Podcast changes

I really liked that other people not only used fellow students in their interview, but that podcast creators used their friends as the actual interviewers. It seemed to put the student whose project it was in the seat of a director, making them seem so in control of their podcast that they didn’t even need to hold the main role in the podcast. I really liked that aspect of everyone else’s podcast (my favorite) because it made the conversationality of the podcast so much more smooth. This, along with the different uses of sound effects made others’ podcasts so special. I used sound effects as well, but the transition music in association with humorous sound effects made their podcasts so success. An idea that I would like to steal would be splitting my podcast up into the hoax itself and then an explanation of the hoax and why it should/should not have been successful. Another part of others’ podcasts I would steal would be the use of different parts and subjects incorporated into a single podcast. One example was Kristi’s and how she used the snow as her highlighted topic, but then began to discuss the rhinoceros. It all still tied together and I really liked that.

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