Category Archives: Student Opportunities

Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities

The Southeast PEHSU and Break the Cycle of Health Disparities, Inc. invites university students from a variety of disciplines to participate in our 15th Annual Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities training program 2019-2020 that focuses on social, economic and environmental influences on children’s health, growth and development.

Children who grow up in circumstances of social and economic disadvantage are at greater risk for exposure to adverse environmental factors and are more likely to suffer adverse health and developmental consequences. Break the Cycle supports an interdisciplinary set of student-driven research projects that explore the social, economic and environmental factors that adversely affect children’s health and wellbeing, and creatively develop strategies to reverse this situation to promote improved health and well-being for this group of children and, thereby, Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities.

Students are required to work with academic mentors from their respective university programs to submit a proposal on how they would develop a project to Break the Cycle. All proposals will be reviewed, and a limited number will be selected based on relevance to the cycle of environmental health disparities, creativity, feasibility, and strength of the project plan. Those selected will have the opportunity to work with the Break the Cycle faculty and with other students from around the country and internationally, to see the project to completion and present their research results and findings at an annual conference in Atlanta scheduled for the spring of 2020. There will be monthly conference calls to review projects and provide perspectives and guidance on the projects. During these conference calls, faculty and students will have the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with their counterparts in other disciplines at other universities. Students will also be required to write a scientific paper on their project which will be published in an international peer-review journal as well as a chapter in a book.

Since the inception of the Break the Cycle program in 2004-2005, have we partnered with over 30 different university departments in 11 States in the USA as well as internationally, and have supported research for over 100 students. We have had 10 monographs published in international journals and 10 books. In 2012 we conducted a survey of past students who rated their experience with Break the Cycle valuable, and many continued to pursue careers related to their Break the Cycle projects.

We invite students to submit a proposal abstract (form enclosed) by September 20th, 2019. Proposals received will be reviewed by a Break the Cycle panel and decisions of the panel will be communicated to all applicants by October 4th, 2019. We are looking forward to working with students and their mentors on the 15th annual Break the Cycle program and making this year another great success. Costs of travel and lodging for the student and faculty mentor to the annual conference will be supported by Break the Cycle. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at lrubi01 [at] emory [dot] edu or our Project Coordinator, Nathan Mutic at nathan [dot] mutic [at] emory [dot] edu and we will be happy to discuss potential projects with you.

If you are interested, click HERE for another resource.

NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program

NGFP places highly qualified graduate students into year-long assignments across the NNSA nuclear security mission space, including:

Nonproliferation. Fellows work closely with international partners, key U.S. federal agencies, U.S. national laboratories, and the private sector to detect, secure, and dispose of dangerous nuclear and radiological material, and related weapons of mass destruction technology and expertise.

Stockpile Stewardship. Fellows work to ensure the Nation sustains a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent through the application of science, technology, engineering, and manufacturing. The central mission includes maintaining the active stockpile, life extension programs, and weapons dismantlement.

Infrastructure and Oversight. Fellows contribute to the secure production and laboratory infrastructure that meet immediate and long-term needs. This work includes the people, systems, and processes necessary to succeed in the acquisition of mission capabilities, products, and services.
Each fellow is assigned to a specific NNSA program or site office. During their year-long assignments, fellows participate in professional development, training, and networking opportunities with leaders from across the nuclear security enterprise. Actual events and activities vary by year.

For more information and to apply, click HERE.

Public Health Fellowship in Government, APHA

The American Public Health Association, is now accepting applications for the 2020 APHA Public Health Fellowship in Government. This is the 11th year APHA is offering this fellowship, which has been described as an “amazing,” “phenomenal” and “life altering” experience by previous fellows.

Candidates must have strong public health credentials and be able to spend one year in Washington, D.C. The fellow will have the option of working in the House or Senate on legislative and policy issues such as creating healthy communities, improving health equity, addressing environmental health concerns, population health or the social determinants of health.

Training for the fellowship will begin in January 2020, so you must be able to move to the Washington, D.C., area in January and stay through December 2020. The fellowship provides a unique learning experience and demonstrates the value and need for basing policy on sound science. Throughout the year, the fellow will gain a practical knowledge of government and how the public policy process works.

To be eligible for the Fellowship, candidates must meet all of the following criteria:

1. be an APHA member.

2. have a graduate degree in public health or a related discipline.

3. have at least five years’ experience as a public health professional beyond graduate or medical training.

4. be a citizen of the U.S. or its territories or have permanent residence status in the U.S.

Applications, additional information and brief articles from previous fellows are available on APHA’s website. The application, a CV and three letters of recommendation are due to APHA by 6 p.m. ET on Sept. 4, 2019.

For more information, please contact us at aphafellowship [at] apha [dot] org or 202-777-2510.

Professional Healthcare Worker – Epidemiology

The Georgia Department of Public Health is the lead agency entrusted by the people of the state of Georgia with the ultimate responsibility for the health of communities and the entire population.

The agency is seeking three (3) highly qualified candidates for the position of Professional Healthcare Worker within the Epidemiology Section/Office.

The incumbents will be employed for approximately 15-20 hours per week. The pay will be $14 an hour. The schedule is flexible, but the employees must conduct interviews, enter data, and perform other activities at the Department of Public Health offices in downtown Atlanta during normal business hours for more than half of the total weekly work time. Additional interviews and duties can be conducted during weeknight and weekend hours. This job can potentially include more hours during the summer and holiday breaks.

Job Responsibilities
The Georgia Department of Public Health is looking for three (3) current MPH students or an incoming MPH-seeking students to assist in patient interviewing, data entry, data collection, data management, medical chart reviews, and other clerical work. These positions include calling cases and controls to conduct interviews related to communicable disease surveillance, special studies, and outbreaks. Data entry and management responsibilities will include using various databases, such as Excel, Access, and the Georgia electronic notifiable disease system. Although the person(s) filling these positions will have the opportunity to learn about notifiable disease surveillance in general, the focus will be following up on reportable enteric disease cases and invasive bacterial disease surveillance conducted by the Emerging Infections Program.

These positions could fulfill MPH practicum requirements. As part of a practicum experience, the students will:
1. Gain an understanding of how notifiable disease surveillance functions.
2. Understand how outbreak investigations are conducted.
3. Have an opportunity to analyze notifiable disease surveillance, study, and/or outbreak data.

These positions are temporary and intended for students enrolled in an accredited public health degree program as the intention of the job duties is to provide applied public health knowledge and skills. These positions are also limited to 2 years contingent on availability of funds.

Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree and one year of work related experience
Four years of work related experience at an executive level

Preferred Qualifications:

Students seeking Master in Public Health or related degree from an accredited degree program
Experience working with databases
Experience conducting interviews

For more information and to apply, click HERE.

Help Grady Address Food Insecurity

The Atlanta Community Food Bank, Open Hand Atlanta, and Grady are bringing back the true purpose of food. To fuel our bodies and bind us together as a community with a renewed focus on health and healing. Now you can be part of it.

Volunteers support our day-to-day operations by unloading, sorting, and packing food – right here at Grady.

If you have questions about volunteering at Grady, please contact Krystle Richardson at knrichardson [at] gmh [dot] edu

Volunteer with Fulton County Board Of Health Survey, 9/1

The Fulton County Board of Health (FCBOH) is again soliciting student volunteers for their second annual Pride festival survey! Focusing on knowledge, attitudes and barriers to use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among priority populations like men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender persons who reside in Fulton County, this survey will collect data to help the county refine their PrEP services to individuals at greatest risk of HIV.

The first event that the county will be administering the survey at this year will be the Atlanta Black Pride Weekend on Sunday, September 1.  This will take place in Piedmont Park in Midtown.

Please contact Udodirim Onwubiko, MBBS MPH at Udodirim [dot] Onwubiko [at] fultoncountyga [dot] gov

Community Benefit Practicum – Food as Medicine, Grady

Grady’s Community Benefit team is responsible for the triennial Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and develops the strategy to implement the resulting Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Two of our top priorities are diabetes and hypertension. Using the Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement (ARCHI) framework, Grady works to enable healthy behaviors and improve care coordination to both prevent and manage these chronic conditions.

In 2017, Grady established the Food as Medicine (FAM) Partnership with the Atlanta Community Food Bank and Open Hand Atlanta to address food access and chronic disease among Grady patients, employees and the greater community. Through this partnership, Grady will be opening a FAM Center at Grady Memorial Hospital which will include a Food Pharmacy, Teaching Kitchen, and Farmers Market. Grady is looking for two students to assist with implementation and evaluation of FAM programming including the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription (FVRx) Program, Fresh Food Carts at Grady’s Brookhaven clinic, FAM volunteer opportunities, employee wellness efforts, and grant reporting requirements.


The practicum students will work directly with Grady’s Community Benefit Manager in the Strategic Planning and Business Development Department. Tasks may include:

· Assist with data collection, entry and analysis for FVRx program surveys and clinical data

· Support patient engagement in FVRx

· Support FAM volunteer recruitment, onboarding and training

· Coordinate volunteer schedules and field volunteer inquiries

· Participate in FAM Center and Fresh Food Cart volunteer activities in order to refine roles, responsibilities, and training needs

· Continue development of employee engagement opportunities related to FAM and develop evaluation plan based on selected strategies

· Assist with required FAM reporting for research and philanthropic grants


The practicum may take place over one or two semesters. The Food as Medicine Center is expected to open in October 2019.

Grady Health System Requirements

Students will be expected to complete a background check, drug screening, and health clearance through the ACEMAPP platform at their own expense (estimated cost is $100-150).

Apply on Handshake

Street Medicine Volunteer Oppertunity

Street Medicine is now accepting volunteer applications! Street Medicine is the result of a partnership between Health Students Taking Action Together (H-STAT) and Mercy Care Hospital, and it involves pairing allied health students with a mobile Street Medicine team to provide the unsheltered of Atlanta with psychiatric and primary care. It’s an amazing opportunity for students who are interested in using their clinical skills to give back to the Atlanta community. We are now accepting applications for a new round of volunteers to come out and work with us!

If you are interested and you fit the criteria below, please turn in an application! If you have already applied before, you can send a truncated version of the essay answers.


Want to volunteer with Street Medicine?

Health Students Taking Action Together, Inc. partners with Mercy Care to provide allied health student volunteers with an opportunity to work as a part of a Street Medicine team. The Street Medicine program provides primary care and psychiatric services to those living unsheltered in downtown Atlanta by traveling to these communities and offering on-site care. In addition to two student volunteers, this team includes a peer-outreach specialist who is well connected to the daily ‘heartbeat’ of the homeless community, one or more clinicians, and an RN/administrator to ensure that the evening runs smoothly.

In order to volunteer for Street Medicine, you must:

be currently in or have completed at least one clinical rotation in your graduate program prior to the start of your volunteer month (e.g. If your first clinical rotation is in August, you can apply for the months of September forward)
be able to serve on 4 to 5 consecutive Mondays (5:45-10:00pm), Tuesday (2:45-7:00pm), Wednesday (2:45-7:00pm), or Thursday (1:30-5:30pm)
submit a short application by 11:59p on Friday, 07/26/19.

Attend a MANDATORY training session on either:
Thursday 8/08/19 from 6:30p-8:30p
Thursday 8/15/19 from 6:30p-8:30p
Students who have previously attended a Street Medicine orientation are excused, but there are otherwise NO exceptions.

Please be sure to submit your application on time. Feel free to email Suhaib Abaza (suhaib [at] Healthstatgeorgia [dot] org) with any questions!

To apply, click HERE

To learn more about Mercy Care, click HERE.

Community Benefit Practicum – Walk the Line, Grady

Grady’s Community Benefit team is responsible for the triennial Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and develops the strategy to implement the resulting Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Two of our top priorities are diabetes and hypertension. Using the Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement (ARCHI) framework, Grady works to enable healthy behaviors to both prevent and manage these chronic conditions.

In 2017, Grady launched a community-based wellness program, Walk the Line, in partnership with the Atlanta BeltLine. The goal of the program is to reduce chronic disease risk factors among residents of neighborhoods adjacent to the BeltLine. During this ten week program, participants walk on the trail, learn from health experts, share healthy meals, receive health coaching, and build relationships with residents who have similar health goals. Grady is looking for two students to assist with implementation and evaluation of Walk the Line.


The practicum students will work directly with Grady’s Community Benefit Manager in the Strategic Planning and Business Development Department. Tasks may include:

· Coordinate weekly WTL schedule including guest speakers, participant materials, and health coach communication

· Lead participant recruitment and enrollment

· Assist with development of program curriculum and participant resources

· Collect and analyze participant data related to health knowledge, behaviors, and outcomes

· Draft communications materials and reports

· Serve as a health coach for program participants

Schedule permitting, the practicum student may assist with other Community Benefit initiatives; these may include:

· Draft Community Benefit communications materials or reports

· Research best practices to inform Grady’s CHIP

· Support Grady’s Food as Medicine program implementation or evaluation


The practicum may take place over one or two semesters. Grady has two sessions of Walk the Line planned: fall 2019 and spring 2020.

Grady Health System Requirements

Students will be expected to complete a background check, drug screening, and health clearance through the ACEMAPP platform at their own expense (estimated cost is $100-150).

Apply on Handshake

Free Resources for Learning R

There are many free courses and resources available to learn R. Follow the links below to explore some of the resources available.

For a list of courses, click HERE and HERE.

Upcoming Events

  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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