Category Archives: Student Opportunities

Summer Injury Research Fellowship, IPRCE

Click here to view the application online. 

Applications are due February 14th, 2020 at 5:00 pm. Please direct all inquiries and submit applications to Ms. Olivia Kapera, olivia [dot] kapera [at] emory [dot] edu

Professional Healthcare Worker, Emerging Infections Program

Job Description

The Georgia Department of Public Health is seeking current MPH students to work on our food and waterborne epidemiology team.  The team consists of 6 epidemiologists and 3 to 5 other student interns conducting daily surveillance on notifiable enteric diseases (like Salmonella, Campylobacter, shiga toxin-producing E. coli, and Cryptosporidium).  As part of the internship, students will gain experience in applied public health through case reporting, case-patient telephone interviews, and data cleaning.  Students will also have the opportunity to assist with outbreak investigations (should an outbreak occur) and witness the interplay between federal, state, and local public health agencies.  In addition, these internships provide the opportunity to work in a dynamic team setting in the context of a larger state public health agency where routine duties must be balanced with new or emerging responses.  

Responsibilities and Expectations 

These positions could fulfill MPH practicum requirements. As part of a practicum experience, the student will:

  1. Gain an understanding of how notifiable disease surveillance functions.
  2. Understand how outbreak investigations are conducted.
  3. Have an opportunity to analyze notifiable disease surveillance, study, and/or outbreak data.  

The schedule is flexible, but the employees must conduct interviews, enter data, and perform other activities at the Department of Public Health offices in downtown Atlanta during normal business hours for more than half of the total weekly work time.  Additional interviews and duties can be conducted during weeknight and weekend hours.  This job can potentially include more hours during the summer and holiday breaks.

These positions are temporary and intended for students enrolled in an accredited public health degree program as the intention of the job duties is to provide applied public health knowledge and skills. These positions are also limited to 2 years contingent on availability of funds.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree and one year of work related experience or four years of work related experience at an executive level

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Students seeking Master in Public Health or related degree from an accredited degree program
  • Experience working with databases
  • Experience conducting interviews
  • Spanish-speaking

Click here to learn more about the positions and apply online!



ORISE Injury Prevention Research, US Army Public Health Center

Organization Description 

The mission of United States Army Public Health Center (APHC) is to promote health and prevent disease, injury, and disability of soldiers and military retirees, their families, and Army civilian employees; and assures effective execution of full spectrum veterinary services for Army and DOD veterinary missions. Their vision is to be a world-class provider of public health services across the Army and DOD. For more information about APHC, please visit

Position Description

Under the direction of the mentor, the individual will participate with APHC Injury Prevention Division (IPD) scientific teams to collect and analyze information on injuries, fitness, and related programs centered around members of the Armed Services. The candidate will assist with literature review, study design, data collection (which may require travel), data management, statistical analysis with SAS and SPSS, and production of technical reports, publications, and other products. The candidate should have knowledge of descriptive and analytical statistics and their use in SAS and SPSS. S/he must be able to analyze, interpret, write up, and publicly present results.

Benefits and Appointment Length 

  • The opportunity is scheduled for twelve months and can be renewed up to a total of five years of research participation. Appointments may be extended depending on funding availability, project assignment, program rules, and availability of the participant
  • Participants will receive a stipend to be determined by APHC. Stipends are typically based on the participant’s academic standing, discipline, experience, and research facility location.
  • Other benefits may include the following:
    • Health Insurance Supplement
    • Participants are eligible to purchase health insurance through ORISE
    • Relocation Allowance
    • Training and Travel Allowance

Eligibility Requirements and Qualifications

  • This opportunity is seeking recent graduates with a masters in public health, epidemiology, exercise science, or related field
  • US citizenship
  • Master’s Degree received within the last 60 months or currently pursuing
  • Overall GPA: 2.50

If you have questions, send an email to Army-PHC [at] orise [dot] orau [dot] gov. Please list the reference code (APHC-8856479906Z) of this opportunity in the subject line of the email.

Click here to apply!

MS and PhD Programs in Environmental Epidemiology, Colorado State University

Interested in pursuing an MS or PhD in epidemiology at a world-class research institution, working to solve the world’s environmentally-relevant population health problems, connecting with fellow epidemiology students and faculty in an engaging manner, all while living in a vibrant community at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains? Our previous graduates are in exciting postdoctoral fellowship and faculty positions at major universities, at the USEPA, CDC, and local and state health departments. Consider joining our team of dedicated environmental epidemiologists!

Possible Student Projects  

(funding available for most topic areas):  

  • Ambient air pollution and children’s respiratory and metabolic outcomes
  • Environmental exposures and perinatal outcomes
  • Methods in occupational epidemiology
  • Air pollution and cardiopulmonary health among people with HIV
  • Smoking cessation strategies for people living with HIV in India or South Africa
  • Air pollution and cardiovascular risk after tuberculosis treatment
  • Wildfire smoke and health 
  • Air pollution, pesticides, and health
  • Household air pollution and health
  • Clean energy transitions and health
  • Causal inference in environmental epidemiology
  • Climate-related disasters and health

Program Information 

  • Click here for more information on degree programs in environmental health sciences
  • Feb. 1 is the preferred deadline for Fall 2020 MS and PhD programs, applications will be accepted until July 1 for US applicants / May 1 for international applicants, but we encourage you to apply early.
  • Check out individual faculty pages by clicking here. All faculty encourage you to reach out by email anytime!


Click here to apply online!

If you’re looking for a meaningful graduate degree experience combined with the perfect fusion of opportunity and adventure, Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado is where you’ll find it!

Servant Leadership Summer Institute, Emory University

The Ethics and Servant Leadership Program of the Center for Ethics is now accepting applications for the 2020 Servant Leader Summer Internship Program.


  • Up to thirty funded summer internships for the summer.  Program runs from May 18-July 31.
  • Interns work a minimum of 270 hours during the internship period.
  • Interns attend class from 9:00-1:00 on Fridays, lunch included.
  • Interns receive a stipend of $2000 to $4000.
  • Applications due March 2, 2020 by 4:00 p.m.


All full-time Emory University students (including students at Oxford College) are eligible for the program.  Undergraduate, graduate, and professional students are encouraged to apply (including students graduating in May 2020).

Several internships are designed expressly for graduate and professional students.


Atlanta-area nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies, and socially responsible businesses.

Program runs from May 18 through July 31.

Click here for more information, including list of placement sites and application form available, or contact Ms. Kristina Johnson, krjohn9 [at] emory [dot] edu

Manager of Research Projects, RSPH Dept. of Epidemiology


The project manager will work closely with Dr. Joellen Schildkraut and will be expected to assist in the coordination of project-related activities.

He/she will work primarily on data management, preparing IRB applications, grant preparation and manuscript preparation for epidemiologic and molecular and genetic epidemiologic studies in multi-ethnic populations, related to cancer risk and outcome.

He/she will help with variable harmonization across multiple epidemiologic studies.


  • Responsible for managing complex research projects.
  • Using an advanced knowledge of research methodology and techniques, assists in the planning and development of survey instruments, guidelines and procedures to collect required data.
  • Coordinates various aspects of the study.
  • Drafts and may edit text for studies.
  • Analyzes data, identifies data discrepancies and researches and identifies causes.
  • May perform statistical analysis of numerical data.
  • Actively contributes to the development of research protocols.
  • Determines how research methodologies or tools must be modified.
  • Ensures that study data and systems are maintained and accurately documented.
  • Analyzes data and develops reports to assess or monitor study performance and treatment results.
  • Coordinates and conducts special meetings and presentations.
  • Coordinates computer support for ancillary studies conducted at off-site locations.
  • Collaborates on reports and papers.
  • Assists in the preparation of tables and graphs for publication and presentation.
  • May design and develop databases related to specific programs at the request of supervisor and/or Principal Investigator.
  • Performs related responsibilities as required.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Sociology, and Psychology or related discipline and two years of professional level research experience, OR equivalent combination of experience, education, and training.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • The ideal candidate will have a MPH in an Epidemiology-related field, as well as experience with statistical analysis, and good written and oral communication skills.
  • The candidate should have a working knowledge of basic analysis of epidemiologic data in epidemiologic studies, including use of statistical packages such as SAS and/or R, primarily for data management, and statistical analyses.


Interested students/alumni should email Dr. Schildkraut directly at joellen [dot] m [dot] schildkraut [at] emory [dot] edu to pass along a resume/CV and express interest in the position. 

Start Date: May 2020, but there is a possibility of starting as part-time in the spring until the student graduates. 

APHA-Student Assembly Call for Abstracts

Looking to present, learn and find inspiration at the largest and most influential annual gathering of public health professionals?

The APHA-Student Assembly is now accepting abstract submissions for the APHA 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo in San Francisco, Oct. 24-28, 2020. Learn more about the Annual Meeting here:

Abstracts Accepted 

Abstract submission is easy, and presenting offers many benefits including enhancing your CV, exploring career options, and disseminating your findings. All abstracts are considered for the Outstanding Student Abstract Award (no additional application required).

We invite abstracts from students in public health or other related fields presenting results of scientific research, program evaluations, policy analysis, and lessons learned from research or practice. We also invite abstracts pertaining to public health student issues in general (such as education, curricula, training, employment trends, student leadership, advocacy, etc.). First-time presenters and abstracts supporting the meeting theme are highly encouraged. We accept submissions from the fields of:

– Environmental/Occupational Health
– Epidemiology/Biostatistics
– Food and Nutrition
– Health Education
– Health Services Administration/Management
– International/Global Health
– Maternal and Child Health
– Public Health Law and Policy
– Social and Behavioral Sciences
– Student Training and Public Health Workforce Development

Assembly and Submission Details

Presenters can showcase their work through a poster session or oral presentation. For tips and tricks on abstract submission, check out the APHA-SA Abstract Guidelines:

For detailed instructions and to submit your abstract, log on to the APHA 2020 Meeting Website and scroll to the bottom to the Start Abstract Submission button:

Abstracts are due February 20, 2020 @ 11:59 pm PST. Note that abstracts MUST be submitted online through the APHA Meeting Website, and late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Questions? Contact the APHA-SA Programming Co-Chair, Jennifer Mandelbaum, at jmandelbaum [dot] apha [at] gmail [dot] com.

Initiation & Management of Research Projects Under Constrained Conditions Course, Feb. 13-15

See the attached flyers for course details. 

Contact: Ariadne Swichtenberg; ascarl [at] emory [dot] edu if you have any questions about the course, and email your ADAP to register. 

Biostatistician, RSPH Dept. of Epidemiology


We are seeking a staff biostatistician to work in the area of cancer-related epidemiologic research and integrated genetic and genomic data.

The biostatistician designs, writes, and tests complex statistical analyses.

The incumbent collaborates and supports epidemiologic and molecular epidemiologic projects, provides project status reports and provide research publication and grant proposal support.

The incumbent’s research primarily will be focused on epidemiologic and integrative analysis of genomic and transcriptome data in investigation of cancer epidemiology.

Minimum Qualifications:

A bachelor’s degree in statistics, biostatistics, computer science, or a related field and two years related experience, OR an equivalent combination of education, training, and/or experience.

Desired Qualifications:

  • Master’s or higher degree in Biostatistics, Genetics, Epidemiology, or a related field;
  • Knowledge of statistics and genetics;
  • Experience with statistical software (SAS, R);
  • Some working knowledge of Python and experience working in a Unix / Linux environment is desired but not required.
  • The successful candidate experience includes working with large-scale multi-center studies;
  • Working knowledge of existing tools for genetic analysis and data management.

Additional Details

  • Ability to manage his/her time with minimal supervision is desired;
  • The ability to work independently combined with willingness to work in a highly interactive and collegial group is desired;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.


Interested students/alumni should email Dr. Schildkraut directly joellen [dot] m [dot] schildkraut [at] emory [dot] edu to pass along their resume/CV and express interest in the position. 

Start Date: May 2020, but there is a possibility of starting as part-time in the spring until the student graduates. 

Call for Abstracts, 2020 Public Health Ethics Forum

The Centers for Disease Control Prevention, Office of Minority Health and Health Equity and the National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care at Tuskegee University are co-hosting the annual Public Health Ethics Forum on CDC’s main campus.  This year, the forum will focus on “Ethical Dilemmas in Rural Health”.  The forum will be held on Friday, April 17, 2020.

We are requesting abstracts from students who are enrolled in graduate-level schools and programs with majors or concentrations in public health, public policy, education, criminal justice, social work, psychology and any major that provides a relevant frame for analyzing ethical issues for rural health. 

You will find the specifics in the attached “Call for Abstracts” pdf.

Submission deadline: Friday, March 6, 2020

Any questions related to the Call for Abstracts and student participation should be directed to Dr. Karen Bouye at keh2 [at] cdc [dot] gov or by phone at 770-488-8199.

Upcoming Events

  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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