Category Archives: Uncategorized

Podcast Script Rough Draft 1

Here is my rough podcast script, with the audience at the bottomHester_Podcast_Script_Draft

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Podcast Audience + Script Rough Draft

Script Idea 2

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Podcast Rough Draft

Attached is my draft of my podcast with a paragraph about the audience here.

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Get ready…

I’ve done it! A first draft of my podcast exists and you have access to it here!

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Branding Swiss Spaghetti

For my Swiss Spaghetti podcast, two ways have emerged in which I can approach the situation. The first being a radio talk similar to that of Sawbones where I would be discussing the phenomenon and invite a guest (i.e. Swiss farmer) onto … Continue reading

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Two Methods of describing a hoax via podcast

One would be a humorously sarcastic approach where I make serious remarks but use vocal inflection to infer its non sincerity. This would be similar to the podcast making fun of those who fell for the War of Worlds hoax. … Continue reading

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Podcast Styles

1. I could create a podcast that is a historical reflection of the hoax itself. This could include the author, her article and its creation process, her accomplishments, the discovery of the hoax, and then the implications. 2. The second style … Continue reading

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Gen Pets Marketing

As I briefly mentioned in the last post, my approach for the podcast will be to actually sell Gen Pets through a more a marketing/ advertising manner. My podcast will be like a commercial. To make the podcast completely believable, not only … Continue reading

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I laugh at your absurdity

As I mentioned before in my original post, I plan to approach my hoax from a comedic standpoint. To do this, I want to expose contradictions within my hoax and then show the absurdity that people believed. That way, I … Continue reading

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Y2K Podcast Brand

I would like to portray most of my podcast in a very talk show like manner. I will be including one or two guests to host a discussion with on my hoax, hopefully creating an engaging and thought-provoking atmosphere. I … Continue reading

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