#WeAreEmoryEPI: Meet Izzy Kates

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Meet Izzy Kates

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Izzy Kates is a second-year student in the Global Epidemiology program interested in infectious disease epidemiology. This week we caught up with him to learn more about his background, how he’s spent time during the pandemic, and more!


Tell us a little bit about your academic history/where you went to school.

I majored in Behavioral and Community Health at University of Maryland, College Park, and minored in International Development and Conflict Management.



What are your primary research interests?

I am interested in infectious disease epidemiology, One Health, and immuno-epidemiology.



How have you been navigating the work (& learn) from home experience during the COVID-19 outbreak?

It’s been difficult, not going to lie. But it helps to have my dog and a constant supply of chocolate!



Are there any exciting projects that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us?

I work with a team out of UC-Berkeley screening pre-prints related to COVID-19 for rapid review by subject matter and methodological experts. It’s been a great way to learn about new research and get involved! 


What is your favorite part about earning your MPH at Emory?

Definitely my favorite part of earning my MPH at Emory is the student community, which is so strong and supportive.



What advice do you have for 1st year MPH Students?

My first piece of advice is to make relationships with faculty. Email them and ask about their projects.



What books are you currently reading, or what podcasts are you currently listening to? 

I’m currently reading 1491 by Charles Mann, which is all about the Americas before Columbus. I’m also reading Truman Capote’s true-crime classic In Cold Blood. My favorite podcasts right now are all sports-related, but I also love epi podcasts, like Casual Inference and Free Associations!



What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?

1. I was highly allergic to milk until I was ~20, so the first bite of pizza I had was in my 20s

2. I grew up Orthodox Jewish (no phones on Saturdays!)

3. My father started a new career in his 60s and now teaches English to high school and college students in Ukraine.



Thanks to Izzy for taking the time to share about himself! We’ll be back next week with another #WeAreEmoryEpi Spotlight.

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