Chair’s Chat, 1/14

Chair’s Chat, 1/14

Category : News/Events

Join the Epidemiology Department for Chair’s Chat Tuesday, January 14. Please RSVP on canvas as soon as possible!

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  • Diabetes Landscape in Malaysia September 23, 2024 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm… Online Location: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Lee-Ling Lim, MBBS, PhDContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduLink: Lim is a Consultant Endocrinologist and Head of the Diabetes Care Unit at the University of Malaya, Malaysia, with an honorary role at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Australia.Recognized among the World’s Top 2% Scientists.
  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar September 26, 2024 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series Event Type: Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Arman Oganisian, PhDContact Name: Mary AbosiContact Email: mabosi@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR PLAZA - Rollins AuditoriumTitle: Bayesian Semiparametric Inference for Dynamic Treatment Strategies with Informative Timing
  • Introduction to Cognitively-Based Compassion Training® October 30, 2024 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture Event Type: Guest LectureSeries: HR Professional Development Series: Fall 2024Contact Name: Jean MeierContact Email: jmeier2@emory.eduLink: workshop will give a brief introduction to CBCT® (Cognitively Based Compassion Training), a secular method for training compassion. This presentation will provide a primer to the longer course which is available from the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based…

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