Supporting Software)
  • Getting data into and out of statistical software (import, export features)
  • Reproducible Research Principles (documentation, reporting, version control)
  • Initial data assessments: univariate and bivariate methods, parametric and non-parametric
  • Regression methods: linear, logistic and introduction to “generalized”
  • Analysis of (co)Variance: univariate and multivariate, ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA
  • Longitudinal analysis: repeated measures with introduction to multi-level models (MLM)
  • Assessment and testing of data & model assumptions (including missing data)
  • Brief introduction to Factor Analysis, Reliability, Discriminant Analysis, and SEM (structural equation modeling)

TA Positions Available, Center for the Study of Human Health

The Center for the Study of Human Health is seeking Teaching Assistants for the following courses this fall semester. Please contact Shondra Bell at shondra [dot] odom [at] emory [dot] edu with your resume to apply. 


HLTH 100 It’s Your Healthvaries by section| Lisa Dupree; Fatima Waseem, Sarah Wolber (3 TAs needed)

It is increasingly evident that individual involvement in personal health has profound benefits. This course provides students the opportunity to become involved in a personalized approach to health and well-being with strategic approaches for the implementation of a healthy lifestyle. 


HLTH 323-1 Nutrition for Exercise and Sport | Benardot, Dan (Mechanistic) (1 TA needed) : In-person Monday/Wednesday, 11:30am – 12:45pm 

Proper nutrition supports the physiological processes that make it possible for the body to respond and adapt to exercise. All individuals, from the occasional exerciser to the elite athlete, can benefit from optimal nutrition strategies to prepare for exercise, meet increased metabolic demands during exercise, and facilitate recovery following exercise. This course addresses the roles of nutrition in meeting exercise goals and achieving optimal performance and good health. Students will be introduced to the basic principles of exercise physiology and exercise training. We will explore the functional roles of macronutrients and micronutrients in the body, with emphasis on how they participate in exercise-associated processes. We will also examine dietary recommendations for individuals and athletes and discuss both conventional and contemporary fueling strategies for optimizing exercise training and athletic performance 


HLTH 385W Health Writing and Storytelling | McKenna, Maryn (1 TA needed)

CSHH senior fellow Maryn McKenna seeks a TA for her fall writing course. In this class, students learn the skills of popular writing and the norms of health and science journalism, and produce edited stories of varying lengths. It is intended that their stories be published during the semester on the CSHH news blog, Exploring Health. The TA serves as the blog’s assistant editor. Tasks may be: – Attend the class (3 hour block, Weds pm) – Keep track of when assignments have been submitted, edited, revised and become ready for publication – Assist students with finding rights-free images for blog entries – Supervise publication onto WordPress, subject to professor approval – Supervise compilation of health-news digests and cultural recommendations, for specific blog verticals – Perform first edits of student work (optional, depending on skills) – Conduct in-class discussion of materials (optional, depending on skills). This is an opportunity to work closely with an internationally known journalist and author. The TA is invited to write one piece for publication for Prof. McKenna’s edits and coaching, if desired. This opportunity is suitable for graduates interested in science communication or the public understanding of science, particularly students taking an MPH or an MA or PhD in English. Prior public writing or journalistic experience is desirable but not required.



TA Positions, GH 515 / EPI 515

There are two Teaching Assistant positions available for GH 515 / EPI 515, Transforming Public Health Surveillance, this fall semester. 

Course: GH 515 / EPI 515 – Transforming Public Health Surveillance

ThF 1-2:20pm

Transforming Public Health Surveillance (TPHS) provides a review of the history, purposes, activities, uses, elements, data sources, models, analyses, actions, reports, evaluation, and ethical and legal issues of public health surveillance (PHS). It helps students understand the critical importance of the direct association between PHS and public health action, plus develop skills and competencies with the use of data-information-messages and the information and communication technologies that enable, enhance, and empower them. TPHS describes informatics approaches to enable and enhance data sharing, analytics, and visualization though interoperability that adapts to meet the challenges as PHS moves from analog to digital and demonstrates how PHS core functions (i.e., detection, registration, confirmation, analysis, feedback, communication, and response) will be enabled, enhanced, and empowered by these opportunities.

Instructor: Scott McNabb

Qualifications: Second year MPH/MSPH students may apply. The TA should have taken the course last year.

Duties: The TA is required to attend class sessions. The TA is responsible for helping to plan the schedule, coordinate materials for the course, respond to student questions, maintain aspects of the Canvas site, and assist with development and grading of homework problems, exams, and other assignments. 

Please submit your application via this link.


Updated Certificate Application Information: ID, SDOH, and GME

Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ID) Certificate

  • Application will be open from August 1 through August 19.  
  • The link to the application will be on the website page on August 1st.
  • Decisions will be made prior to the start of the Fall Semester.
  • If you applied and have been accepted, you will receive a congratulations letter as well as an invitation to the certificate Canvas site. 
  • At that time, you will be enrolled in EPI 512 as that is the first required course for the Certificate.  Please be sure to leave the class time slot open when making your schedule.  EPI 512 is offered this fall on Fridays at 1:00-1:50 PM.
  • Be sure to register for EPI 517 this Fall as well.  There are no registration blocks on that course so you should be able to register with no issues during summer registration.  
  • When you are meeting with your advisor this summer to register for the fall, be sure to let your advisor know that you plan to apply to the ID Certificate.
  • If you have any questions, you may contact Brenda Hardy at Brenda [dot] l [dot] hardy [at] emory [dot] edu.

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Certificate

  • Application will be open from August 1 through August 19.  
  • The link to the application will be on our website page on August 1st.
  • Decisions will be made prior to the start of the Fall Semester.
  • If you applied and have been accepted, you will receive a congratulations letter as well as an invitation to the certificate Canvas site.
  • When you are meeting with your advisor this summer to register for the fall, be sure to let your advisor know that you plan to apply to the SDOH Certificate.
  • Be sure to register this summer for EPI 511 which will be offered Tuesday, 9:00-9:50 AM.
  • If you have any questions, you may contact Brenda Hardy at Brenda [dot] l [dot] hardy [at] emory [dot] edu

Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology (GME) Certificate

  • Application will be open from August 15 through September 15. 
  • The link to the application will be on the certificate website page on August 15th.
  • Decisions will be made by September 30.
  • If you applied and have been accepted, you will receive a congratulations letter as well as an invitation to the Canvas site.
  • If  you are interested in the GME Certificate, you should take EPI 510 Introduction to Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology, Friday 3:00-3:50 for 1 credit hour.
  • If you have any questions, you may contact Brenda Hardy at Brenda [dot] l [dot] hardy [at] emory [dot] edu.


GRAD 700: Pandemic Reflections Fall 2022 Course Offering

This fall semester, Dr. Jodie Guest will be teaching a 3 credit course open to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.

CFDE University Course – Fall 2022

Pandemic Reflections 

Tuesday 1-4pm

Course Convener: Dr. Jodie Guest

Course Description: 

Often discussions of pandemics focus on infectious diseases, public health outreach and communication, and perhaps even vaccine development and roll out. But pandemics are also like mirrors. They offer a reflection of both who we are and who we can be as a global community. What can they teach us about ourselves, our society, and even our world?  

This course will focus on the HIV/AIDS and Covid-19 pandemics as two (ongoing) events that have taught us about science and disease. But they have also brought a sharper focus on issues surrounding stigma, religion, communication, inequity, and politics. Drawing on these two pandemics, we will begin to ponder how they help explore our current context more deeply and shape our responses to future pandemics.   What were our lessons learned? How might we carry them forward? 

Space is limited in this course, not all that apply are guaranteed a place in the course. 

To apply for the course, please fill out this form: 

BSHES 560R: Firearm Injury Theory & Prevention Course Offering

The Department of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences at Rollins will offer an elective course (BSHES 560R) in Firearm Injury Theory & Prevention this fall. 

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the concept of firearm-related injury and death as a public health crisis and focuses on the social, structural, and behavioral aspects of interpersonal and self-directed violence. From theory to practice, students will integrate basic and comprehensive public health concepts with data to influence novel violence prevention strategies and policies. 

Course Instructors:

Dr. Randi Smith: Dr. Smith received her MD degree from the University of California San Francisco, and her MPH from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She completed her general surgery residency at the University of California San Francisco – East Bay, and her fellowship in trauma and critical care surgery at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Smith serves as a trauma surgeon and surgical ICU doctor at Grady Memorial Hospital. Her special interests include violence prevention, clinical outcomes with a focus on understanding the social determinate of health that lead to trauma and health disparities. 

In 2017, Dr. Smith joined the Violence Prevention Task Force, based out of the Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory (IPRCE), and became a core faculty member. She spearheads many community outreach efforts and has gained a national reputation for her involvement in hospital-based violence prevention strategies. 

Dr. Lauren Hudak: Lauren Hudak, MD, MPH is an attending physician of Emergency Medicine at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA, and an Assistant Professor at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Hudak’s clinical interests include the care of trauma and injury patients with a focus on victims off sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and firearm injured patients. Her research interests include the impact of violence and injury on mental health and the community, as well as firearm injury prevention in the clinical environment. She is the Assistant Director of the Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory (IPRCE) where she is the Co-Chair of the Violence Prevention Task Force collaborating with multiple Atlanta area research and community organizations. 

Dr. Haduk serves as the Emergency Medicines Sexual Violence curriculum director, coordinating training for the sexual assault forensic examination as well as comprehensive advocacy focused clinical care. Her current research projects include examining the effectiveness of firearm safety discussions with patients as well as assessing firearm injury trends, risk and protective factors, and hospital based violence intervention in the healthcare setting. 



Are you interested working with an international public health organization?

Join a dynamic organization and team which aims to improve public health capacity worldwide. Expand your public health skill-base through a variety of real-world applications and activities. Work with IANPHI’s US Secretariat at Emory to learn about and assist with our programmatic, policy and communications work. Summer and fall GRA and practicum opportunities are available with flexible hours.

Incoming or established MPH or MDP students with any of the below competencies may apply

• Highly productive, self motivated and dependable
• Strong organizational skills and attention to detail
• Policy development experience
• Strong writing/communication skills
• Website/design skills or experience
• Knowledge of MS Office, Adobe Suite, Smartsheet, and Google Workspace
• Language skills: Spanish, French, Portuguese

Email kseib [at] emory [dot] edu cover letter and resume

Upcoming Events

  • EGDRC Seminar - Ancestry-related Differences in Insulin Secretory Rate and Insulin Sensitivity February 25, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture; Zoom Online Location: ZoomEvent Type: Guest LectureSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Darko Stefanovski, PhDContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: talk by Darko Stefanovski, PhD, Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Pediatrics, Section Chief of Population Medicine, Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar February 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series Event Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics SeminarSpeaker: F. DuBois Bowman, PhDContact Name: Mercedes LewisContact Email: mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_1000 Richard M. Levinson PhD ClassroomExcellence in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series February 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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